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Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

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Imperial Japan´s biggest mistake was attacking America, like Nazi Germany invading the Soviet Union: their root cause of defeat.

Incidentally, prior to war with us, we were their largest naval partner, and largest supplier of oil and natural resources. When we shut off their oil supply, because of their war in China, they attacked us. That was the pretext used by our government to annihilate their navy and armed forces , forcing them to sue for unconditional surrender to the Supreme American Command.

Even their then-god Emperor, Hirohito, had to pose for a picture with our Gen. MacArthur. :azn:
I want to add another point..

If their indecision of arming aircraft with torpedo/bombs didn't come into play,they could even wiped out 3 USN carriers just like that and can have left the USN's Pacific fleet Carrier less..they lost 3 carriers within few minutes,mainly due to wasting time for changing from torpedo to bombs to torpedo again and were unable to launch aircraft for fleet defence..at the meantime their bomber aircrafts returned and they had to deal with it..so,when US aircrafts struck them,they were completely without air cover..

I will also add another point, buddy:

The Nihon Kaigun was , indeed, powerful, however, they lacked in submarine warefare. Because of this, when the USN was mobilized , US subs wrecked havoc on Imperial shipping. USN subs sank countless Imperial troop transports, hospital ships, supply ships etc etc.

The Imperial line of control was too stretch out thin to allow the Imperial Navy to coordinate proper naval escorts.

Not to mention the feud the Imperial Navy had with the Imperial Army. The discord within these two arms did not help them, but only hurt them when battling the United States.

The tenacity of the Japanese were undeniable tho. My grandfather fought in the pacific theater; Japanese soldiers were fanatical and aggressive enemies. They fought to the death. Period.
good summarisation, let the Chinese cry and whine crocodile tears...by the way there is no longer peaceful rise of China. The new CCP slogan is Chinese dream. :lol:

The current foreign policy of the communist China is not very desirable.

I prefer they are more active, contributing the world peace and defending human rights around the world, like US did.
Two amateurs pretend to be "professonals" each blowing the others' trumpet! One of the best comedy on the forum!

Your argument make no sense. The man said nothing TECHNICALLY INCORRECT. So why should I make any comment about it?

haha because you are no more competent than a PDF "professional"

So there is reservation of your opinion in accepting in the full comments made by jhungary above, correct? what is the reservation? or what part of jhungary that made you feel insecured in rendering your 100% endorsement?

What a moronic method of 'debate'. Cannot find anything wrong so you drag the discussion through meaningless arguments.

let us see who is the fake military professional on the block! I never claim I am a military professional or hold myself out to be one!

You guys are the one that collapsed. Not US. :lol:

You enjoy the finger while you last!
Incidentally, prior to war with us, we were their largest naval partner, and largest supplier of oil and natural resources. When we shut off their oil supply, because of their war in China, they attacked us. That was the pretext used by our government to annihilate their navy and armed forces , forcing them to sue for unconditional surrender to the Supreme American Command.

Even their then-god Emperor, Hirohito, had to pose for a picture with our Gen. MacArthur. :azn:
The Imperial Japanese naval force was inferior to the US during the war in the Pacific. The defeat in the battle of Philippine sea (1944) broke the spine of Japan at sea.

Battle of the Philippine Sea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The current foreign policy of the communist China is not very desirable.
I prefer they are more active, contributing the world peace and defending human rights around the world, like US did.
you are right, commie China sucks, Taiwan is the true China. :smokin:

all the cacophonies are from japan, the pinoys and the vietcongs with cheerleading indians on the side!
whatever you call us...we are united against the bully at sea.
you are right, commie China sucks, Taiwan is the true China. :smokin

haha the loser is the minority on the island
you are blowing the wrong pipe

whatever you call us...we are united against the bully at sea.

we are not bully but the rightful owner of the territories that both Mainland and Taiwan both claim
United for an easier target to be shot down!
All the cheerleaders for Japan on here are hilarious. They are boasting that Japan with its new destroyer or aircraft carrier is going to teach China a "lesson". If the ships fires so much as a single shot towards China, all of Japan's military bases and installations could be blanketed with ballistic missles in a few hours. Nobody in China is afraid of this since China can strike Japan at will with missles.
Two amateurs pretend to be "professonals" each blowing the others' trumpet! One of the best comedy on the forum!
Nay...The best examples of yanking each other's you-know-what rests on the Chinese members here. You guys 'Thanked' each other for just about every posts there are, whether the post have any relevant information or not. And where did I made any boasts of my Army's counterpart? I remained silent on it and I remained silent on it because there were NO TECHNICALLY INCORRECT INFORMATION on what he said and what he opined.

haha because you are no more competent than a PDF "professional"

So there is reservation of your opinion in accepting in the full comments made by jhungary above, correct? what is the reservation? or what part of jhungary that made you feel insecured in rendering your 100% endorsement?
What 'reservation' are you talking about? Care to even speculate? Do not be afraid to speculate. After all, you guys made enough speculations about the Chinese military that practically defied the laws of physics. So speculations about whatever 'reservation' I supposedly have about post 207 should be easy, right?

This is where you exhibits the usual poor critical thinking skills typical of the Chinese group here. You (falsely) thinks that every precinct must behave as petty as you guys do regarding yanking each other's you-know-what. I made it clear a long time ago that I have no use for that 'Thank' feature. Those that I respect know who they are and they are mature enough not to need their names trumpeted and Mr. jhungary is one of them. Those that I respect do their homework before they posts, unlike members of the Chinese precinct here.

I will say it again: THERE IS NOTHING TECHNICALLY INCORRECT ABOUT POST 207. So why should I make any comments about it?

let us see who is the fake military professional on the block! I never claim I am a military professional or hold myself out to be one!
If enough people here believes what I said about myself based upon the contents of my arguments and explanations that dispelled many misconceptions about many technical issues relevant to the theme of this forum, that is their prerogatives. Not only that, I provided sources so the readers can verify for themselves about my arguments that debunked popular misconceptions. So you can say 'let us see' all you want and it will go nowhere because the only way for you Chinese to show that I have never served in the military and have no experience in aviation is to show the readers where I am wrong in my arguments.

Good luck with that. :lol:

I have asked your opinion if you agreed to jhungary's comment 100%


so do you all agree the comment 100% - as simple as that - a yes or no or partially agree
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All the cheerleaders for Japan on here are hilarious. They are boasting that Japan with its new destroyer or aircraft carrier is going to teach China a "lesson". If the ships fires so much as a single shot towards China, all of Japan's military bases and installations could be blanketed with ballistic missles in a few hours. Nobody in China is afraid of this since China can strike Japan at will with missles.
Take Taiwan before you start talking about Japan. Right now, no need for Japan to do anything about mainland China and the Japanese does not want to anyway. But also right now, the Japanese Navy can teach the PLAN many lessons on naval warfare. The days of sails are over so you can stop yakking about China's past exploits, technological and else, truly impressive and deserving of praise as they were, and start thinking critically about what the PLAN have done (zilch) and can do (speculative).

I have asked your opinion if you agreed to jhungary's comment 100%


so do you all agree the comment 100% - as simple as that - a yes or no or partially agree
Of course I do. You are truly dense. I am amazed as to why you think I would need to comment about it in the first place.

1.) F-35B is NOT a VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) aircraft, its a STOVL (Short Take Off, Vertical Landing)
Is there anything TECHNICALLY INCORRECT about this?

You cannot operate a fully fuelled and fully armed STOVL planes off a LHD like Hyuga or Izumo, you either need a long flight deck or Ski Jump to operate a fully fuelled and armed STOVL Craft.
Is there anything TECHNICALLY INCORRECT about this?


I do not see any ski jump on that ship -- Hyuga. Do you?
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Take Taiwan before you start talking about Japan. Right now, no need for Japan to do anything about mainland China and the Japanese does not want to anyway. But also right now, the Japanese Navy can teach the PLAN many lessons on naval warfare. The days of sails are over so you can stop yakking about China's past exploits, technological and else, truly impressive and deserving of praise as they were, and start thinking critically about what the PLAN have done (zilch) and can do (speculative).

these are diatribes as there is nothing to show a success of failure. If there is "zilch" all around PLAN, then there is nothing for you to worry about then why bitching all the time for our military non-transparency?

You are afraid to show you competence by avoiding my follow up questions - "professional"!

Of course I do. You are truly dense. I am amazed as to why you think I would need to comment about it in the first place.

Is there anything TECHNICALLY INCORRECT about this?

Is there anything TECHNICALLY INCORRECT about this?


I do not see any ski jump on that ship -- Hyuga. Do you?

I was not just asking about "ski jumps" etc. I was asking about your degree of consensus to his comment as a whole!
And does it require a "professional" to know the japanese ship does not have a ski-jump or a take off launching system!

Kitchen knife is kitchen knife, its capability is not as much as that of a tactical knife or combat knife. Capability determines usage to an extent.
All knives have the same capability -- to cut. Their constructions do have limits on the EXTENT of usage, but that does not negate capability.

A helo carrier may not be able to conduct long range and deep strikes into enemy territory, but helos have proven themselves to be capable of offensive combat tactics nevertheless. The difference is in scale. The difference also rests with the creativity of the side wielding it. In the hands of a professionally trained fighter, a kitchen knife is just as deadly as a standard Marine KA-BAR.
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