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Jew shouting 'Allahu Akbar' shot dead by Police in Jerusalem.

Was the killed an Arab Jew? If so do Arab Jews still speak arabic and if yes is it so uncommon for them to say Allah o Akbar?
Everyone in Israel knows some Arabic words, but Jews never shout Allahu Akbar.

On the other hand expressions "ya Allah" and "wallah" are very common among the Jews too. Sometimes Jews sat "inshallah" too.
so just because he shouted 'Allah hu Akbar' he was killed ? :blink:

What do suicide bombers and terrorist do before detonating a bomb or start firing.. they shout "Allah hu Akbar" out loud .
This has conditioned a certain section of humanity to accept a kaboom every time they here a single person shouting this phrase for no reason.
Actually guard who shot that Jewish guy was an Arab Druze.

It is still unclear if Jewish guy really shout Allah Akbar or they just had a quarrel and guard invented it to justify his action.

Arab Druz with a gun on a jweish holy site. Thats strange.
Arab Druz with a gun on a jweish holy site. Thats strange.

Oh Bhai,

Arab Druz, do work as security guards and policemen.

--- Similar to the folks from Chawal and Jehlum area who provide large portion to the LEA.

Iam sorry but atleast in Jerusalem Jews have no reason to be defensive

Allow me to disagree, here are some good reasons for Jews in Jerusalem to fear terror by Muslims.





Not to mention their places of worship not just Muslims but even Christians aren't allowed to pray in their churches

I have never heard of this, but I don't know everything. So source please, or is it another lie?
When Muslims controlled Jerusalem the wailing wall became a garbage dump, When Israel freed Jerusalem we gave the Wakf the right over their Mosque. see the difference?

reputable International organizations reporting the genocide taking place there

Genocide? That's a lie. Anyone with a semi-functioning brain can see the truth, all we need to do is to check some facts:
In 1948 some 150,000 Arabs remained in Israel, in 2006 the figure has increased to 1,413,500 and farther to 1,617,000 in 2012.

According to an article in Guardian (2008) using PCBS census figures, the Palestinian territories have one of the fastest growing populations in the world, with numbers surging 30% in the past decade (2008). There was 3.76 million Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, up from 2.89 million 10 years earlier.

According to the U.S. Census population growth mid-1990-2008 in Gaza and West Bank was 106% from 1.9 million (1990) to 3.9 million persons.

It must be the most inefficient genocide in the world. Israel is known for stupidity and inefficiency so it makes sense, right?

The infant mortality rate in West Bank is lower than in China, Jordan, Bulgaria, KSA, Armenia, Brazil, Turkey, Egypt etc.
Life expectancy at birth is similar to Hungary and Romania and Latvia. Higher than Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Oman, Georgia etc.

A lot of this is due to cooperation with Israeli hospitals and doctors.
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a small group of terrorists have led to this stereotyping..and the guard was a fool..
Palestinian genocide

You will find links to sites you should read before passing judgement

Genocide Watch

Jew Watch - Jewish Genocidal Murders of Others - Palestinian

This is really very shameful act.He should be arrested and trialed and punished.


a small group of terrorists have led to this stereotyping..and the guard was a fool..

This is height of stupidity..am I gonna shoot any indian who will scream JAI HIND? or Krishna?declaring him terrorists or RAW agent at once?or any american?
This is really very shameful act.He should be arrested and trialed and punished.

This is height of stupidity..am I gonna shoot any indian who will scream JAI HIND? or Krishna?declaring him terrorists or RAW agent at once?or any american?

before saying that when did i justify killing him..what i said was right..there is a reason why the guard got alerted..

I am familiar with many of the lies that are being spread there.
I went to the massacres link, but all they show are anecdotal incidents. Many of them are total lies, the rest are misrepresented and full of complimentary lies. I bout you can find one whole sentence without a lie in those sites.
I opened the Massacre page and the A-Dora incident stares me in the face. It was proven he was not killed by Israeli fire by outside investigation, yet this site has no qualms at posting blatant lies because they know no one who goes there cares about the truth.

I am not going to deny that Palestinians are being killed in the conflict, some of them are kids. But Israel is trying to avoid said casualties not to cause them. Use your mind, look at videos from Syria, what SCUD missiles do. They whipe out entire neighborhoods with one shot, Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, Israel could have killed tens of thousands a day if it tried. Look at picture from WW2 bombed cities with casualties in the 100,000's, Israel can do that easily if we wanted. We don't want to.

I am not going to deny that in some few incidents Israel was in the wrong, I am not going to deny that some individuals in the army sometimes act against orders and commit crimes against Palestinians. But those are usually investigated and charged. Better than most armies in the world.

If you ignore everything so far that's fine, but answer me this, if the Palestinians are undergoing genocide then how come are they are some of the fastest growing populations in the world?
How come they enjoy better living standards than some Arab countries?
How come they have better health care than most Arab countries?
How come There are more cell phones in poor Gaza than in Lebanon, Latvia, Slovenia, Bahrain, Cyprus, Cuba, Costa Rica, and Belize. And there are more internet users in Gaza than in Puerto Rico, Lebanon, Bolivia, Kuwait, Ghana, Lebanon, Estonia, Panama, Cyprus, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Armenia, Iraq, Libya, Cambodia, and Botswana.

83% of Israeli Arabs prefer to stay under Israeli jurisdiction (additional 6% refused to answer). The reasons given are:

54% - Prefer to remain in democratic regime with high living standards.
18% - Satisfied with present situation.
14% - Not willing to make sacrifices for creation of Palestinian state
11% - No stated reason.

If Israel is so horrible and is committing a Genocide against Arabs than how come the vast majority of Israeli Arabs (who are Palestinian Arabs just like the guys in the West Bank and Gaza) would like to stay under Israeli jurisdiction? How come most of them agree that Israel is a democratic regime?
But I guess you know better from across the world, surfing in hate filled vile sites...

* The question was not of deportation, they were offered to have the jurisdiction of their villages and homes to be transferred to the PA without the need to move.
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Have you heard of London Tube incident?? A African kid (teen) wearing hooded dress was killed by mistake??? People are scared of a particular dress/face/activity....

Trust me I get alerted when I see a man with beard.. It happens when terrorism can strike anywhere and any one can be a terrorist..

Rightly said we tend to associate certain things with certain event/action... Even I tend to get alert when I see a guy wearing a saffron attire with big tilak until I get a chance to speak to him and understand him.
I think so.

So don't shout that slogan again there.

That makes everyone nervous. Every time I hear that, I thought, crap, another suicide bomber again. In that situation, if I were the guard, I may have done exactly the same thing.

Blame the terrorists for that stereotype, the guard must have thought he's about to blow himself up.

If Israel is so horrible and is committing a Genocide against Arabs than how come the vast majority of Israeli Arabs (who are Palestinian Arabs just like the guys in the West Bank and Gaza) would like to stay under Israeli jurisdiction? ....

I don't think you will find Islamist Pakistanis to accept these facts. Quiet shamefully.



Many Pakistanis do not have a real analysis done of the state of Israel or the PA.

So they are dependent on Communist leftist media, and Islamist prayer leaders.

On top of this ignorance,

there is not much travel between Pakistanis and Arab countries and definitely not Israel.

Many Pakistanis think of Arabs from the point of view of holy cities of Makkah and Medina. Thus severely limiting their knowledge about Arabs in general and Israel in particular.

Ignorance can be cured though.

But here lies the biggest issue.

Many of us find these neo-Nazi websites and eat and drink all the anti-Jewish $hit without ever questioning the motives of these websites,

and even worse, the realization that many of these neo-Nazis will burn a Pakistani house first before burning down and Jewish house.

Thus the deadly combo of ignorance and arrogance continues on and on and on.

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