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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

Enjoy the built quality... this masterpiece you're going to present @ international market. And exactly next to this aircraft, Gripen, Rafale and many other aircraft usually stands....

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we won't.
We already have the answer
PAF walked away from f16 but was okay buying them if heavily subsidized under obama era

In nutshell , probably not..not worth it per PAF

That is an impressive resume---but they have not built a fighter aircraft yet and ours has been thru combat---.

We are a poor and a broke nation---but there are two things the Turks don't have--experience in (on the good side)---nucs and fighter aircraft---.

We are way beyond assembling at this stage---we are into building and manufacturing---.

Don't sell our abilities short just because the paint is peeling off the floor of the aircraft hangar---or the uniform of our techs is average quality or we are drilling by hand---we are way ahead of them in this field---and why we are ahead---.

Even though the Paf has issues---there are some dedicated lunatics in the Paf in the high and low ranks who only see one thing---the star and crescent flying high---.

Trust me on this---. There has been no one bigger critic than me of the JF17---and I am telling you that there is far more success behind the build of this aircraft than is imaginable---. With all the duress---and with all the negatives and stress---all the sabotage from western sellers and all the hinderances and threats from many a places---the JF17 is a reality---and this reality puts us way ahead of those who have yet to start.

We have seen failures and hardships on this project---we have seen difficulties that would make others quit---we have been talked down by everyone---we have seen sanctions against us---at the last moment we have been refused power plant---EW package---.

But it was the tenacity of those " lunatics "---their endurance---their never accept no attitude ---that they even turned our russia to provide us with a power plant and pushed china so hard that they ended up competing for an EW package against the world renowned manufacturers the Italians---and bettered them---.

I am pretty sure that Turkey will come to the arena and will succeed very well in the fighter aircraft field because it already has a base established to propel it forward---. OTOH---we never had anything but the experience of overhauling and rebuilding old junk Mirages and F7's into functional and operational aircraft---.

What we have learnt in this process---if we have not learnt it---then we should---you must never start on these massive project yourself---it takes team it takes diversity it takes prior experience and it takes resource to build a modern day fighter aircraft it takes endurance it challenges your sanity it challenges your patience it challenges your very thought process and turns it upside down---it makes you so crazy that you even end up putting your display aircraft on a flat bed to show your countrymen what you have achieved in your failure---.

@Irfan Baloch @Windjammer @Mangus Ortus Novem @Mentee @denel @raja786

O Sirjee,

As I have said earlier... JF is not a WeaponsPlatform ..but rather a PolicyInstruement. And wotta instruement it is.

As PakNation, as Paks individually we have giant hole in our subconcious and our worldview from that moment we recieve this hole till today is that of a defeated, enslaved people... worst part is the 'educated' class as @Mentee highlighted a couple of pages back... I shall write about it in Hybridwar thread... and you, my dear MK, shall be invited to DaParty!!!

Now looking at that Super7 time to the first flight of Blk3 is a journey of Tryst with the impossible and then back to back came the GreatNews... the line-up of JF Bs with AirChief checking out the StrikeFalcon and then the very next day Blk3 kissing the skies.... La Panic in the enemy camp... as you, MK, put it...

PAF knew that GanguTerroristRegime was going the FrenchConncetion doing Rafale as PolicyInstruement for UNSC Veto purchasing strategy... now the GanguFacistRegime has four in pockets out of five... no doubt Rafale is great bird as well... so Our ASR for Blk3 reflected this.. and we took the time we needed or could afford.

Now looking at OurPolicyInstruement ... this little bird is the grand daddy of OurAviationIndustry... we have now a little army of engineers, technicians and designers who have direct experience of translating ASR into working platfrom... which PAF continously put through its paces... develops new ASR.. and the Cycle of Continous Improvement starts... this is a major/giant step in Industrialism in an otherwise thoroughly FeudalSociety..including OurArmedForces...

Block3 is in essence a product of PakDecision of gong down the road of Industrialism... And no it is NOT JSF ... it was never intended that to be to start with.

From Super7 to today... just have a look how JF has transformed the aviation ThinkingProcess and Attitude of PAF/PAC... Aviation University, AviationCity, PorjectAZM and now deal to produce civilian birds locally!

Next step which needs to happen is under license production of motor... we shall need 1000+ of aeroengines in the coming decades.... so the only way forward is JV/Licence production. This must be now highest priority.

Similarly, the production of AESA radars is a good start and down the road it needs to be rammed up... PNS would need homemade radars as well.

JF B StrikeFalcon is a Beauty!
Put it side to side with Rafale twin seater for comparison.

We pulled a little miracle by producing them at the speed unheard of in aviation industry..and we did it in Pakistan...
GreyListed, on the verge of default and with a beggar's bowl in our hands ...not able to go to KL in order not to offend our benefactorz.... Becuase of the deep EconomicTerrorism and dark decade of Noora/Zardari regimes....

And NO we are not free of incopetence, laziness or down right indifference within OurArmedForce... how can you remain an island of purity in the Sea of Corruption?

There are many here to highlight it... sometime over-the-top bitterness and sometime out of sheer anguish/pain....all allowed... we are Paks afterall!

AirChief hinted that work on Blk4 had started and conceptual work on NGF/FGF was done.

What is required is to utilise Agumented Artificial Intelligence ... first three blocks have generated enough data to feed the Machine and come up with something better... besides it shall cut the design/development time ...thus helping us accelerate in Industrialism... the only way forward for PakNation.

PAC is LSS/ISO certified and the robust QC/QA regimes make sure that there is predictability in OurProducts!

A horde becomes a Nation in a moment... and that moment is Decision. We have to decide... we haven't decided yet... with AbsoluteClarity that is.

JF 17 Thunder is but a tiny example of what happens when we PakNation takes a decision. But mostly we love satto and mitti pao as our two favourite modus operandi of existence on this Beautiful Planet.

Just to put things into perspective here... we, PakNation, DO NOT have a NationalAutomobile or NationalMotorCycle or NationalTractor or NationalCombine .... and we are building a FourthPlus Generation Fighter! @Deino Soviet helped the Chinese establish their industries... Germans did that for Soviets... also for the Yanks... so nobody is born Plug n Play ready!

We are barking mad
.. because we are confused without a deeper sense of What We Are... Who We are... hence we use shallow packages of escapist identities... more on it at another time...

@MastanKhan sport, I do read comments of OurTikTokNation YoungPaks and I feel compassion, saddness... but I know how deep the hole in OurSubconcious is... we lack Confidence and are prisoners of LimitingBeliefs... even when there are brovadoz... under the surface there is.....

So, yeah, baby.... Block3 is The Best Fighter in the World for Pakistan.

Because this is OurFighter!

In short, JF17 has been a glorious success as PolicyInstruement on so many levels.. it has kick-started Industrialism in Pakistan... It has saved us precious Forex... It has created jobs for OurPeople... It has given PakNation something to be very Proud... OurThunder!!!

It has increased OurComprehensiveNationalStrength!... In a nutshell this little bird has increased OurIndependence... and we are a bit more Free Today than we were yesterday... We are NOT totally Free.. but now a little bit freer...

Quaid e Azam
has commanded us... Work, Work and Only Work... so PAC... no time for you to celeberate... gear up the production capacity..and jackup the production rate...

It is now PMIK's prime responsibility to SELL Da Thunder... he needs to become the top salesman for OurBird.

As I have promoted many a times... in case of Pakistan a Horizontal Transformational Model is the key.

JF17 Thunder is the Prime example of Horizontal Transformation!


Nobody is Better than us. We are better than nobody!

@Horus @Windjammer @messiach @Dubious @The Eagle @WebMaster @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Signalian @RescueRanger @PakSword @StormBreaker @aliyusuf @Counter-Errorist @SIPRA @Slav Defence

That is an impressive resume---but they have not built a fighter aircraft yet and ours has been thru combat---.

We are a poor and a broke nation---but there are two things the Turks don't have--experience in (on the good side)---nucs and fighter aircraft---.

We are way beyond assembling at this stage---we are into building and manufacturing---.

Don't sell our abilities short just because the paint is peeling off the floor of the aircraft hangar---or the uniform of our techs is average quality or we are drilling by hand---we are way ahead of them in this field---and why we are ahead---.

Even though the Paf has issues---there are some dedicated lunatics in the Paf in the high and low ranks who only see one thing---the star and crescent flying high---.

Trust me on this---. There has been no one bigger critic than me of the JF17---and I am telling you that there is far more success behind the build of this aircraft than is imaginable---. With all the duress---and with all the negatives and stress---all the sabotage from western sellers and all the hinderances and threats from many a places---the JF17 is a reality---and this reality puts us way ahead of those who have yet to start.

We have seen failures and hardships on this project---we have seen difficulties that would make others quit---we have been talked down by everyone---we have seen sanctions against us---at the last moment we have been refused power plant---EW package---.

But it was the tenacity of those " lunatics "---their endurance---their never accept no attitude ---that they even turned our russia to provide us with a power plant and pushed china so hard that they ended up competing for an EW package against the world renowned manufacturers the Italians---and bettered them---.

I am pretty sure that Turkey will come to the arena and will succeed very well in the fighter aircraft field because it already has a base established to propel it forward---. OTOH---we never had anything but the experience of overhauling and rebuilding old junk Mirages and F7's into functional and operational aircraft---.

What we have learnt in this process---if we have not learnt it---then we should---you must never start on these massive project yourself---it takes team it takes diversity it takes prior experience and it takes resource to build a modern day fighter aircraft it takes endurance it challenges your sanity it challenges your patience it challenges your very thought process and turns it upside down---it makes you so crazy that you even end up putting your display aircraft on a flat bed to show your countrymen what you have achieved in your failure---.

@Irfan Baloch @Windjammer @Mangus Ortus Novem @Mentee @denel @raja786

O Sirjee,

As I have said earlier... JF is not a WeaponsPlatform ..but rather a PolicyInstruement. And wotta instruement it is.

As PakNation, as Paks individually we have giant hole in our subconcious and our worldview from that moment we recieve this hole till today is that of a defeated, enslaved people... worst part is the 'educated' class as @Mentee highlighted a couple of pages back... I shall write about it in Hybridwar thread... and you, my dear MK, shall be invited to DaParty!!!

Now looking at that Super7 time to the first flight of Blk3 is a journey of Tryst with the impossible and then back to back came the GreatNews... the line-up of JF Bs with AirChief checking out the StrikeFalcon and then the very next day Blk3 kissing the skies.... La Panic in the enemy camp... as you, MK, put it...

PAF knew that GanguTerroristRegime was going the FrenchConncetion doing Rafale as PolicyInstruement for UNSC Veto purchasing strategy... now the GanguFacistRegime has four in pockets out of five... no doubt Rafale is great bird as well... so Our ASR for Blk3 reflected this.. and we took the time we needed or could afford.

Now looking at OurPolicyInstruement ... this little bird is the grand daddy of OurAviationIndustry... we have now a little army of engineers, technicians and designers who have direct experience of translating ASR into working platfrom... which PAF continously put through its paces... develops new ASR.. and the Cycle of Continous Improvement starts... this is a major/giant step in Industrialism in an otherwise thoroughly FeudalSociety..including OurArmedForces...

Block3 is in essence a product of PakDecision of gong down the road of Industrialism... And no it is NOT JSF ... it was never intended that to be to start with.

From Super7 to today... just have a look how JF has transformed the aviation ThinkingProcess and Attitude of PAF/PAC... Aviation University, AviationCity, PorjectAZM and now deal to produce civilian birds locally!

Next step which needs to happen is under license production of motor... we shall need 1000+ of aeroengines in the coming decades.... so the only way forward is JV/Licence production. This must be now highest priority.

Similarly, the production of AESA radars is a good start and down the road it needs to be rammed up... PNS would need homemade radars as well.

JF B StrikeFalcon is a Beauty!
Put it side to side with Rafale twin seater for comparison.

We pulled a little miracle by producing them at the speed unheard of in aviation industry..and we did it in Pakistan...
GreyListed, on the verge of default and with a beggar's bowl in our hands ...not able to go to KL in order not to offend our benefactorz.... Becuase of the deep EconomicTerrorism and dark decade of Noora/Zardari regimes....

And NO we are not free of incopetence, laziness or down right indifference within OurArmedForce... how can you remain an island of purity in the Sea of Corruption?

There are many here to highlight it... sometime over-the-top bitterness and sometime out of sheer anguish/pain....all allowed... we are Paks afterall!

AirChief hinted that work on Blk4 had started and conceptual work on NGF/FGF was done.

What is required is to utilise Agumented Artificial Intelligence ... first three blocks have generated enough data to feed the Machine and come up with something better... besides it shall cut the design/development time ...thus helping us accelerate in Industrialism... the only way forward for PakNation.

PAC is LSS/ISO certified and the robust QC/QA regimes make sure that there is predictability in OurProducts!

A horde becomes a Nation in a moment... and that moment is Decision. We have to decide... we haven't decided yet... with AbsoluteClarity that is.

JF 17 Thunder is but a tiny example of what happens when we PakNation takes a decision. But mostly we love satto and mitti pao as our two favourite modus operandi of existence on this Beautiful Planet.

Just to put things into perspective here... we, PakNation, DO NOT have a NationalAutomobile or NationalMotorCycle or NationalTractor or NationalCombine .... and we are building a FourthPlus Generation Fighter! @Deino Soviet helped the Chinese establish their industries... Germans did that for Soviets... also for the Yanks... so nobody is born Plug n Play ready!

We are barking mad
.. because we are confused without a deeper sense of What We Are... Who We are... hence we use shallow packages of escapist identities... more on it at another time...

@MastanKhan sport, I do read comments of OurTikTokNation YoungPaks and I feel compassion, saddness... but I know how deep the hole in OurSubconcious is... we lack Confidence and are prisoners of LimitingBeliefs... even when there are brovadoz... under the surface there is.....

So, yeah, baby.... Block3 is The Best Fighter in the World for Pakistan.

Because this is OurFighter!

In short, JF17 has been a glorious success as PolicyInstruement on so many levels.. it has kick-started Industrialism in Pakistan... It has saved us precious Forex... It has created jobs for OurPeople... It has given PakNation something to be very Proud... OurThunder!!!

It has increased OurComprehensiveNationalStrength!... In a nutshell this little bird has increased OurIndependence... and we are a bit more Free Today than we were yesterday... We are NOT totally Free.. but now a little bit freer...

Quaid e Azam
has commanded us... Work, Work and Only Work... so PAC... no time for you to celeberate... gear up the production capacity..and jackup the production rate...

It is now PMIK's prime responsibility to SELL Da Thunder... he needs to become the top salesman for OurBird.

As I have promoted many a times... in case of Pakistan a Horizontal Transformational Model is the key.

JF17 Thunder is the Prime example of Horizontal Transformation!


Nobody is Better than us. We are better than nobody!

@Horus @Windjammer @messiach @Dubious @The Eagle @WebMaster @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Signalian @RescueRanger @PakSword @StormBreaker @aliyusuf @Counter-Errorist @SIPRA @Slav Defence

Tears of pride after reading both of your messages !!!!

Legends, you guys are !!!

I expected upgrades in the design so it be on a close level to Gripen NG, bigger wing area for maneuverability, more composites etc. We had Jf17 since 2007 and I had expectation paf will make it a truly 4.5th generation light weight fighter jet. Remember we will be having 250 to 300 jf17s to defend our skies against Rafael, su30mkis and Miraj2000. The plane which will be the heart of our defence had to be top quality. It took us 7 years since the flight on block 2s and we just came out with a similar design. The block 1 and 2 design is 1980s design.

I would say its alot better as it has 4.5th generation technology. Am happy with what am seeing and reading.

The engine Improvement was expected because the previous engine was giving smoke away and quality was not great comparing to other engines.
Aesa radar is a must so I expected it, Hobs, Hud, better jamming, missile system is a must. All these can be added on block 1 and 2s and we can expect future upgrades to have these.

Hmd? I hope so but it doesn't look like it will have it.
Just wait for Block 4 !!!

Although i do think that Block 4 might also retain the same design but it will come out with Modern Softwares using heavy AI /AR.

But Thunder program will definitely take the route of NG, IT IS INEVITABLE.

India if succeeds will pitch around 80 MK1A but most importantly wants to bring MK2 (NG). If that happens, we wont rest either

HUD only from J-20 and as for avionics its to early to assume that they comes from J-20 but most probably from J-10C

its main upgrades is under the skin, we already knows block 3 will have total avionics+Radar (AESA) upgrades with minimal structural Changes

battle proven is ridiculous term when we get our first F-16 in 83, F-16 was also not battle proven and this goes same to our JF-17 and brother these are in different category don't compare JF-17 block 3 to F-16 version and block 3 can be compare to JAS 39 GRIPEN NEG and Taiwanese CHUNK KUE
J-10C also uses avionics of J-20.

Buddy, where you at o_O

LOL thats what you guys are trying .... convincing that the shit is better than any aircraft whether in terms of avionics to aesthetics to design to whatever. Now suddenly you did U-turn and says we are not comparing JF17 with RAfale EF or any other .... lol

I am not convincing anyone... I have my own perspective and which is simply, the aircraft is not competing @ int mrkt.. it just serve our needs... though I am not underestimating, but it seems too hard to sell cuz of many reasons which I've already mentioned... I am an expert in the design stuff again agreed with @Alpha ... more into the aesthetic side but again... I am sharing my exp what I've heard from different pilots including our... who have expertise in this field. You can't convince me nor I can to anyone...
I do agree with the international market competition, but remember,

Defence sales (buy/sell) does not only take Features into account. Political hurdles and future prospects also play a great game and Pakistan is free of all these for its assumed potential buyers !!!


You are correct in your assessment---. Specially when there are rumors flying around that some of the BLK2 aircraft are flying with AESA---.

If we had to wait and see the JF17 to mature in the BLK2 to mature---we can now wait another year or two for the BLK3---.
Exactly, and the fact that PAF kept on ordering surplus Block 2 (single and dual) hints that Block 2 is no less than a potent fighter. Integration is yet what i believe to be incomplete as we saw on 27 Feb.

Give it a time of 5-6 years for mastering the jet, we can see scores (incase india still remains intact)
Just wait for Block 4 !!!
World is movin towards 5th gen and u are waiting for Blk 4. Blk 3 took much years and Blk 4 is going to make more. 6th gen prototype will be out by different countries when we will take out prototype of our 4.5 gen
World is movin towards 5th gen and u are waiting for Blk 4. Blk 3 took much years and Blk 4 is going to make more. 6th gen prototype will be out by different countries when we will take out prototype of our 4.5 gen
Bro !!!
5th gen is only used by 5-6 AFs, that’s it !!!
Our immediate enemy doesn’t and wouldn’t for the next 12 years !!!

Even then, 4.5th Gen will remain the main spines of all these advanced Air forces since maintenance costs of 5th gen is just abnormally HIGH.

For example : You disassemble a stealth fighter. Every panel sheet you have to take apart, has many screws, each screw and the body itself is heavy filled with coatings. You remove it apart, do the work required, then assemble back, coat it again. Do you imagine the costs ?
World is movin towards 5th gen and u are waiting for Blk 4. Blk 3 took much years and Blk 4 is going to make more. 6th gen prototype will be out by different countries when we will take out prototype of our 4.5 gen
And how many countries have 5th gen aircraft in Arsenal and what in number and maintenance is a is huge burden and we have no threats from enemy that it will have 5th gen jets in near future (5-10 year) from now and development of 5th gen takes longer times than conventional fighter jet for example f-22 project had been completed in 25 year (1980 -2005) to complete if one superpower takes 25 year to develop 5th gen jet NOW think HOW much time Pakistan takes to develop 5th gen jets lonely and without any massive military industrial complexes (without any country's help) think logically
We used to be blackmailed..we used to be afraid by usa if USA will supply us spearparts in war times...this is the jet we are not aftaid anymore if usa stoped proving us spearparts or not.. this jet means freedom for Pakistan.

And it can perform missions even f16 is barred from undertaking any of them. I mean it comes with all the latest gadgetry and hypersonic ammunition known to the blonde world and to top it off you just have to plug and play everything and anything at any given time.
pics are here waiting for videos of block 3
And how many countries have 5th gen aircraft in Arsenal and what in number and maintenance is a is huge burden and we have no threats from enemy that it will have 5th gen jets in near future (5-10 year) from now and development of 5th gen takes longer times than conventional fighter jet for example f-22 project had been completed in 25 year (1980 -2005) to complete if one superpower takes 25 year to develop 5th gen jet NOW think HOW much time Pakistan takes to develop 5th gen jets lonely and without any massive military industrial complexes (without any country's help) think logically
Some posters want us to compete with the superpower so they could scratch their Naseem hijazi itch.
Brother in today's world, quality matters over quantity. Look at the construction of the aircraft. Trust me, no one buys this. I met one of the USAF officers last year. He told me that he thoroughly inspects with his clan. He told me exactly the same thing that boy quality always matters when you go International in today's world. The aircraft has many issues, third-party engine including some aerodynamics (which was interesting), despite all, though the aircraft seems somehow competent again "Somehow" capable to defend the skies against the 3.5 Gen fighters but if you're expecting that your aircraft gonna get order (order doesn't someone rent it out or put order of 2 3 aircraft i.e, Nigeria, Myanmar etc), you have to be very careful in terms of construction quality. The one built-in "China" has better quality as compare to this one (UAE Air show) which is built-in Pakistan. There are many complications because of global power politics, aircraft quality & capability, engine performance and the top of it, military hardware and marketing is indeed a tough job in today's competitive market. This aircraft might take 2+ more decades or even more to get some reasonable older else seems like your airforce core focus was to accommodate replacements (Trust me he doesn't even know that the aircraft was an actual replacement of our 70% of AF fleet (A5/f7). One of my relatives who is working in the Boeing Germany told me exactly the same thing (design flaws, aircraft construction, name of few).

We must understand that the aircraft is POORLY designed (I have heard the similar kind of vibe from even our airforce officers including those who went to the US on different programs and also participated in Red Flag exercises).

Its a general perspective. Now why I don't like, these are some of the points which enhancing my hate for this aircraft but one thing which I believe, not every aircraft become Lockheed F16 and Mig29. These two aircraft designs are a MAJOR factor of its selling point and still rule among all from the past 5 decades. JF17 is pathetically, poorly designed aircraft seems like 70s look and feel and rest the last nail in the coffin "built quality". Not everything is avionics, the US has spent billions of dollars on the designs program of F22, B52, B2, etc same did by the Russians.

The counter-argument against my perspective is pure bullshit and trust me I never respond nor interested if the person doesn't understand the importance of "DESIGN". Usually the counter-response on my criticism on JF17 "If the aircraft serve the purpose......." that's enough for us. We are stuck in this kind of mind-set the reason we are FAILED to sell this aircraft even though there is NO SUCH COMPETITOR at this time of JF17 in the market at this price.

Look at the B version. More like a trainee aircraft (pregnant). No one uses such kind of bulky dual seater shit against the 4.5 5 Gen in the combat theater. The aircraft looks like someone modifying old vintage shit dinky. Imagine, you're extended Suzuki Dabba just to make something like limouse, eek din bas hojani hey ismay 2 X kay baad 4 X ka missile rack laga kar akar kitna modify karlengay isko? lol.

I knew since DAY ONE that DG ISPR lying with the public. Actually he intentionally did that. We are desperate to sell this aircraft that was the core reason of his lies. Guess what, we slowly gradually changed our stance from JF17 to F16 story (a reference to 27 Feb event). You hardly see any prominent information or ref of Jf17 even in the PAF museum about Op Swift. Anyway, the point I'm making is, we have to show and built something which serves the FUTURE. This construction quality and the design won't work in the modern world. You can integrate avionics but aerodynamics, shape, built quality, frame matters a lot.


From ur post it seems u know nothing about fighter jets and all ur info comes from "someone i know" lolz.
I also feel u dont know the meaning of "design" of a fighter jet. Design is not validated by the way it looks. How in ur view one design can be better than otjers and how can u validate JF17 design as poor??? Do u have even a single logical reason for it??
A good design means something that has a good aerodynamic profile, can support a good flight envelop and os easy to handle. A good design also mean having ability to accommodate different future technologies and weapons. So tell me again, whats poor about JF17 design????
@Mangus Ortus Novem

Was just logging off but then had a click

Umm now that the pak airforce is all set to have its at par with the block 52s or beyond figter, if any dumbass paaki is interested to remind the pheenay log

K ap Musalman akliato sy kaysay salook krty ho or the uorpi mumalik in case any of its components are being outsourced from them k saleebi jangy ku lgy?
LOL thats what you guys are trying .... convincing that the shit is better than any aircraft whether in terms of avionics to aesthetics to design to whatever. Now suddenly you did U-turn and says we are not comparing JF17 with RAfale EF or any other .... lol

I am not convincing anyone... I have my own perspective and which is simply, the aircraft is not competing @ int mrkt.. it just serve our needs... though I am not underestimating, but it seems too hard to sell cuz of many reasons which I've already mentioned... I am an expert in the design stuff again agreed with @Alpha ... more into the aesthetic side but again... I am sharing my exp what I've heard from different pilots including our... who have expertise in this field. You can't convince me nor I can to anyone...

Well after blabbering about design u atleast accepted u dont know anything about design and meant asthetics. Soon u will accept u know nothing and are just a troll.
As per design, aesthetic, looks stuff... Every art/design person ought to know "Form Follows Function" theory may not be the most beautiful or eye catching but it has long been proved as the most "efficient" way of design where that is required.
Popular saying... if you want to guage your economy, go and buy yourself... you don't need statistics to know-how about the GDP ... mainly stats based on MACRO not micro which is 80% of your actual economy.... simply... aerodynamic engineering is a broad spectrum of things.. a broad term... in fact a vogue... there are hundred thousand things evolve around. Simply, if the Vstab 90 was fine, what was the purpose of changing the stabilizer @ JFB ? again the BLK 3 has to have a straight stabilizer... it's not "AESTHETICS" that's what I was trying to tell. Its a poorly design aircraft hope you get my point now... if the tunnel test was fine with BLK 1 and BLK II why you have changed the design of VS of Version B? and if you have changed the design because of different tunnel tests or reasons, again why you put the BLK III stabilizer design with the old one?

Again I don't know why they did that, what was the results of tests and all. I must say .... you know that... what I am gonna say....

Why u blabber about something u have no idea about? Vertical stabalizers depend on the balance and weight distribution. Even a dumb kid would know the B has different weight distribution hence different stabalizer. The vertical stabalizer also produces lift at speeds and is hence designed for optimal performance.
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