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U.S. To Return To Subic Bay, Sorry China................

it's not useless, it's good if there's a gentlemen's agreement, no nuclear, besides, at this point any nuclear strike on someone else, and it's really a strike on yourself even if they don't respond.

If you don't think we can't then you should know why. America. Anything against the Philippines may trigger a bigger conflict, even assuming it won't, China's main goal isn't South China sea, or any territorial dispute, it's economy. Being 12,000+ and in the higher income bracket is the utmost importance to China right now, we should reach that point no later than 5-6 years.

We can't be a leader in the developed world without being in the developed world. China has no interest in being a king of children(sounds better in Chinese). So if you want my answer it is fear. While some see fear as cowardly, fear is what keeps people alive and really only available to those with sense. Iraq and no fear with the US in the Gulf war see what happened.

Bismark had fear of French and British, and see how good he made Prussia.

Also 20,000 American troops can do a lot, but not against equally equipped men, being more experienced, your command structure and such would be better and a few other areas. But due to the type of war America's been in, like light infantry charging tank positions, and lack of close anti air for armour, like our HQ-17. If you do that with China, believe me Chinese soldiers won't be like Iraqis and run for the hills, before battle.

Look at WW2 Japan, your experience can be your undoing.

Okay you said its about economy and yet you have territorial disputes that are related to the economy. Why do you have disputes with the other countries then? Please enlighten me.

You have to remember that we just don't send infantry with rifles only but anti-tank weapons like the Javelin and TOW for example. And there are naval bases being set up a so you have the U.S. Navy to contend with. And indeed WW2 has taught us a lesson about the human wave Banzai by the Japanese.

What can we say? Congratulation to the Philippines. What a country do to their sovereignty is part of their business. If they decide to let US pimp them, then it is their choice. We will never allow the US to touch any part of Greater China territories (HK, Macau, Taiwan). Those are prohibited from having foreign troops station. It's a red line draw by our people.

Of course China won't allow it. They are going against the other countries in Asia that are going against them with U.S. help. Makes sense right?
'...The Philippine Senate voted in 1991 to close down U.S. bases at Subic and Clark, northwest of Manila. However, it ratified a pact with the United States allowing temporary visits by American forces in 1999, four years after China seized a reef the Philippines contests...'

If the Philippines didn't make the U.S. leave in the '90s, all that wouldn't have happened. They bear some ( a lot) of the blame themselves. They should pay us to come back.:usflag:

True bud
China must now get rid of a few self-imposed policies.

1) no-first-use nuclear policy.
2) minimal nuclear deterrence.
3) no foreign military alliances.
4) no foreign military bases.

After that is done, the next step is to increase the Chinese military budget to 8% of GDP ($744 Billion) next year straight away.

Then increase the number of missiles, ships, submarines, fighters, bombers, etc produced each year.

Increase the nuclear warheads to above 6000. Upgrade the nuclear triads.

CPC has been too soft in having these self-imposed policies and not spending enough on military. I think a military budget of $744 billion is appropriate for 2015.

Allow the private sector to do the spending the government is doing now to free up more room for military spending.

Military spending creates direct and indirect jobs, advances national technological independence, advances national security.
Heh, even better. Now we can slap an America's bitch and see if US will bail like it did to Georgia and Ukraine.
What can we say? Congratulation to the Philippines. What a country do to their sovereignty is part of their business. If they decide to let US pimp them, then it is their choice. We will never allow the US to touch any part of Greater China territories (HK, Macau, Taiwan). Those are prohibited from having foreign troops station. It's a red line draw by our people.

Isn't Singapore part of Greater China as well?
Isn't Singapore part of Greater China as well?
No, my friend. Singapore is an honorary guest of the Chinese family. If for some crazy reason, some terrorist country bomb Singapore city, we offer our deep condolence but not much else. Bombing hk, Macau, or even Taiwan, that is war.
This is a good thing. Everybody must do his part in the region.
Filipino are racist against them self...I heard those with a higher Spanish blood percentage are considered superior... don't expect foreigner to respect you if you don't even respect yourself.

As for the US...they can't do anything...they ll just watch...
Huh really weh talaga lang? Racism is as old as humanity its self! Funny if that was true how the hell would we live along togther? And with others once again other anti filipino post from a prick
Not very excited with this news. If only the deal would include (in my wildest dreams) allowing the US to independently investigate corrupt government officials then I am all for it. Other than that, it's a waste of money, the country would never see it's glorious days ever again.
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