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Japan is very angry! China Indonesia high speed railway is about to be completed, why not India?

If CPEC really does not benefit Pakistan or has little benefit, you Indians will not attack it in such a hurry.

Some roads in China also have been modified to bypass the whole town due to land problems. This is not an unsolvable problem.

Chinese infrastructure enterprises have many projects all over the world. As far as I know, most of the problems they encounter in foreign projects come from local governments, not land.

Or I can say it more clearly. Government factors such as inefficient administration, corruption, lack of professional knowledge and vicious political struggle between parties are the most important reasons.

For HSR to be effective it needs to be as straight as possible. Doing detours around every holdout is not a good way to have an efficient system.

Even Chinese members laugh at our Acela HSR for not being fast...well yeah..because the track can't be built straight without incurring a ridiculous cost so it’s meandering around on an erratic route.

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However, the slums throughout India obviously do not support Indian fantasies.
With the largest slum population on the planet, certainly not


https://mirror.unhabitat.org/documents/media_centre/APMC/Slum trends in Asia.pdf

Go eat some pangolin dung and child piss eggs :lol:

Not just child piss but baby piss as well

Given Chinese consume human baby flesh pills, when you chop a human baby body into small pieces, Baby's urine will still remain in the bladder and heating the bladder the water from urine evaporates leaving behind urine in solid form (yellow stains in urinals) and this ends in pills

South Korea cracks down on human flesh capsules from China

(AP) SEOUL, South Korea - South Korea has seized thousands of smuggled drug capsules filled with powdered flesh from dead babies, which some people believe can cure disease, officials said Monday.

The capsules were made in northeastern China from babies whose bodies were chopped into small pieces and dried on stoves before being turned into powder, the Korea Customs Service said.
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Its pretty bad, but not as bad as chinese consumption of virgin boy eggs urine :lol:
They consume their urine as well btw


BTW: We are very grateful to the Indian government for choosing Japanese enterprises over Chinese enterprises. This is our luck.
Sounds like a case of sore loser coping hard

If the goal was Japan being chosen, why did Chinese companies participate in the first place
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For HSR to be effective it needs to be as straight as possible. Doing detours around every holdout is not a good way to have an efficient system.

Even Chinese members laugh at our Acela HSR for not being fast...well yeah..because the track can't be built straight without incurring a ridiculous cost.


HSR has somme utility in North East and few selected regions of USA
It is completely uneconomical in vast regions of the country.
Well, from the Indonesia side, the project is also not easy as it sounds.

But thanks goodness, it's finished.

We also have delays, first because of Covid, and second is freeing the land.

Choosing China is perhaps the right thing to do.

First, they have the best HSR train in the world.

Second, building the railway is equally difficult as building the HSR train, especially in difficult climate and geographic conditions.

Just look at China's condition, from mountains, to desert, to tundra. I can say China is building HSR lines in almost every geographic condition, and China is an expert, as they did it.

I think this is one factor why China was able to complete the project fast, they know what to do in Indonesia, as they did it before in their home country.
Chinese HSR is not best and it’s not even close. Ever used those hsr ? And Japanese bullet trains?
How much it’s fuss to use Chinese hsr? Accidents?

It’s totally other matter that if Indians are thinking to have same system as Japanese they are in for a shock.
Retarded chink, look at the headline of the thread, you chinks like to drag india into everything, now go eat a cockroach. Please impose another one child policy and wipe yourselves to extinction please :lol:
chink is a western term ,do you think you are western from your little slumhole?
as a race you you are the shit skinned one ,backward ,low in 'IQ ,with no appeal or softpower what so ever what are u so proud of?
Indian Julab, dont drag China in everything in your discussion of the problem in your shithole country.
I can feel your anger bhai. Please no personal attacks regarding body size, we know the statistics, lol. Anyway reported.

With the largest slum population on the planet, certainly not


https://mirror.unhabitat.org/documents/media_centre/APMC/Slum trends in Asia.pdf

Not just child piss but baby piss as well

Given Chinese consume human baby flesh pills, when you chop a human baby body into small pieces, Baby's urine will still remain in the bladder and heating the bladder the water from urine evaporates leaving behind urine in solid form (yellow stains in urinals) and this ends in pills

South Korea cracks down on human flesh capsules from China
You heard of agoras? Lol. Its actually placenta pills and it's banned in China, Europeans and Koreans import them. MODS PLEASE CLEAN UP.
With the largest slum population on the planet, certainly not


https://mirror.unhabitat.org/documents/media_centre/APMC/Slum trends in Asia.pdf

Not just child piss but baby piss as well

Given Chinese consume human baby flesh pills, when you chop a human baby body into small pieces, Baby's urine will still remain in the bladder and heating the bladder the water from urine evaporates leaving behind urine in solid form (yellow stains in urinals) and this ends in pills

South Korea cracks down on human flesh capsules from China

The biggest gap comes from the Indonesian people and government, who are far more excellent and modern than India.

Hit the nail on the head. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Sanghis mouth off and blame their problems on others, as always. While we all know the infra standards Indians themselves follow. These people are the world's most frugal people, so they cut corners in everything. Japanese tech is expensive, but they don't want to pay for it (as if they have another option).

And habit for these Sanghis with Modi as their leader is always, delay, delay and more delays. First they said completion date was 2028 and five year delay, now they're saying it's going to be even more late. I have a feeling at some point they might just cancel it altogether.

Look at this bridge collapse after one day of inauguration in Modi's own state. Sixty people died. Horrible! Now do you believe India is a fourth world country under Modi? Now does everyone believe that Modi's own state is a $h*thole?

And this is what happened after the accident, scores dead and the govt. officials arrive as a "show of moral support". No civil defense, no boats to pickup survivors (these people mostly have no swimming skills). Just sad and pathetic.

This is their crack search and rescue team from IAF. Is rescue equipment and training that expensive?? Orange is the Hindutva color by the way. They have even politicized their armed forces.


All you have is people screaming like monkeys instead of lending a hand or jumping in to help. Like any sane group of people would do.

The most mismanaged govt. and their deluded leader floating on propaganda and BS, dragging India down to the abyss, the point of no return.

Eventually India will settle on 1% or 2% yearly GDP increase, what has been called "the Hindu rate of growth" for ages.

In fact - if India did not have back-office support as saving grace to float up their sad moribund economy, they would have hit that low a long time ago. An Indian said it himself.

I feel sad for all the sane Indian folks, the educated helpless ones.
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The mentality should change. Infrastructure project is not a boon given by foreign nations to China, but rather a BIG charity given by China to foreign nations, often with big hidden subsidies.

China should build infrastructure for friends and not to engage in hostile nations infrastructure, India is one of them Indians are the worst kind of shtback. When China is investing they get all benefit and keep shouting debt trap, exploitation, tax evasion, workers exploitation -- then their lawyers all set in motion asking to rob China's asset either through pure confiscation or through massive punitive fines.

Most nations have no abilities in complex infrastructure project.

Without infrastucture, no nations can develop.

This time Indonesia receive a BIG charity from China.
We don't need to build HSR just because chingchongs did it, their rail is 1 trillion dollars in debt. :lol:

They built it due to massive inferiority complex - like look, we have the tiniest heights and dicks and muscle mass in the world so look at our HSR . HSR is not feasible in India or anywhere in the world apart from 4-5 routes. Dedicated freight corridor is way more important, that should be expanded massively.

Indonesians are also struggling to pay off the cost of HSR. they will also go the Sri lankan and Pakistani way.

Read this. The article is more relevant to the US rather than India, but hard to ignore many of the key points.

HSR is a total money sink - 4-5 times more expensibe than normal rail and can't transport freight. Let the chinese build it, i hope they triple their network :D, We should massively expand DFC and Semi High Speed rail.
Lol.. can't eat the grape and claim it's sour. Typical indian behavior 🤣
Look at this bridge collapse after one day of inauguration in Modi's own state. Sixty people died. Horrible! Now do you believe India is a fourth world country under Modi? Now does everyone believe that Modi's own state is a $h*thole?

The bridge has been around for 150 years, then Indian "fixed" it. Would it better if Indian just leave it alone? Now Indian move on to "fix" UK......
I have always maintained that bullet train is not a priority for a low income nation.
Yes yes, Great leap forward was a brilliant judgement, only like 60 million got wiped out :lol:
Now u bring out an incident happened 60 years ago and talk about? How desperate r u...

Then we shall talk about how Indian get themselves fully colonised by British , claiming it's relevant in 2022 context. :enjoy:

With the largest slum population on the planet, certainly not


https://mirror.unhabitat.org/documents/media_centre/APMC/Slum trends in Asia.pdf

Not just child piss but baby piss as well

Given Chinese consume human baby flesh pills, when you chop a human baby body into small pieces, Baby's urine will still remain in the bladder and heating the bladder the water from urine evaporates leaving behind urine in solid form (yellow stains in urinals) and this ends in pills

South Korea cracks down on human flesh capsules from China
Nice cheapshot using fake news. Like how a coup happened in China against Xi has happened and guess what is the truth? 😂
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