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Jews responsible for Gezi protests,Turkish deputy Prime minister


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
Deputy Turkish Prime Minister Besir Atalay accused the “Jewish Diaspora” and other
foreign agents of orchestrating recent unrest that has rocked Istanbul and other cities. Atalay made the comments during a visit to the Central Anatolian province of Kırıkkale
on Monday. “There are some circles that are jealous of Turkey’s growth,” Atalay said, according to a report from the Hurriyet Daily News. “They are all uniting, on one side the Jewish Diaspora. You saw the foreign media’s attitude during the Gezi Park incidents; they
bought it and started broadcasting immediately, without doing an evaluation of the
[case].” The demonstrations began in late May after police used tear gas and water cannon to smash a sit-in protest in Istanbul’s Taksim Square against the removal of the adjacent
Gezi public park to make way for a mall and reconstructed army barracks. The public response quickly swelled into a tide of protests against the government
across Turkey, though focused in Istanbul, that continued throughout June with violent
clashes between demonstrators and riot police that killed three campaigners and one
police officer. According to Hurriyet, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed several times that
an “interest rate lobby” along with world media were responsible for the spread of the
riots. A number of Turkish commentators and lower-level officials have accused Jewish
groups and others of conspiring to engineer the protests and fell Erdogan. The president of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) Ronald Lauder slammed Atalay over
his comments and demanded he apologize. “It is shocking to hear from a senior Turkish government minister such despicable and
totally baseless slurs. Mr. Atalay should have the decency to apologize. His remarks are
an insult not only to the Jewish people but also to the many Turkish citizens who took
part in the protests and who have real grievances,” said Lauder in a statement. ““I am
convinced that the people of Turkey are not going to be misled by these delusory
statements from their leaders. This is a Turkish issue that will be resolved, hopefully democratically and peacefully, within Turkey.” Tensions between Israel and Turkey became strained in recent years following violent
clashes in 2010 when Israeli forces boarded the Mavi Marmara ferry that was leading a
flotilla to break Israel’s blockade on Gaza.

You saw the foreign media’s attitude during the Gezi Park incidents; they bought it and started broadcasting immediately, without doing an evaluation of the [case].”

Perhaps the Deputy Premier is not aware that "doing an evaluation" is not what 24hr news is about - 24hr news is about reporting events that create excitement, allowing providers to charge more for advertising ---- Now that may be a conspiracy and a "Jewish" one at that, one that reasonable people will find easy to dismiss.
Perhaps the Deputy Premier is not aware that "doing an evaluation" is not what 24hr news is about - 24hr news is about reporting events that create excitement, allowing providers to charge more for advertising ---- Now that may be a conspiracy and a "Jewish" one at that, one that reasonable people will find easy to dismiss.

May be..but there is an uncanny coincidence that Tayyip's government annoyed Israel,making them feel insulted and all of a sudden Turkey went up in protest...
This guy has nothing else to do but post this threads? First Pakistani so obsessed to bash us.

That deputy minister beşir Atalay is a dirty gypsy from the mountains he's lucky AKP in power otherwise let alone deputy minister he couldn't have been a drain cleaner.
This guy has nothing else to do but post this threads? First Pakistani so obsessed to bash us.

That deputy minister beşir Atalay is a dirty gypsy from the mountains he's lucky AKP in power otherwise let alone deputy minister he couldn't have been a drain cleaner.

What you just said is deeply racist...

Just because the deputy prime minister is Turkish of an inferior race , he shouldnt be taken seriously...
There can be better reasons to disagree with somebody other than their ethnic origin...
This guy has nothing else to do but post this threads? First Pakistani so obsessed to bash us.

That deputy minister beşir Atalay is a dirty gypsy from the mountains he's lucky AKP in power otherwise let alone deputy minister he couldn't have been a drain cleaner.

He is just another islamist you know for them the most religious person(if bearded better) always the good one.
He just another islamist you know for them the most religious person(if bearded better) always the good one.

Here is a 'real' no value offtopuc post you should be doing something about ;)

On topic...The thread isnt about me..
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What you just said is deeply racist...

Just because the deputy prime minister is Turkish of an inferior race , he shouldnt be taken seriously...

lol, there's some contradiction in there. :lol:

o, btw what he just said, is being proposed in Pakistan too, you know, minorities and street cleaners thing.
Dont think so...


When you accuse someone of racist statements, your next sentence cannot be "because that's a Turk of an inferior race"....there is no inferior race for non-racists.

The thread isnt about Pakistan...and one wrong example doesnt make racism alright...its still wrong..

Yes, yes, of course it's still wrong, just saying i missed the moral outrage in that thread. :lol:

When you accuse someone of racist statements, your next sentence cannot be "because that's a Turk of an inferior race"....there is no inferior race for non-racists.

The comment i was replying to...did present Turkish gypsies unworthy of being Deputy prime minister and more suited to being sanitary workers..
May be you want to read that post again?
May be..but there is an uncanny coincidence that Tayyip's government annoyed Israel,making them feel insulted and all of a sudden Turkey went up in protest...
Israel and its Jews are "canaries in the coal mine"; the foulness of Erdogan was directed againt them first. When Turks fell for Erdogan's manipulative nationalism rather than seeking to prosecute him for plotting an international incident and the deaths of Turkish citizens, it was only a matter of time before he re-directed his tyranny at the Turks themselves.

That's what happens when you elevate bigotry above truth and human rights; that was Erdogan's purpose in crafting the Mavi Marmara incident. Even if Turks don't connect the two, they see for themselves that Erdogan is trying to re-make Turkey and its democracy against the wishes of many; Jews, wherever they are, have no need to do anything to spark such protests.
He is just another islamist you know for them the most religious person(if bearded better) always the good one.

I was in Istanbul for a week, It is a nice city.... Before I going there, I thought that women will be in Purdah's but when I stepped in, I found myself in a western country!

All of Turks whom I met consider themselves as Western and they hated them to be compared with Arabs, Only 5% are visibly religious, still they kept their religion to themselves and never hurt-ed others sentiments!

I still find it strange how some hardcore Islamist's was in power!
The comment i was replying to...did present Turkish gypsies unworthy of being Deputy prime minister and more suited to being sanitary workers..
May be you want to read that post again?

I know it was not written in a racist spirit. But you're a bit crude and it came out very poorly.

You basically lowered him (vice president) also to the status of an inferior race but then said that is no reason not to take him seriously. So, in some sense you agreed with him (poster you were replying to). :lol:
I know it was not written in a racist spirit. But you're a bit crude and it came out very poorly.

You basically lowered him (vice president) also to the status of an inferior race but then said that is no reason not to take him seriously. So, in some sense you agreed with him (poster you were replying to). :lol:

It was written in ''racist spirit'' and no i didnt agree with him.
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