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'Jeeway Pakistan' slogans chanted in anti-India rally in held Kashmir

Ur parents upbringing is speakng that u are writing suggestive shit like this and also the sick bs u wrote in previous post. U indians never stop showing what values were taught to u ,even on online forums,now buzz off.
Cheapster. Classless people
Now if you are atleast 10 fail,go through all my posts and see if you have been abused and also see your posts that will give you a fair idea of both our upbringings.:-)
If you see any post of mine abusive report them like i have been reporting,that more a matured way :-)
If J and K was not considered disputed, there would be no need to specify this in Simla Agreement. :hitwall:

You need to do your homework. IF Jammu and Kashmir is not considered disputed then there is no reason for India also to claim Azad Kashmir, which is administered by Pakistan , or you call it under our occupation, hence you did not convert LOC into IB, which means disputed. :crazy:

Aksai Chin too they keep whining about it.
what is this then? Samosa Jalebi?

ii) In Jammu and Kashmir, the line of control resulting from the ceasefire of December 17, 1971, shall be respected by both sides without prejudice to the recognized position of either side. Neither side shall seek to alter it unilaterally, irrespective of mutual differences and legal interpretations. Both sides further undertake to refrain from the threat or the use of force in violation of this line.

Simla Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neither side shall seek to alter it unilaterally , which means through some solution or some accord or some agreement they can change or cross the LOC. Hence DISPUTED
disputed or not,,,what u wrote effectively means,,,we can keep Kashmir as long as we want to(as unilateral alteration is not possible+no third party intervention),,,,,as for the international audience,,we just have to arrange couple of chai biskut meetings with Pakistan every 5 years.
Ur parents upbringing is speakng that u are writing suggestive shit like this and also the sick bs u wrote in previous post. U indians never stop showing what values were taught to u ,even on online forums,now buzz off.
Cheapster. Classless people
Now if you are atleast 10 fail,go through all my posts and see if you have been abused and also see your posts that will give you a fair idea of both our upbringings.:-)
If you see any post of mine abusive report them like i have been reporting,that more a matured way :-)
disputed or not,,,what u wrote effectively means,,,we can keep Kashmir as long as we want to(as unilateral alteration is not possible+no third party intervention),,,,,as for the international audience,,we just have to arrange couple of chai biskut meetings with Pakistan every 5 years.
lets do it .. cuz your chai biscuits cost your trillions of dollars.. and you getting nothing out of Kashmir except dead bodies..
there will be a point when you will come to realize that its a disputed area.. till then enjoy your tea & biscuits.
disputed or not,,,what u wrote effectively means,,,we can keep Kashmir as long as we want to(as unilateral alteration is not possible+no third party intervention),,,,,as for the international audience,,we just have to arrange couple of chai biskut meetings with Pakistan every 5 years.

If you had that much guts, you would have converted LOC into IB, but you fear of losing Azad Kashmir what you call as Azad Kashmir. It is in your interest only, if you keep it disputed otherwise a non disputed kashmir means all issues settled and LOC is the IB. :enjoy:
If you had that much guts, you would have converted LOC into IB, but you fear of losing Azad Kashmir what you call as Azad Kashmir. It is in your interest only, if you keep it disputed otherwise a non disputed kashmir means all issues settled and LOC is the IB. :enjoy:
I have a question though if Kashmir is disputed ,how can you give away a part to china
I have a question though if Kashmir is disputed ,how can you give away a part to china

We did not give it to China, Azad kashmiris gave it. We DO NOT CONSIDER Kashmir as a part of Pakistan, we consider it administered by Pakistan with an autonomous body sir. :-)
i like you already.. you are kind of guy who close his eyes when see the danger...i wish it was only in my head.

Awesome, That faultiness in India. that your news peddles is the diversity, and the armed conflicts (RED corridors and AL NE ULFA and all) that you are aware are just a band of Rag tag bandits.

India has been through a lot worse. Be happy about our faultiness, while there are earthquakes happening in your home. Ciao all the best.
We did not give it to China, Azad kashmiris gave it. We DO NOT CONSIDER Kashmir as a part of Pakistan, we consider it administered by Pakistan with an autonomous body sir. :-)
We dint know zulfikar butto was a azad kashmiri,:-)

You won't understand it how two civilised neighbors solve their disputes.
If giving away land to slove the dispute is civilised,i will call you most civilised if you settle the dispute with India the same way,:-)
lets do it .. cuz your chai biscuits cost your trillions of dollars.. and you getting nothing out of Kashmir except dead bodies..
there will be a point when you will come to realize that its a disputed area.. till then enjoy your tea & biscuits.

Do you even read ? and all of you got wet dream because they shout "Jeevay Pakistan" ... LOL :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Here I go, Jevay Pakistan, Jevay China, Jevay Indonesia, Jevay Tuinisia, Jeeva Fiji, Jevay Liechtenstein. happy now Kashmir 'dispute' is established now.

We did not give it to China, Azad kashmiris gave it. We DO NOT CONSIDER Kashmir as a part of Pakistan, we consider it administered by Pakistan with an autonomous body sir. :-)

LoL and you guys maintain different regional Parliament for GB and AK (Azad Kashmir). I thought both came on the same Government.
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