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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 2]

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Regarding my qoute about mid tech

You guys are talking about PAFs best fighters or top line being FC20 & F16/52.. IN PARTICULAR with regards to tackling SU30MKI...

And you have quoted JF17 being your meduim tech class fighters available in large nos.

I have also based the assumption on cost.

ie F16/52 $45M each

FC20 $40m each

JF17 $17M each (although a major upgrade with french tech will add $10-20m each jet) depending on wat changes you make.
This is funny as hell. The above uninformed kid (iceman) says in his previous posts JF-17 is a 3rd generation fighter, just a piece of junk that can only beat Mig-21 bison and nothing more (LMAO).

THEN in the above posts he says that it will take just as long to build and induct it as the advanced 4.5 gen MMRCA?
Actually realistically Chinese PESA radars will be out in next 2 years which are already tagged as better than any Radar in Inventory with IAF on board MIG 29s, M2000, Jags, MIG 21, mig 27, future lca...i doubt LCA will have aesa radar till 2017 because India is more interested in investment in mrca almost dead story though so most of the funds are diverted to MRCA than LCA cuz of its continuous failure news...
by 2015 China will definitely have AESA for j-10s...and JF-17 might get a downgraded AESA by that time..BY 2015-2017 All jf-17 can not only take over MIG 21 BIS but jags, mig 23, mig, 27, lca as well as mig 29..it will all come up to fleets P.A.F fleets tech by 2016-2017 will be all too excellent with J-10 and JF-17 going AESA plus Mirages might also get AESA...around 60 Mirages
thats 130 JF-17 with AESA radars
36-54 J-10 wth AESA
Mirage 3-5 60 AESA
240-250 AESA enabled Fighters in Inventory
Mid tech

PAF 8-10 JF17

WILL INDUCT 50 by 2012 BLOCK 1 = KLJ7 radar chinease avionics

100+ block 2 by 2017 = western radar weapons engine not yet decided

you seem to be very confident of the dates - which are completely incorrect - what is your source please.

Well, these Indians are very good at estimating and telling prophecies. All of them love to speculate and belittle through cheap and useless talk. They act like little professors and insiders with complete knowledge. Nothing factual though. Almost every Indian on this forum hasn't even seen a passenger jet, let alone JF-17 that they eagerly like to speculate about. Where they get the courage to lecture us on our own capabilities is beyond my comprehension. I'm glad though that they keep on underestimating us. That's exactly where our strength lies. We surprised the world when we tested our nukes. We surprised everyone when we tested BMs and CMs. We will keep on surprising... No doubt about it. These are the same Indians that weep like a baby when Pakistan signs contracts for RD-93s, U-214s, F-16s etc. We shouldn't take these insecure and paranoid Indians all too seriously.
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ANy expert here Positively tell me that whether JF17 moved in SUPERCRUISE speed or not?
And nobody here told that whther JF17 has fired SD10 or not

I am anxiously looking for the answers of both questions??????
JF17 moved in SUPERCRUISE speed or not?

I don't think the JF-17 is supposed to be able to supercruise, not with all the drama/controversy surrounding its engine and TWR. I think what you mean is, has the JF-17 gone supersonic yet? I would like to know that as well.
Dude what is your problem with the JF-17? You seem to be paranoid about it. Tell me what do you know about the JF-17 program other then what you can find on wikipedia that you have started to make comparisons. Have you forgotten that JF-17 will not be the only jet in the PAF inventory, jets like the F-16s mlus and block-52 along with FC-20 will also be present to deal with any possible Indian threat in the future. Moreover apart from reading wikipedia and basing facts on that which can be altered at any time by some one obsessed like you, just wait and watch, let the program get matured and let JF-17 inducted first and then make a comparision. The top brass of PAF isn't stupid that they will put their future in a jet that cannot handle future challenges posed to them by the superior IAF.
Let me tell you this that JF-17 even in its current configuration is better then our block-15 F-16s, what makes you think that the future blocks wont be better then the block-52.Think

well i dont understand what is the problem with this forumn,

i have always tried to be respectfull to seniors but i think many take it for-granted!!

can anyone here kindly point out any thing in my post that may have insulted the JF17!!

i dont think so!!

what i think is that this a disscussion forum and that is what we should do here, rather than criticizing one another for nothing

all i wanted to say in my post is that we cannot compare PAF with IAF by saying that as the indain are undertaking the MKI deal and MRCA project we still stand shoulder to shoulder with them by inducting JF17

with all the love for our very own JF17, i do not find it to be competing with the MRCA project planes, this is what is true, weather it is written on wikipedia or on this very forum!

i will like to ask the senior members to help and support juniors rather than trying to humilate them!!

thankyou and sorry if anyone got offended!


ANy expert here Positively tell me that whether JF17 moved in SUPERCRUISE speed or not?
And nobody here told that whther JF17 has fired SD10 or not

I am anxiously looking for the answers of both questions??????

no dear the supercruise thing is not correct. the JF17 with a thrust to weight ratio of just 0.98, currently is not able to perform feats but probably the next blocks with better engine and reduced weight due to increased use of avionics may help to acheive this land mark.

as for the BVR test, nothing can be said until some one very near to PAF of the JF17 project tells something. as far as i am concerned i think that the planes are currently being evaluated with more stress on there land attack role. but still nothing can be said as the batch of 10 planes are being evaluated by the PAF pilots and there may have been such tests conducted.

i would like to reques someone with proper knowledge of the project to guide us

Is there a OFFICIAL CHENGDU website which we can see to assess and monitor the progress of the JF17 Thunder.

ie Timeline of prgress from first flight to today.

Wen IOC will be achieved and FOC.

We have endless speculation re JF17 yet no one has too many hard facts.
Is there a OFFICIAL CHENGDU website which we can see to assess and monitor the progress of the JF17 Thunder.
ie Timeline of prgress from first flight to today.
Wen IOC will be achieved and FOC.
We have endless speculation re JF17 yet no one has too many hard facts.
No, you have endless speculation and you do not have hard facts. People who follow the PAF already know the hard facts, but biased doubters like you do not want to believe the hard facts, that is all.

I myself have posted when the first JF-17 squadron will be operational many times in response to your ramblings, you must have read these posts because you quoted and replied to them. Other members have posted videos of the Air Chief confirming the first JF squadron will be operational by end of March 2009, yet you still don't believe it?

If you come here looking for facts, but then don't believe the facts when they are presented to you, what the hell are you doing here?
the first JF squadron will be operational by end of March 2009, yet you still don't believe it?

HJ Thats like a few weeks away...

The first Squadron ??????

We shall see !!!!!
^^ there are already 15-16 that have been built, how many does it take to have a squadron?
^^ there are already 15-16 that have been built, how many does it take to have a squadron?

well the JF17 squadrons at least the first few will be comprising 18 or 19 planes!
the first few will be dedicated to ground support role and thus can be considered replacement of the A5 land attack squadrons that PAF currently operates!

hope it helps!!
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