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Japan woos ASEAN with $20 billion aid pledge

Not just any dirt the contributor of world pollution and danger to human health
The ASEAN didn't listen to Abe's plan -siding with Japan and standing against China.
That's enough.
We just stop all major wars from 1989, need time to heal the wound first. China have peace from 1949 until now...and still a dirty -polluted third world nation :P
I bet low IQ Chinese will have to cough up 30 bils $ if they want to maintain good relationship with ASEAN :pop:

Well, it looks like people who actually run ASEAN countries decided to refuse Abe's offer.
The citizens of those countries that were ravaged by the Japanese during the war are now cheering for Japan deserve no respect.
Japan fascist was defeated badly wt 2 nuke bombs , they surrendered already, no need to hate them now.

China still " pose a serious threat to peace and stability in Southeast Asia and expose more clearly their expansionist ambitions, big-nation hegemonism. bellicose nature, their volte-face and their traitorous character(SRVN Statement79)" of course ASEAN nation will cheer Japan and kick China out :pop:
LOL. Pledge. I pledge to give $25000 to charity. Pledge.

Japan is even more indebt than US with external debt to GDP of 200%. Abe, better keep that printing press working OT.

thing is samurai is very disciplinned and smart while dragon is agressive , reckless and arogant

now you decide who has more chances of suviving cause "power is nothing without control "

il bet my money on the cunning and disciplinned and elusive little samurai than agressive and arogant dragon

That's what weak countries without power say
Japanese economy is falling apart. They weakened their currency to boost exports to reduce their trade deficit. But what happened was that their exports rose a bit but their imports rose even more causing an even larger trade deficit. They now pay more to import less Now the cost of living is going up in Japan due to the weak currency too.

The Japanese economy is much smaller than the Chinese economy. Whatever Japan is giving out, China can give out even more. When it comes to competing with China in terms of aid money, market size, exports of goods & services and direct investment, Japan will find it very tough to outcompete China.

China is still a developing economy that still has a lot of growth left.
Good,Japan is in the middle of the its worst economic crisis ,it needs a bailout itself,so it must be desperate.let ASEAN bleed Japan dry.
Japan holds $1,178bn in US treasury securities. The $20bn is just a small amount of it, and will not make Japan poor.

By the way, it is high noon for Japan to invest more in ASEAN, the more the region develops, the more Japan will benefit.

The citizens of those countries that were ravaged by the Japanese during the war are now cheering for Japan deserve no respect.
you should stop talking shit. Who asks whom for respect? Canada? or the big bully China? What about our Vietnam northern provinces when Chinese soldiers imposed a scorch and destroy policy? what about the killings of our unarmed soldiers in the Spratlys? I can list all Chinese atrocities here.

Has China ever said Sorry and paid compensations?

I guess you moron cheer the Chinese soldiers.
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You cannot win a friend with free money, especially wooing a friend to make that friend becomes an enemy of China. It ain't working that way.
Japanese economy is falling apart. They weakened their currency to boost exports to reduce their trade deficit. But what happened was that their exports rose a bit but their imports rose even more causing an even larger trade deficit. They now pay more to import less Now the cost of living is going up in Japan due to the weak currency too.

The Japanese economy is much smaller than the Chinese economy. Whatever Japan is giving out, China can give out even more. When it comes to competing with China in terms of aid money, market size, exports of goods & services and direct investment, Japan will find it very tough to outcompete China.

China is still a developing economy that still has a lot of growth left.

Damn Straight. I like this new invigorated Japan, but I don't like that Prick Abe becoming the PM of the country. I've been warning people that in this site & elsewhere that "Abenomic" will end in disaster!

The only thing Abe succeeded for Japan is increasing the already high living-cost!
Recently both Indonesian and china ministers of defence held a meeting with an OUTSTANDING result. Do not know exactly what kind of outstanding result. There are some pictures showing both of them holding each other's hands. It is a bit unusual. I am wondering what kind of deals have they made.
Recently both Indonesian and china ministers of defence held a meeting with an OUTSTANDING result. Do not know exactly what kind of outstanding result. There are some pictures showing both of them holding each other's hands. It is a bit unusual. I am wondering what kind of deals have they made.

Rockets and missile mostly, C705 and possibly acquiring HQ16
When we will acquire WS-1 and WS-2 missile systems?
Japan has been bullying China for too long, they have been stealing China's land/resources, killing Chinese people, denying crimes, worshiping war criminals and brainwashing themselves for over a century. Even now they are still trying to act like a poor victim and cry (experience tear) for help from the others.

During the Sino-Japan war, those Japanese had committed countless mascaras to Chinese. They alwasy brought up the excuse of "Chinese people killing Japanese in China, we are just defending ourselves" to cover their crimes. To do so, they always took the advantage of the poor media in China and quickly had their own media to tell lies to their people and westerners. Luckily there are some Chinese cooperated with overseas Chinese to spread the true story to the western medias to gain their support. At the end, westerners no long side with Japanese "mighty business in China".
History is repeating itself.
No this time it's going to be Chinese raping their asses. Hope I can see this in my life time.
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