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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

I wonder what would the its maximum time on station in this configuration.

I remember reading time on station in clean configuration is a little over an hour.
I wonder what would the its maximum time on station in this configuration.

I remember reading time on station in clean configuration is a little over an hour.

That is where air-to-air refuellers come in - they help increases on-station time.
That is where air-to-air refuellers come in - they help increases on-station time.
I am afraid that we won't have access to the required refulers in need.

So my question still stand. How much time on station in this configuration?
I am afraid that we won't have access to the required refulers in need.
why ??
4 refuelers are not enough considering those refuelers have got other tasks to do too namely transporting man and machines to the theatre.
Induction of JF-17 in PAF at mass level had a great challenge of training adequate number of pilots in short period of time. The targets were successfully achieved by PAF and now all these aircrew are multirole fighters, able to perform all kinds of missions.
PAF is not going to any kind of war with anyone anymore .. why to spend so many resources on these toys
the whole point is deterrence …ie have enough force that discourages enemy from taking advantage of you … so yes no change of war precisely because we have a strong Air Force
PAF is not going to any kind of war with anyone anymore .. why to spend so many resources on these toys
Thats wt u think with eyes closed
Much awaited feature in Thunder was its chin hardpoint. This hardpoint enables this jets to easily accomodate the ECM / ISR payloads without compromising its other munition and fuel stores. Punjnud ECM pod provides escort jamming capability alongside its already integrated SPJ.
I am afraid that we won't have access to the required refulers in need.

So my question still stand. How much time on station in this configuration?

This configuration---if it is really an actual strike configuration---will have enough time to do its job & come back---.

Readers must understand that the 'configurations' are not done for random disposition---.

After completion of task---the aircraft will fly back with enough fuel to land.
I am afraid that we won't have access to the required refulers in need.

So my question still stand. How much time on station in this configuration?
The aircraft are refuled as soon as they take off.
PAF can always opt to look into buddy refueling pods, if not mistaken PLAAN Flying Sharks do have that capability same as the USN's F-18s. A Single JF-17 with 3 odd fuel tanks taking off in formation flight could easily top off 4 odd JF-17s and return to base to refuel and be ready to go to refuel again.

PS: M-III/V are way to old but could use F-7s to perform the same task but fewer number of platforms refueled.
4 refuelers are not enough considering those refuelers have got other tasks to do too namely transporting man and machines to the theatre.
More will come soon from China. They are developing a Y 20 refueler version.
Yeah - I think PAF is waiting for the Y20 to mature and it does, it potentially will get them for transport, air-air refueling and possibly a home grown AEW&C / AWACs aircraft(!)
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