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Jun 22, 2009
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There was an interesting development that many have not noticed. It deals with Japan's resurgence towards a 'normal' country. What this means is that the self-imposed Pacifist Constitution has been quietly scraped.

Just recently, Japan unveiled its 1st VERY MODERN (and futuristic looking) Aircraft Carrier since its defeat in WWII.

Yet this piece of news did not make international headlines. Coupled with the fact that this ships construction came as a surprise to many, and the fact that Japan has the 2nd highest military budget in the Asia -- has lead me to believe that Japan has long been working 'behind the scenes'. So it would not come to my surprise that Japan has SECRETLY the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal in the world, and has long been working on their own stealth fighter (which is independent of US).

People are correct to point out that the Chinese are secretive, and the Japanese wouldn't be that much different.
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Who would be Japan's most likely enemy?

Russia, because of those islands?
Who would be Japan's most likely enemy?

Russia, because of those islands?

Thanks for replying to thread friend. It's an important topic since Japan is a major player in world affairs. Now to answer your question, Japan will not have a focused enemy. Rather they will try to reassert themselves as a more equal player in world affairs. Also they will engage with Asia to form Asian Union -- and by beefing up their navy and army they will grab a larger power share. That is their purpose. The consequence of such actions is that the USA will be 'evicted' from Asia! :)
Buddy; I think North Korea come first, Russia second for those Island


Japan wants that land.

However, regarding DPRK, Japan will keep relations cordial. Japan wants to stake its claims in world affairs (which means world resources and wealth), so it won't be too confrontational with anyone. Question is whether Japan will accept its former position as a tributary state to Imperial China?! I say no at first, but in few years yes. :yahoo:
Asia is starting to look crowded. China, Japan, Russia, India.

Everybody wants to be boss.
Let's hope it become like EU, not WW2.
Just recently, Japan unveiled its 1st VERY MODERN (and futuristic looking) Aircraft Carrier since its defeat in WWII.

People are correct to point out that the Chinese are secretive, and the Japanese wouldn't be that much different.

Any pics of specs for the new AC.

JAP cant take on China by it self. its only raising its forces in reaction to China gaining military supremacy in the region.

And also to deal with a nuclear armed North korea
George Friedman predicts the resurgence of Japan in his book " The next 100 Years" and says they will play a more active role in the region.
I suggest members pay more attention to Japan in the coming years. They are making decisive moves not to fall behind as the world moves forward, and doing so in a more constructive manner this time around. :)
Ok boys here are pictures of this A/C carrier, called Hyuga, DDH-181

Sinoindus is right this thing went pretty much unnoticed...








Hyuga, DDH-181
On August 22, 2007, the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force launched the Hyuga, a new, large, flat deck vessel which had been laid down in May of 2006. The vessel was then commissioned into the JMSDF on March 18, 2009.

This vessel has a large, flat-deck, and has been designated as a DDH, or helicopter carrying destroyer, for political purposes. The Japanese will build two vessels and they will replace two of the current, traditional DDH vessels in two of the JMSDF escort flotillas. It is contemplated that the JMSDF will then order two more such vessels to replace their other two DDH once these first two are commissioned into the fleet.

The Japanese currently list the carrying capabilitiy of these vessels as 4 small ASW helos or up to 11 large Chinook helicopters. Clearly, if capable of carrying 11 Chinooks, the carriers will be able to operate qutie a few more small helicopters, probably 18-24.

In addition to their aircraft carrying capabilities the vessels will have extensive command and control and communications capabilities to allow them to function as flagships and command ships for the other vessels in their flotillas. In addition, with modern Phased Array Radars (PARS), an integrated combat system, a 16 cell VLS carrying 64 Evolved Sea Sparrow anti-air missiles, and with two 20mm Phalanx CIWS, the vessels will be very capable of defending themselves against air attacks.

To anyone looking at the vessel, it is clear that the ship is in fact a small aircraft carrier along the lines of the United Kingdom's Invincible Class carriers without the ski-jump bow. The 16DDH will in fact be very close in size and displacement to the Invincible class which can carry up to 22 aircraft (rotary and vstol) using two elevators similar to those depicted on this ship. It is clear that the capabilities of these vessels will far exceed the four helicopters currently being listed by the JMSDF.

As suggested, it is likely that the vessel will be able to carry a minimum of 18 helicopters, and probably be capable of a mixed air wing that could include VSTOL jets, like the Harrier II jets, or the new F-35B Joint Strike Fighter being developed by the United States for deployment on US flat-deck amphibious assault vessels.

The Hyuga has no stated provisions for amphibious assault, no well deck, but could clearly be utilized to conduct over the horizon air assaults as the ships size makes it clear that it could carry far more than the 350 crew identified by the JMSDF. This 350 number is, in all likelihood, the naval crew of the vessel alone and other air wing or marine troop capabilities are simply not being published for political purposes.

The vessel is powered by two GE Transportation power trains, each consisting of two LM2500s in a COGAG configuration, driving their respective propeller through a gearbox and shaft. The ship has two shafts. The engines each provide 25,000 shaft horsepower.

The second vessel was laid down in May 2008 and is expected to be launched in late 2009 for commissioning in 2012.
WorldWideAircraftCarriers.com - Hyuga Class Page
Strange, they are going for JSF, working on 5th gen jet, there is also a program of some Mitsubishi jet similar to F-16(they want a modern Mitsubishi Zero, lol), they are also working on Missile Shield & God knows what they are doing Behind the scenes
Lets wait & see
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The Japanese (like the Germans) are amazing.
For a tiny country, they come up with incredible technology.
The Japanese (like the Germans) are amazing.
For a tiny country, they come up with incredible technology.

Once they feel they are strong enough like world war 2, Japan will be

very danger, looking for land and resource.:pakistan::china:
The Japanese (like the Germans) are amazing.
For a tiny country, they come up with incredible technology.

Lets see when German Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe & Kriegsmarine will make a come back :lol:
They are pretty strong still now....

Once they feel they are strong enough like world war 2, Japan will be

very danger, looking for land and resource.:pakistan::china:

This ship is a carrier but because of restrictions placed on Japan at the end of WW2, the ship is classified as a Helicopter Destroyer. Who is fooling who! This new ship is approximately the same size as the RN's Invincible class but. When the plans were first approved, they showed the bridge amidships but were later changed to show the bridge as now. Japan insists that the ship is just an expanded model of a DDH and should be still classified as such... This ship is 20,000 tons. Destroyers have never exceeded 10,000 tons!

A sister ship is planned for next year, followed by two more when the first two are operational.
It looks rather like a repeat of Japan's way of getting around the Washington Treaty before WW2.:lol:

anyways they are not capable of doing of what they did in WW II, impossible for them to do something at that scale
Lets see when German Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe & Kriegsmarine will make a come back :lol:
They are pretty strong still now....

btw - i had a couple of - nato soldier friends !! they told me - they have to really keep luftwaffe far from action.

or those jobs which are really crazy assign them to german.
these bugger love blood. they are killing machines.

their history from vikings to world war to current crop of soldier. is just same - you dont really need to teach a lion to hunt.

american and whole world know what a bunch of German can do- loool ,

and your wish to - see their come back(j.k) ----- please think again what u wish for lol - even after German demise - their brain power is still pioneering - the defence technology - in american colors.
btw - i had a couple of - nato soldier friends !! they told me - they have to really keep luftwaffe far from action.

or those jobs which are really crazy assign them to german.
these bugger love blood. they are killing machines.

their history from vikings to world war to current crop of soldier. is just same - you dont really need to teach a lion to hunt.

american and whole world know what a bunch of German can do- loool ,

and your wish to - see their come back(j.k) ----- please think again what u wish for lol - even after German demise - their brain power is still pioneering - the defence technology - in american colors.

Germans have no doubt fought the most bloody battles history has ever seen,The legacy of Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe remains & who can forget the Gladiators of WW 2 the Waffen SS(keeping aside the summary executions & murders, they were great soldiers) one nation stood up against whole Europe captured whole of europe(except Britain, The Royal Navy wont let anyone cross the English Channel :lol:) after that They stood the onslaught from Red Army and Allied Forces & in almost every battle, even when they lost ,more Russians & allied Troops died than German Troops, then in technology, came the master pieces of that Time, Stuka Dive bombers, Me-109s, The first assault Rifle StG-44, first jet Engine & first jet A/Cs, the rocket technology V-1 & V-2, Tiger Tank & list goes on & on, keeping aside Nazi Ideology they were great ppl...
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