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Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

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Leave you answer(s) here "professional" @gambit. I'll come back when I am free up later today!
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And once Russia is defeated, Putin will find that middle finger up his own @$$. :lol:

keep dreaming, you are broke as hell, the tables have been turned Yankee doodle fool, that's the reason why we rise our finger too you every chance we get:omghaha:

Ohh btw here's a another one

Leave you answer(s) here "professional" @gambit. I'll come back when I am free up later today!
What a moronic method of 'debate'. Cannot find anything wrong so you drag the discussion through meaningless arguments.

keep dreaming, you are broke as hell, the tables have been turned Yankee doodle fool, that's the reason why we rise our finger too you every chance we get:omghaha:

Ohh btw here's a another one

You guys are the one that collapsed. Not US. :lol:
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USA has no way to bring Snowden back. Obama shall try begging President Putin, see what happen? Maybe USA goverment shall send veteran Gambit in to get snowden back. What you say?
Hey, man, you think Russia as developed Western countries? Wrong, it's your illusion. Russia just reluctantly entered high income group this year, about $12,000 USD, much less than South Korea or Taiwan. We only need Russia's oil. I seldom heard that Russia companies set up branch and exploit network in China, on the contrary, Taiwan companies occupy huge share of China's market. China's total trade balance with Taiwan or South Korea is several times bigger than that with Russia. But I admit that Russia indeed inherited most of USSR's military technology results and abundant resources, China still have a long way to catch up with Russia just in military sector.
whatever, China will only can take back TW when US collapse while Russia will take Japan-South Korea coz China navy cant compete wt powerful Russian naval forces.

Nothing change much for China when US collapse , u will still be contained in small pond as usuall:pop:
whatever, China will only can take back TW when US collapse while Russia will take Japan-South Korea coz China navy cant compete wt powerful Russian naval forces.

Nothing change much for China when US collapse , u will still be contained in small pond as usuall:pop:
You have posted this twice, no more repeat please. Russia is our important friend, you try to stir up here?
Ok back to topic,

Helicopter carrier my rear end, this thing is about as big as America-class LHD, don't be surprised if in the next few months you hear the headline "JAPAN orders F-35B" the Japanese are fooling know one with this stunt, and like other Chinese members said expect a response to this from us within the next few weeks.
Japan won't stand a chance in front of Russia and China.
You have posted this twice, no more repeat please. Russia is our important friend, you try to stir up here?

But Russia dont care if u r friend or not, she shot ur merchant ship , she support VN against China in SCS(east sea). I dont stir up anything, just bcz ur silly comment abt Russia make me laugh :pop:

Japan won't stand a chance in front of Russia and China.
Of course, but Japan will chose Russia, not China as new boss when US collapse:pop:
But Russia dont care if u r friend or not, she shot ur merchant ship , she support VN against China in SCS(east sea). I dont stir up anything, just bcz ur silly comment abt Russia make me laugh :pop:
We need each other when face USA, are you denying that? I know Russia is traditionally close to you, but i think Russia export weapon to you for it's own interest.
We need each other when face USA, are you denying that? I know Russia is traditionally close to you, but i think Russia export weapon to you for it's own interest.
Of course both Russia-China dont like US, but u should know that who will gain more benefit when US collapse. Russia will take most of booty coz she has powerful naval forces when China almost gain Nothing but tiny Taiwan and still be contained in its small pond as usuall.

So if China wanna become a super power after US collapse, then she must show to people that shes strong enough to defeat TW and Japan now. siding wt Russia to take US down and dreaming abt rising China after that is just a poor wet dream from Chinese dumb peasants :pop:
Ok back to topic,

Helicopter carrier my rear end, this thing is about as big as America-class LHD, don't be surprised if in the next few months you hear the headline "JAPAN orders F-35B" the Japanese are fooling know one with this stunt, and like other Chinese members said expect a response to this from us within the next few weeks.

It's only comparable in length and beam, but it has less capabilities, with only up to 12 aircraft that can be carried (compared to 40-ish for the America-class). The displacement is largely different, with America class being 45,000 tons at full displacement, while the Izumo only displaces 27,000 tons.
Of course both Russia-China dont like US, but u should know that who will gain more benefit when US collapse. Russia will take most of booty coz she has powerful naval forces when China almost gain Nothing but tiny Taiwan and still be contained in its small pond as usuall.

So if China wanna become a super power after US collapse, then she must show to people that shes strong enough to defeat TW and Japan now. siding wt Russia to take US down and dreaming abt rising China after that is just a poor wet dream from Chinese dumb peasants :pop:

Actually, my bet is on the PLA Navy surpassing the Russian Navy in the next decade or so. Russian sub's will be superior to Chinese sub's for some time though.
We are not alone, Russia will side with China to take on you this time. USA is not strong enough to take down both of China and Russia. When Black Obama ask Russia to turn snowden back, President Putin raise up his middle finger.
watch out your language!
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