I explained already that terminologies could be rather relative.
Call your system in any way, or invent some new terminology, that mean nada. What is important is if the system is working and actually delivering or not.
I do not care if you or any other nation remains the same backward land after three decades of relative peace. Your system is worthless. If you think democracy is gonna work for you, go for it.
But do not adopt something for the sake of adopting something. Bring out a working model, and we will praise you.
Our model is not dictatorship because it is indigenous, adaptive, and subject to incremental change all the time. And it delivers actual, concrete, empirical result.
If dictatorship sounds boo boo, then name it the other way so both of us would be happy about that.
Vietnam is Communist, too, but, for some reason, your communism is rigid and corrupt.
both China and Vietnam copied Stalin model. It is problem for China and Vietnam.
Proletariat dictatorship is dictatorship, it go on the same way, no different even worser when the power is in hands of peasant or muscle worker. In other word in uneducated people.
What happent in the past with culture revolution in China, when students destroyed Confucian temples and burnt all the books related to Confucianism ?
What is wrong here politically ?