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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

Die Deutschen sind halt akribisch, faktisch und genau, und dass hat Sie auch weit gebracht, klar ist das kein Genuss, wenn man so nicht erzogen wurde. Aber es ist der einzig wahre Weg nach oben, ohne Betrug und Manipulation ! Hart arbeiten ! Sauber arbeiten ! Vertrauen ist gut Kontrolle ist besser !

In English: trust is good, controls are better !
I have experienced that and see it every day when my working colleague is complaining about me. This culture can be helpful and progressive but not enjoyable for us Pakistanis.
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Die Deutschen sind halt akribisch, faktisch und genau, und dass hat Sie auch weit gebracht, klar ist das kein Genuss, wenn man so nicht erzogen wurde. Aber es ist der einzig wahre Weg nach oben, ohne Betrug und Manipulation ! Hart arbeiten ! Sauber arbeiten ! Vertrauen ist gut Kontrolle ist besser !
In English:
I have experienced that and see it every day when my working colleague is complaining about me. This culture can be helpful and progressive but not enjoyable for us Pakistanis.
The best thing that I learned from german academic system is what I call "standing on your feet". In my first werken-student job, I was responsible for software design for 200K euro project for one of iPhone sub-systems suppliers. It really tested me to my limits. Having said that when an engineer gets to that level of competency, then it's mere a matter of time to start producing quality work. One recent example is I proposed a certain software idea in my recent job in aerospace domain, and guess what European Space Agency has a tool for that.
Block 3 is using the same old RD93 not even the MA.
But it's flying with additional electronics and AESA Radar and additional hard point. All that will need additional power.
From where that will come?
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Block 3 is using the same old RD93 not even the MA.
But it's flying with additional electronics and AESA Radar and additional hard point. All that will need additional power.
From where that will come?

The 'electric power' in a fighter jet comes from some type of motor that converts rotational motion into AC power. There a number of established ways to increase power: power cells (could be static or rechargeable) to supplant the engine power, and capacitative banks to supply a one time peak power after which they take time to charge back to full capacity. In the case of power cells, you are limited by storage capacity and recharge (if available) rate, whereas capacitative banks will give you a one off advantage then become unavailable until fully charged. Another innovative solution is to use a dedicated motor for generating electric power, separate from the engine. This would need extra space, fuel storage etc and would be a good solution for Block 3 which has been substantially redesigned. So, it is not always necessary to upgrade an aircraft's engine.

Of course, everything has a limitation. You simply cannot expect a JF-17 to work like an AEWACS running on turbo engines. But to a large extent, electric power can be supplied.
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Block 3 is using the same old RD93 not even the MA.
But it's flying with additional electronics and AESA Radar and additional hard point. All that will need additional power.
From where that will come?

Don't forget the removal of hydraulic backup in FCS and then enhanced use of composites. Not only it carries additional hardware, it will also carry a pair of extra larger PL-15s as well due to dual racks.
The 'electric power' in a fighter jet comes from some type of motor that converts rotational motional into AC power. There a number of established ways to increase power: power cells (could be static or rechargeable) to supplant the engine power, and capacitative banks to supply a one time peak power after which they take time to charge back to full capacity. In the case of power cells, you are limited by storage capacity and recharge (if available) rate, whereas capacitative banks will give you a one off advantage then become unavailable until fully charged. Another innovative solution is to use a dedicated motor for generating electric power, separate from the engine. This would need extra space, fuel storage etc and would be a good solution for Block 3 which has been substantially redesigned. So, it is not always necessary to upgrade an aircraft's engine.

Of course, everything has a limitation. You simply cannot expect a JF-17 to work like an AEWACS running on turbo engines. But to a large extent, electric power can be supplied.
Compact methanol fuel cell. This one needs hydrogen though but you can see its small dimensions.
I don’t want interfere, and I apologise in advance, what @Deino is doing is typically German mentality, and they get these teached in the school also, I have experienced that and see it every day when my working colleague is complaining about me. This culture can be helpful and progressive but not enjoyable for us Pakistanis.
I, on the other hand, have been working with the bosses from the Yellow race for the last 3 decades! They take it like a Master-student relationship with tightly knit secrets. And, they never complain to the outsiders...
Die Deutschen sind halt akribisch, faktisch und genau, und dass hat Sie auch weit gebracht, klar ist das kein Genuss, wenn man so nicht erzogen wurde. Aber es ist der einzig wahre Weg nach oben, ohne Betrug und Manipulation ! Hart arbeiten ! Sauber arbeiten ! Vertrauen ist gut Kontrolle ist besser !

In English: trust is good, controls are better !
I have experienced that and see it every day when my working colleague is complaining about me. This culture can be helpful and progressive but not enjoyable for us Pakistanis.

ok Euer Ehren, schuldig in allen Punkten der Anklage!

ok your honor, guilty on all counts according to the prosecution! :happy:
Looks like AESA took up extra space. They had to get rid of a few sensors at the front.
What amuses me here is how many on this forum keep asking "why can't JF-17 do this or that?"

All along JF-17 was designed as a F-5/MIG-21/F-7/Mirage III replacement. Not a F-16/Mirage 2000/Gripen/MIG-29 replacement.

Capabilities like IFR, BVR, LGBs, etc were never designed for light fighters. The fact JF-17 can do all of these is amazing and puts it leagues ahead of the types it was supposed to replace.

On the IFR probe front, an internal retractable probe (as opposed to a detachable one) takes up precious internal space and you only get these on a few large types F-18, Tornado etc.

The fact such a small fighter will have an AESA and the possibility to launch 4 PL-15s and 2 PL-10s gives us a light fighter with medium fighter capabilities.

Roles such as recce, deep strike, air superiority (as opposed to air defence) are the domain of medium/heavy types such as F-16/J-10/F-15/SU-30.

I find we often mingle light v medium capabilities when talking about JF-17. The plane was designed to help us get rid of F-6/F-7/Mirage III and give us a decent light fighter in affordable numbers, we will probably have close to 190-200 in service by 2025 and a few export orders.

J-10/AZM may well fully replace F-16s by 2030-2035 and I would not be surprised if the JF-17 is the very last light fighter PAF ever operates and switches to medium/large only fleet post 2035-2040

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