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JF-17 Thunder - Information Pool




Diverterless Inlet The F-35's diverterless inlet lightens the overall weight of the aircraft. Traditional aircraft inlets were comprised of many moving parts and are much heavier than newer diverterless inlets. The diverterless inlet also eliminates all moving parts.







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prototype 1 and 4
prototype 4 and 6

just needed to post the basic design evolution of jf17 - to stop the speculations - important to point out jf17 prototype4 had radical changes from prototype1
Apologies if this has been posted before since I have been away for some time. If that is the case, simply delete this thread.

The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) Kamra has updated its website.​

Check it out at
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Pakistan Aeronautical Complex

Notice the updated information about JF-17 Thunder, particularly the thrust-to-weight ratio which is stated to be around 1.01.

Length 47 ft
Height 15.5 ft
Wingspan 31 ft
Empty Weight 14,520 lb

Maximum Take Off Weight 27,300 lb

Max Mach No 1.6

Maximum Speed 700 Knots IAS

Service Ceiling 55,500 ft

Thrust to Weight Ratio 1.01 approx

Maximum Engine Thrust 19,180 lb

G Limit +8,-3

Ferry Range 1,880 NM


No of Stations 07

Total Load Capacity 8000 lb

NB:(unless this is a mistake) note it states that PAC will have exclusive rights to manufacture 58% of the airframe.

----------------------------Gripen ---JF17[blk1]----F16[blk30]

LENGTH [M]----------------14.1---14.0----14.8
WING AREA [M2]------------30.0---24.5----27.0
THRUST [KN]---------------80.5---84.4---127.0
MAX SPEED -----------------2.0----1.8-----2.0
COMBAT RADIUS[KM]----------800---1352----1500
FERRY RANGE [KM]-----------3200---3000----4000
SERVICE CIELING[M]-------15000--16700---17000
WING LOADING[KG/M2]--------333----370----431
THRUST TO WT--------------0.97---0.99----1.09

the empty wt and total loaded wt is where we have to work on , rest of the parameters are quite similar

JAS 39 GripenC/D-- empty 6,622 kg- max. take-off 12,473 kg
JF-17- empty weight 6,320 kg- max take-off weight 12,700 kg
F-16A/B/C/D - empty 8,273 kg -max. take-off 19,187 lb

grippen Hardpoints: 8 (three on each wing and two under fuselage)
f16 Hardpoints: 2× wing-tip Air-to-air missile launch rails, 6× under-wing & 3× under-fuselage pylon stations

now , lets plug the new numbers to our previous available numbers..hmm the numbers are in different units , and im no maths person , would appreciate conversions!


Compare Aircraft
now , lets plug the new numbers to our previous available numbers..hmm the numbers are in different units , and im no maths person , would appreciate conversions!


-Lenth 14.33 meter
-height 4.72 meter
-wing span 9.45 meter
-empty weight 6586.26 Kg

-Max take off weight 12383.28 Kg
-max speed 1.6 at high altitude
-speed at low altitude that is 700 knots = 1.02 mach
-service ceiling 16916.4 meter roughly 17 Km
-maximum engin thrust 8700 Kg .i.e 85 Kn
-ferry range 3481.76 Km

-Total Load capacity 3628.8 Kg

hope helped
MIL-STD-1553 was first published as a U.S. Air Force standard in 1973, and first was used on the F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter aircraft. Other aircraft designs quickly followed, including the F-18 Hornet and F-20 Tigershark. It now is widely used by all branches of the U.S. military and has been adopted by NATO as STANAG 3838 AVS.

The primary goal of the 1553B was to provide flexibility without creating new designs for each new user. This was accomplished by specifying the electrical interfaces explicitly so that electrical compatibility between designs by different manufacturers could be assured.

JF17--- 04 uses all digital integrated electronic display. all computers/electronics uses 2 STD-MTL-1553B databus combined, curren info shared repository and shared data repository. According to demand, it also divides into weapons w/commands, radar, EW, communication, electronic control, payload control, FBW and so on. This avionics system's core lies in 2 advanced weapons controlling computer. these two computers do something... Each computer controls 1 double thick 1553B databus

JF-17 has MIL-STD-1760 data bus architecture as well as the MIL-STD-1553, thus whatever is compatible with these two standards, can be integrated with the JF-17, provided the source codes are available.


thanks to airmarshal
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KLJ-7 Airborne Radar
The KLJ-7 is an X-band airborne fire-control radar (FCR) uses a mechanically-steered slotted array antenna. The KLJ-7 has multiple modes, both beyond-visual-range (BVR) and close-in air-to-air modes, ground surveillance modes and a robust anti-jamming capability. The radar can reportedly manage up to 40 targets, monitor up to 10 of them in track-while-scan (TWS) mode and simultaneously fire on two BVR targets.

* Frequency : X-band
* A mechanically-steered slotted array antenna
* 14 Operational Modes
* Range more than 100 km
* Total targets tracked: 10 in TWS (Track-While-Scan) mode
* Reliability:
o MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure): 220 hours
o MTTR (Mean Time To Recovery): 0.5 hours
* Weight less than 120 kg
* Composition
o Antenna Unit
o Receiver Unit
o Transmitter Unit
o Processor Unit
o Power Supply Unit
o Auxiliary Transmitter Unit

Co-produced Projects

* Grifo Radar
* Radar Warning Receiver
* IFF System
* Light Warning System
* KLJ-7 Airborne Radar

Indigenous Projects

* Data Transfer Unit (DTU)
* Digital Video Recorder
* IFF Conversion Box
* Audio Control Box (ACB)
* RF Reversing Unit (RRU)


* Ground Base Radar MRO
* Electronic Design / Dev
* Electronics Production
* Electronics Testing
* Environmental Stress Screening



took awhile to make this one..
Pakistan Air Force News by Alan Warnes in AirForces Monthly April Issue
  • Activation of No 5 Sqd with F-16 Block 52+
  • Negotiation for 2nd batch of 50 JF-17s is almost complete
  • Third JF-17 Sqd will be an "undisclosed Mirage unit" (As indicated earlier Pakistan Air Force is replacing old Mirages with F-16s/JF-17s )
  • Three SAAB-2000 AEW&C Erieyes now in service along with trainer version with Pakistan Air Force
  • First Chinese AWACs arriving in May and it will have an AESA Radar
  • Three Il-76 tankers in service with Pakistan Air Force.
  • By 2015 all 3 Mirage ROSE Sqds will be IFR equipped along with the JF-17s.
  • Pakistan Air Force is looking for KC-135s via EDA.
  • Separate Claim (Hard to Believe)that Pakistan Air Force might not purchase the Chinese J-10 due to lack of funds

some new info -- i hope the j10 info is bogus
some info on sd10b

SD-10B will have a reduced volume weight
Although the excellent performance of SD-10A, but there are some of the shortcomings of the missile, and the United States in the distance AIM-120 Missile (AIM-120A weighs only 157 kg) than its larger size and weight obviously, so with smaller aircraft in combat a greater impact on its performance. 如配备在JF-17机翼靠近外侧的挂架时,需要挂架前伸以调节重心。 If equipped with the JF-17 near the outer wing pylons, the pylons need to reach to adjust focus. 还有一点不容忽视的是中国正在研制第四代战斗机,届时将采用内埋弹舱以提高飞机的隐身能力。 Another point should not be overlooked is the fourth-generation fighter aircraft being developed, will be buried inside the bomb bay used to enhance the aircraft's stealth capabilities. 如果体积较大,将直接影响中国第四代战斗机的载弹量,所以SD-10B作为一款未来将配备国产四代机的空空导弹除了要进行性能上的必要提升外,还要和AIM-120C系列一样,对导弹的体积和重量进行了一定的缩减,以提高导弹的适载范围和挂载能力。 If larger, it will directly affect China's fourth-generation fighter load of bombs, so the SD-10B made as a four generations of the future will be equipped with machine-air missiles in addition to the need to improve on the performance, but also, and AIM- 120C series, as the size and weight of the missile, which must be reduced to improve the relevance of the missile range and mount capability set

SD-10B may be equipped with the Active / Passive Composite Seeker

SD-10B is said the most striking is its use of the "active / passive" composite terminal guidance system, be pointed out that in the long range air to air missile with passive guidance capability, which is the source of interference guidance system, that is, the process of missile attack interference in the cast if the target, the missile guidance antenna conversion receiver interference signal to attack the source of interference. 不过从报道分析,SD-10B应该没有采用干扰源制导这种方式,而是使用了主/被动复合制导导引头,实际上SD-10B并不是第一个计划采用这种导引头的空空导弹,AIM-120就曾经计划加装被动雷达导引头,而俄罗斯也曾经研制成功研制出9B-1032被动雷达导引头,配备在R-27导弹上面,不过改进后的R-27只是单纯被动制导方式。 But from the reports and analysis, SD-10B should not be guided by the source of interference in this way, but the use of the Active / Passive Composite Seeker, in fact, is not the first SD-10B plan to use this air to air missile seeker , AIM-120 was planned to install a passive radar seeker, and Russia has also been developed successfully developed 9B-1032 passive radar seeker, is equipped with top of the R-27 missiles, but improved simply a passive R-27 guidance system

Source of guidance and interference is different from Active / Passive Composite Seeker add passive guidance system is to receive each other's airborne radar waves, requires a one-way passive receiver to receive signals, so the signal strength of radio signals over high bidirectional transmission of radar, this very on increasing the radar's power, under the radar range equation, radar detection range and the present transmission power is proportional to, and limited internal space for air to air missile, it is difficult to improve transmission power, so adding a passive radar guidance system can be improved to some extent terminal guidance radar detection range.

But its also great technical difficulties, the first frequency of the passive guidance system wide, less accuracy, especially in airborne radar target is a high speed, next-generation active phased array radar and uses flash and burst, etc. low probability of intercept mode, so the new primary air to air missile / passive guidance system requires the ability both to work simultaneously in order to improve target location accuracy.

There is limited space within the same missile body furnished master / passive guidance system is difficult, the current solution is the Active / Passive guidance systems share a common antenna to form a composite broadband antenna, and also solve the broadband antenna cover, high sensitivity Broadband receivers and other technical difficulties, in particular, there are two guidance systems work simultaneously to solve two kinds of guidance information, information fusion problem. 所以目前还没有相关系统投入实用的报道。 So there is no related systems into useful reports. 如果SD-10B真的配备是这种导引头,那的确是中国导弹技术水平一个重大的突破。 If the SD-10B is equipped with this is the true seeker, it is indeed a significant level of Chinese missile technology breakthrough.

Pakistan Air Force in the use of SD-10B from the air to air missiles means Xiaolong fighter will continue to use China's avionics system, the future Xiaolong fighter will be equipped with active phased array radar, in line with China forward in the ZDK-03 Pakistan-based early warning aircraft bound to a substantial increase in air combat aircraft performance, and the formation of a new generation of air combat system. 届时枭龙战机也将完全可以对抗装备有BARS无源相控阵雷达和R-77E中距空空导弹的印度空军苏-30MKI战斗机,从而大大改善目前巴基斯坦在印巴空军对比中的劣势处境。 Xiaolong fighters will also be fully equipped with BARS against the passive phased array radar and the R-77E air to air missiles in the Indian Air Force from the Su-30MKI fighters, which greatly improve the contrast of Pakistan Air Force in the India-Pakistan situation of disadvantage.

而单从性能上来看,SD-10B重量在180公斤左右,最大动力射程约100公里,作战性能应该与美军现役AIM-120C5相当,与美国最新型的AIM-120C7和在研的AIM-120D仍有较大差距。 And just from the performance point of view, SD-10B weight of 180 kg, the maximum dynamic range of about 100 kilometers, the U.S. military operational performance should be quite active AIM-120C5, and the United States, the latest model of AIM-120C7 and AIM-120D in the study of there is still a wide gap.

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