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'Jeeway Pakistan' slogans chanted in anti-India rally in held Kashmir

Then dont cry when crpf and army dogs are targetted by locals,

Anf who did sikh ,muslm?,christian riots ...psycho hindu goons,
Dudi do you know whats the population of minorites,sikhs muslims and other during partition in India and paksiatn and what is it now.

Population of every minority has come nose diving in Pakistan and it went up in India.that should give you a clear picture to even a 10 fail person.
Traitors , just make sure there is no video recording or else you will be identified and sent to special reconditioning camp for 'observation'.

Nice, so you took innocent people's land by force, you kill them, rape their women, destroy their homes as you please, you've suppressed the right to vote and to have a democratic system for over 7 decades, you've said no to multiple UN resolutions asking you to allow freedom and the right to vote to these millions of Kashmiris......so today, when they show another country's flag, you call them traitors? How about you return their homeland to them, walk away and leave the forceful occupation that took place decades ago, give them equal rights like an Ordinary Hindu enjoys in India and then see if they'll raise another country's flag??? When you destroy, kill and abuse millions in their own homeland, you expect them to not even raise a flag?? That's crazy to expect someone to continue to take on abuse for decades against their will. These are human beings too. Let them live with equal rights compared to an Indian citizen outside of Kashmir and they'd start to love India.
My grand father was part of the mujahideen movement that liberated azad kashmir and they knew that dogri scums used paid muslim agents to sabotage the jihad movement
Pakistan was also might have been once an atoot ang of India. FYI, Kashmir is disputed at international platform and even in Simla Agreement, as Simla Agreement speaks about seize fire and temporary LOC.

Kashmir is not disputed. Can you show any sources where India said Kashmir is disputed?

India doesn't recognize UN resolution and no where in Shimla Agreement, Kashmir is mentioned as disputed. You can check.
Dudi do you know whats the population of minorites,sikhs muslims and other during partition in India and paksiatn and what is it now.

Population of every minority has come nose diving in Pakistan and it went up in India.that should give you a clear picture to even a 10 fail person.

It was their choice to move to Hindu endia.. you cant stop sikhs to move to Australia, canada, uk do you even know how many gujraties are in Aus and Us.. what exactily you talking about .. there are almost 20 million bharti lives in foreign land.. mostly are hindus so you think its cuz of your RSS and Bajrandal or Army...
Kashmiries are staying in their Valley... mean they want to stay and be Part of Pakistan.. you cant stop that slogan.. did you try?
True patriots, we will earn their freedom, even if we have to nuke every indian city in the process. InshaAllah!!!
Baloch Nationalists asking for their rights- India should take greater heed.
Yes and they should take lead and stop Iran from persecuting Sunni Balochs

True patriots, we will earn their freedom, even if we have to nuke every indian city in the process. InshaAllah!!!
Nope killing innocents is unislamic
Dudi do you know whats the population of minorites,sikhs muslims and other during partition in India and paksiatn and what is it now.

Population of every minority has come nose diving in Pakistan and it went up in India.that should give you a clear picture to even a 10 fail person.
Oh shutup no minority population in pakistan has nosedived, a majority of minority was in bangladesh, which broke away and that population also was lost due to it

Since then the minority population figure in pakistan has remained same and grown.in west wing there wasnt a great non muslim pop size.

And shutup we all know despite growing population or not ,in what pathetic condition muslims and christians of india live,
And if u are such beacon of minority rights then what shit history u have, in last 70 years no country would have seen such sick internal genocide and massacre of its own people as u have done
Take away this genocidal face of urz to a corner,u have a face to speak before the world onn human rights.
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