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Japan looks forward to strong military ties with the Philippines


May 29, 2014
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United States

General Iwata Chief of Staff of Japan Ground Self-Defense Force , and Lt. General Iriberri of the Philippine Army


General Iwata inspects the Philippine Army Special Forces


MANILA, Philippines—Japan’s army chief made a two-day visit to the Philippines to further improve military cooperation between the two countries amid tension in the South China Sea.

Lieutenant General Hernando Iriberri, Commanding General of the Philippine Army, welcomed General Kiyofumi Iwata, Japanese Ground Self Defense Force Chief of Staff, who arrived Monday.

Lieutenant Colonel Noel Detoyato, Philippine Army spokesman, said the two discussed the relationship between the Philippine Army and the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force and looked at ways on how to improve cooperation.

“Discussed during the visit were measures on how to further improve the existing relationship between the Japan Army and Philippine Army,” Detoyato said.

“The end goal of which is the strengthening of the defense cooperation between Japan and Philippines,” he added.

Iwata also visited the Philippine Army’s Special Forces Command in Fort Magsaysay and witnessed the demonstration of the Light Reaction Regiment, the Philippine Army’s elite unit.

Detoyato added that Iwata and members of his staff visited 51st Engineer Brigade Headquarters in Camp General Atienza, Libis, Quezon City wherein members of the unit conducted Humanitarian and Disaster Response capability demonstrations.

Japan looks forward to strong military ties with PH | Inquirer Global Nation

@Cossack25A1 , @Zero_wing , @JayMandan , @Pinoy , @Bienvenido
That is bluffing, philippines have no money for this. They are begging all the time. To conflict China the military expenditure of Japan is itself not enough. Support Philippines? It is not one of your options Abe Sensei.
Will PH let JP put their radar on their land, or share military bases with PH ?
Discussed during the visit were measures on how to further improve the existing relationship between the Japan Army and Philippine Army, with the end goal of strengthening the defense cooperation between Japan and Philippines.

The Japan - Philippine Military Alliance in the making.


That is bluffing, philippines have no money for this. They are begging all the time. To conflict China the military expenditure of Japan is itself not enough. Support Philippines? It is not one of your options Abe Sensei.

Military support u say? the article says Military Cooperation between the said two countries.
Military support u say? the article says Military Cooperation between the said two countries.
cooperation for what ?
The japanese weapon is expensive than usa. If PH have the money, why not buy weapons from US, why JP?

Will jp invest more aids for military usage to PH? I donot think so.
As the yen devalues, the cost of said military equipment should decrease. In addition, this past 3rd of September, a meeting took place between ASEAN representatives and the Japanese representative of Parliament -- discussing arms sales. We expect to increase military sales to ASEAN members. There are opportunities to give aligned partners "friendship prices" on a host of military equipment.
cooperation for what ?
The japanese weapon is expensive than usa. If PH have the money, why not buy weapons from US, why JP?

Will jp invest more aids for military usage to PH? I donot think so.

You're already jumping to conclusions :wacko:

Probably just exercises between the two armies for faster response to disaster, and maybe some sharing of intelligence
That is bluffing, philippines have no money for this. They are begging all the time. To conflict China the military expenditure of Japan is itself not enough. Support Philippines? It is not one of your options Abe Sensei.

Well besides what you think we do but limited so f off
@Nihonjin1051 how about Indonesia? :ashamed: tough currently we are such a small forces, but our forces capability keep growing exponentially just like our economies

Selamat Siang Ms. @madokafc ,

During PM Fukuda's speech to Marcos in 1977, he elaborated on the historical links between Japan and the Association of South East Asian Nations, which he had declared in his trip to Bali in that same year. Its rather enlightening that even during the age of infancy of ASEAN's existence, during the celebration of its 10th year, Japan had staunchly related her economic and political support of an integrated ASEAN. When many think tanks around the world considered the fate of ASEAN as an abject failure based on the precedent of SEATO, it was Japan that had never once flinched on the importance of the organization to regional trade and overall regional stability. Japan's pledge and unquestionable devotion to ASEAN's success was there even when Cambodia was suffering the catastrophe of the Khmer Rouge, when Vietnam War had just ended, when the communist insurgencies and separatist machinations in the Philippines, Malaysia as well as in Indonesia was prevalent. Even before China's economic rise, Japan was already there pouring investments to partners in ASEAN through agencies such as JICA and other subsidiaries.

Suffice to say, it should be noted, with objective and empirical support that Japan was there for ASEAN through its darkest hours, it should be noted that we will continue to be there and support ASEAN as it rises to new heights in this century. Japanese support and collaboration with ASEAN is time tested.

The relationship between Japan and Indonesia is strategic and unique. Indonesia has experienced various political and military exigencies in its recent past, from the East Timor debacle in 1998 to the Irian Jaya rebellion in the late 1990s to early 2000s, to the separatist movement in Bandah Aceh. Despite these issues, the nation (250 million inhabitants) has found solidarity with itself-- testament and proof that democracy can work in a multicultural, multiracial, multireligious nation such as Indonesia. The recent high level talks and meetings with President Elect Joko Widodo with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida is testament to the strategic relations of both countries. As Japan expects to expand to the emerging markets in South East Asia , so too will the military and political cooperation between Indonesia and Japan.

It is only ironic that during the Great Pacific War, Japan valued the importance of Indonesia, the Philippines, French Indochina , Malaya, Thailand to the Greater East Asian Co Prosperity Sphere. What Japan failed to accomplish militarily in the War, Japan is now succeeding through peaceful and mutually beneficial rapprochement processes. This reiterates how Peaceful Development trumps any other form.

Terima kasih banyak

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@Nihonjin1051 how about Indonesia? :ashamed: tough currently we are such a small forces, but our forces capability keep growing exponentially just like our economies

Sure it did say ASEAN so ya Indonesia is also

cooperation for what ?
The japanese weapon is expensive than usa. If PH have the money, why not buy weapons from US, why JP?

Will jp invest more aids for military usage to PH? I donot think so.

Well the world it self think one we are nation with poor people not a poor nation so please take the notice of your head second of we are buying from many sorces yes buying not asking for had outs as you chinese always love to point out but again unlike ou who put more money on the party's military not the people of china which remains poor while the party becomes richer anyway we have limited budget because our money is more on education, health care and infranstructure delevlopment then the military which is in the 4th place. But i know that those not mean anything to or any real facts not in line with the party motto.
That is bluffing, philippines have no money for this. They are begging all the time. To conflict China the military expenditure of Japan is itself not enough. Support Philippines? It is not one of your options Abe Sensei.

We have money...if we are going to force out the plundered money from our politicians and paid taxes are used properly.

And Uncle Sam will only give us refurbished, second-hand weapons with its weapons system removed and have to be re-installed again which are more expensive, worse, some of the weapons may likely be outdated or has limited room for weapons modifications.
Sure it did say ASEAN so ya Indonesia is also

Well the world it self think one we are nation with poor people not a poor nation so please take the notice of your head second of we are buying from many sorces yes buying not asking for had outs as you chinese always love to point out but again unlike ou who put more money on the party's military not the people of china which remains poor while the party becomes richer anyway we have limited budget because our money is more on education, health care and infranstructure delevlopment then the military which is in the 4th place. But i know that those not mean anything to or any real facts not in line with the party motto.
That is the point, the whole east south asia did not put so many money to military expenditure. PH has 1.1% of the GDP about 2.9 billion dollar. It is the willing to buy weapons. If the willing is low, there is no weapon market. If the budget is limited, to buy some cheaper weapon is the choice, though US weapons are also expansive. In this case, PH is not a customer of JP. PH needs aids, may be some old jets or boats, not buy new ones.

Another thing, the people has more money than the party in China, the private sector is stronger. No government is rich, they are all in debts. Is US government rich? It has 177419534XXXXX dollar debts. Chiese govenment is also in debts, the Japenese...oh, they are almost bankruptcy, indeed they have been.

We have money...if we are going to force out the plundered money from our politicians and paid taxes are used properly.

And Uncle Sam will only give us refurbished, second-hand weapons with its weapons system removed and have to be re-installed again which are more expensive, worse, some of the weapons may likely be outdated or has limited room for weapons modifications.
PH is under US protection for more than 100 years. Indeed there is no needs for PHs to put so many money in militray sector. The world is not 100 years ago, Victoria era was long gone, occupy a country and rob money is not the highest interest. Conflicting with China is only a method to divert the attention from the domestic problems. The PH has only one boss, not two. Japanese again? That may cause the conflicts in your own country, if JP and US have different policy to PH. Just do not try that. So, I said, it is not an option to JP. The re-interpretation of JP constitution released the right to JP government to build alliance alone, not under the US flag. US will not be happy to see his ally is taken over by his little brother, that is rebelling.

The CPP is the only one who can be the governing party, They have no chance to divert the attention, because the domestic problems have to been solved by themselves, sooner or later. Indeed, we have not oversea towards plan, but still focus on the domestic problems. That is the differences brought by the political system.
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The Philippines needs heavy naval transports, period. I believe Japan can be of help because we have quite affordable variants available that may suit the needs of the Philippines and other potential customers.

The following is the Chihaya Class, functions as both a heavy transport ship, strategic sealift with Anti Submarine Warfare capabilities:



Another possibility is the Hibiki Class, which will be quite pertinent in disaster response and heavy transport:



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