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Look who is talking about begging. Why buy engines from USA, when buying fighter Jet is more viable option? American engine in Chinese jet doesn’t make any sense. I am sorry Mods but these type of posts should be discouraged, where there’s enough proof that poster used his “Dhoui” rather than mind while posting.

May be he used his thui but looks
Like you don’t have either... Americans engines have been used on Chinese weapons systems before . Infact the current Z10 helicopter engine was copied straight from the American system .
I am pretty sure its the PL-10 and a Chinese HMD. But that's just me...
May be he used his thui but looks
Like you don’t have either... Americans engines have been used on Chinese weapons systems before . Infact the current Z10 helicopter engine was copied straight from the American system .

So, are you his secretary or you came up with fake profile? Bro we are not talking about your Thui, which can accommodate any size. We are talking about jet engines, ask yourself can you fix Civic engine in Mehran? Fighter jets are way more complicated.
May be he used his thui but looks
Like you don’t have either... Americans engines have been used on Chinese weapons systems before . Infact the current Z10 helicopter engine was copied straight from the American system .

What a piece of crap are you posting here? :hitwall::crazy:
What a piece of crap are you posting here? :hitwall::crazy:

U.S. irked about Chinese attack helicopters with Canadian engines

Manufacturer says they were sold for use only in civilian craft
CBC News

Posted: October 19, 2007

The U.S. State Department is investigating how aircraft engines made near Montreal ended up in attack helicopters in China.

The maker, Pratt and Whitney Canada,says it did nothing illegal. It delivered 10 engines to Bejing in 2001 and 2002 on conditionthey be used onlyin civilian aircraft.The Liberal government of the day approved the deal, a decision the present Conservative government is supporting.

It has been confirmed that the Chinese military put the Canadian engines inZ-10 attack helicopters,which can carry up to 16 anti-tank missiles.

An American military analyst, Richard Fisher, saidit should come as no surprise that China ignored the conditions of the sale.

"Somebody is asleep," he told CBC News. "I would suggest the Canadian government was not defending the interests of the Canadian people. The Z-10 is just one major military program amongst hundreds that China is pursuing in order to prepare for a possible war against Taiwan."

Fisher is a vice-president of a Washington think-tank, the International Assessment and Strategy Center,and a specialist in Chinese military affairs.He said the Z-10 could also end up in Sudan or Burma, also known as Myanmar.
Canada's trademinister, David Emerson, sees no reason to get upset.

"There are no more engines being exported," he said."I'm not sure what the U.S. is doing or notdoing, but as far as we're concerned, the case is really closed."

But aU.S. State Department official calls the situation serious.Under U.S. arms trafficking laws, Washington must give its approval for U.S. products and technology to be used for military purposes in a third country.

Pratt & Whitney Canada — a unit of Connecticut-based United Technologies, a big U.S. defence contractor — isn't talking about possible American content inthe engines.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

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Hey watch your language retard. I don’t know you. Educate yourself first :

:hitwall: Oh well, what a pathetic fan-boy.
That's one single case where a US engine sold via Canada was used in a few prototypes ... as such calm down your testosterone and esp your tone, do your homework and before your next time attack a moderator and senior member, please do a check who I am before posting BS and getting rude ... :crazy:

And even more it does not explain how the first image is related to the Block 3 and why you post an image of a AIM-9X on a F-15???
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:hitwall: Oh well, what a pathetic fan-boy.
That's one single case where a US engine sold via Canada was used in a few prototypes ... as such calm down your testosterone and esp your tone, do your homework and before your next time attack a moderator and senior member, please do a check who I am before posting BS and getting rude ... :crazy:

And even more it does not explain how the first image is related to the Block 3 and why you post an image of a AIM-9X on a F-15???
I fully agree with your statement but one thing really irritated me that you said that he should check your profile or rank before quoting your post or replying to you. I don't think that you should have this behavior with any person just because he "attacked" you or any other senior member. You should never underestimate any other just because they have lower rank than you. I'm really a fan of your work but your polite behavior to every person would be requested.
I fully agree with your statement but one thing really irritated me that you said that he should check your profile or rank before quoting your post or replying to you. I don't think that you should have this behavior with any person just because he "attacked" you or any other senior member. You should never underestimate any other just because they have lower rank than you. I'm really a fan of your work but your polite behavior to every person would be requested.

I'm sorry if I was misleading:
Not in case to be allowed to reply but to call me a "retard" while posting a plain stupid and irrelevant link and at the same time still ignoring to answer a question, why he posts an AIM-9X on a F-15 and where the first image is from.

He behaves as if he is the good of all-knowing, who can get instantly rude while his posting profile - and I think I can truly say it in contrast to mine - says more or less he's a no-one with certain issues in behavior, otherwise he would have a much more balanced plus and minus ranking.

first of all let’s make things clear. YOU posted RUDE reply and ridiculed me.

Second you were wrong and I posted an authentic and verified info and source.

Third don’t ever pull your rank on me and try to tell me who you are . I dint give a flying duck if you are senior moderator or the president of some country. Got it boy...

learn to talk or don’t respond to my posts...

Learn to show a decent respect to anyone and reply to a question instead of getting rude. Otherwise You are probably simply wrong here: That's a forum and questions are allowed, not only to present your wicked opining and anyone who does not agree is allowed to be insulted.
Learn to show a decent respect to anyone and reply to a question instead of getting rude. Otherwise You are probably simply wrong here: That's a forum and questions are allowed, not only to present your wicked opining and anyone who does not agree is allowed to be insulted.

My post seem to have disappeared but I have a screen shot...

First I am starting to wonder if you even know what you are talking about. I was responding to another member regarding fitting a foreign engine on a Chinese machine. You were not even part of the conversation.

secondly apply the above rule to yourself first. As a moderator you are held with a higher standard. You called my response Bull Shit and fan boy without understanding who I was talking to and what was my response all about.

lastly don't ever pull your moderator card to impress me. Its like pulling a gun out over a parking dispute. Try to be more mature next time.

The interesting new part to your great surprise seems to be that your insulting comment and post - regardless if you have a screenshot was deleted by another moderator due to an offensive post. I did not intervene on my own since I'm involved in this "discussion" (even if I'm not sure if it is a discussion in the meaning of an exchange of arguments or a fight on your own?) and the second eventually new part is:

This is a forum, occasionally other members of this forum step in from time to time regardless if they are personally aimed for a reply in order to share their opinion, to take part in an open discussion like this and to exchange arguments. Such an argument was from me - and it is nothing illegal but something very normal you must accept - to ask another member what's the relevance of posting an AIM-9X on a F-15 (in fact already asked the third time without a reply) and what's the relevance of the first image, which is also still ignored. Ans also I corrected a wrong statement from you, ... again nothing illegal, since the current engines installed in all serial Z-10s is not a copy of a US engine, period.

So again, this is a public forum and as such You must accept questions from other members, otherwise You better should exchange your thoughts via PM but not as a post.
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