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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

I dont know still have hopes fpr diamond nose semistealth silent thunder design

If the PAF wants it there doesn't seem to be a reason CAC can't accommodate, but the issue remains the added costs. Although increased Export potential could compensate if Pakistan show the enhanced design to Gulf Arab Allies and secure a large order for the Egyptian air Force with Gulf Arab Funding. The Gulf Arab Air Forces might also be interested in operating a Pak/Chinese Fighter for the defense relationship, access to Chinese weapons and lower operating costs. The JF-17 did perform at the Dubai Air Show and many Gulf Arab Royals have paid a visit to Kamra. I for one hope Pakistan is securing these deals so they can invest in making the JF-17 as good as possible; especially using high quality air frame material to extend the air frame life to at least 8000 hours. Then Pakistan can move forward and retire the Mirages and have an all F-16/JF-17 Fighter Force. 250 JF-17; of which 150 would be Block 3 or better isn't a bad air force. If relations with the US improve, PAF can procure whatever becomes available. At least one more squadron of F-16 along side the 250 Jf-17 would allow the PAF to operate 20 fighter Squadrons. 2-3 More squadrons of new built F-16s would allow the PAf to keep operating the type a further 20 years until a mature fifth generation platform becomes available to replace the oldest F-16s and JF-17s.

Additionally if the design is enhanced, PAF JF-17 squadrons could fly for the Gulf Arab countries in their own planes and earn some cash for the nation, as well as keep their flying hours up with Gulf Arab fuel and spares funding.



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Pointless if the aircraft will still carry external loads.

Somewhat true, recessed stations can lower the RCS and minimize the enemy's ability to maintain lock at long range enough to get an effective missile shot.

If they modify the design to incorporate a forward small weapons bay for two PL-10E and two longer weapons bays further aft for two PL-15s, the design can be revolutionary not just in the region, but in the global fighter market. Similar to the FS2020 design from Saab
I wouldnt say pointless ... else you would not be seeing something like this

I wouldnt say pointless ... else you would not be seeing something like this

View attachment 536765

This is an all round Fighter/Bomber, so it isn't designed around the A2A mission. If it as more focused on A2A it would look like the J-31v2. The Swedish design is refined to be just right for an A2A role, but within a small platform. Two BVR and Two WVR missiles might be a small load, but it maybe just right for the small budget Air Forces. For the non-stealthy missions they can carry more of a load externally, or carry Stealthy Cruise missiles externally for a slight increase in RCS signature; as the F-18 Stealth Pod demonstrates.
This is an all round Fighter/Bomber, so it isn't designed around the A2A mission. If it as more focused on A2A it would look like the J-31v2. The Swedish design is refined to be just right for an A2A role, but within a small platform. Two BVR and Two WVR missiles might be a small load, but it maybe just right for the small budget Air Forces. For the non-stealthy missions they can carry more of a load externally, or carry Stealthy Cruise missiles externally for a slight increase in RCS signature; as the F-18 Stealth Pod demonstrates.


2 BVR's and 2WVR's are enough for a JF17 sized aircraft---.

The Grippen is doing it right---.

It is assessed that many of the fighter aircraft would die without firing a single shot of their BVR missiles---.

Only the 5th gen aircraft would be able to launch all their BVR's---.
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