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Japan enters where China is barred – northeast India

anything that brings in employment and infrastructure development for the nation must be welcomed.
and chini members can relax, it is the childish indian media creating a mountain out of a mole hill.

i for one, welcome investment from wherever it comes, including china.
It's typical way India uses to leverage China. We will reinfroce relationship with India's neibours as well.

China-haters in India goverment is numerous, the relationship won't improve unless they change their old mindset.

You already have them, what's new . :cheesy:
For India to invite Japan to build infrastructure here is a huge political statement. In 2007, China opposed an ADB loan for development works in Arunachal Pradesh describing it as "disputed territory".
And the Chinese think nothing of going ahead to build infrastructure in the 'disputed territory' of Kashmir in Gllgit/Baltistan!!!!!!

What's sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander. Right? But not for the Chinese! They are a law unto themselves! :tongue:
It's typical way India uses to leverage China. We will reinfroce relationship with India's neibours as well.

China-haters in India goverment is numerous, the relationship won't improve unless they change their old mindset.
well i for one will not agree with u....nobody in India hates China....we just dont trust ur govt. N the way they act never helps to make us think otherwise....
why wud we hate china...u r growing,gud for u.....
why do u think india didn't have talks with Japan before on high level ?? Why now after so many years??
Wanglao always think about one thing happened in 1962 and so he think Indian should have same old mindset.
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Meh, China could care less; it seems that the only people taking this as a serious thing is, well, the Indian media themselves ...

Wait for it, Now Chinese will start giving Warning>> you've no idea about CCP

Because Superboy said China is a threat to India, so I advised him to convince India to buy F-35 that he was so convincing to be the best answer to China's threat. And I'm not concerned at all concern India-Japan diplomatic catwalk, if fact we will thank Japanese to build road and infrastructure in your north east because when we get it back we won't need to do major upgrade. :lol: for you information South Tibet is still on XX round negociation and not over yet...and yes please do major upgrade on that area and make sure to pay the bill to japan before changing the ownership.

Oh, then you did great in Tibet. when we come we don't need to develop the infra except some railway bridges that would be eaten by IAF

No one care about the negotiations you're doing on AP, Because you'll never get it. All you can ask is to make the LAC international border, keep what you've and we keep what we have... CCP needs to advice this to you, they know the reality not you...
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India-China trade: $65 billion
India-Japan trade: $19 billion

India's trade deficit with China alone is nearly twice as big as India's total trade with Japan (currently at $31 billion).

Its a trick of evil yindoo baniya :devil: to keep china dependent that too in the times of sliding growth and recession.

Buy time and prepare for war.
Typical Indian media, this is like a child saying: I gave a candy to him and not you :chilli:...childish article.

Will have to agree with you.......

India-China trade: $65 billion
India-Japan trade: $19 billion

India's trade deficit with China alone is nearly twice as big as India's total trade with Japan (currently at $31 billion).

When you know that you are militarily weak, make your enemy dependent on you economically. It's the best thing that India could have done vis-a-vis China, but I guess you won't understand that.
Because Superboy said China is a threat to India, so I advised him to convince India to buy F-35 that he was so convincing to be the best answer to China's threat. And I'm not concerned at all concern India-Japan diplomatic catwalk, if fact we will thank Japanese to build road and infrastructure in your north east because when we get it back we won't need to do major upgrade. :lol: for you information South Tibet is still on XX round negociation and not over yet...and yes please do major upgrade on that area and make sure to pay the bill to japan before changing the ownership.

You dont have to pay taxes for dreaming. So dream on. :lol:
The trend will continue.

NEW DELHI: Japan is sailing in where China fears to tread. As India and Japan ramp up their bilateral relationship, India has invited Japan to invest in and build overland infrastructure in areas which are generally out of bounds for Chinese investments.

India and Japan used the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to dramatically expand the scope of bilateral cooperation to include the politically sensitive northeastern states of India, areas where Chinese investment or projects are actively discouraged. Japanese companies will have the opportunity to help the development of the northeast specially to build roads, and aid agriculture, forestry and water supply and sewerage in these states.

China claims Arunachal Pradesh as its territory, which has aggravated border tensions between India and China. Security agencies have also long tracked Chinese weapons assistance to militant outfits in northeastern states. It has taken India many difficult years to calm down these hills, but China remains a significant security threat.

For India to invite Japan to build infrastructure here is a huge political statement. In 2007, China opposed an ADB loan for development works in Arunachal Pradesh describing it as "disputed territory". The last time the Japanese were in India's northeast was during the second world war, when they worked with Netaji Subhash Bose's INA to confront the British in Nagaland.

Japanese companies have also been invited to help develop a new port in Chennai, which would be used to improve India's sea-route connectivity. India assiduously keeps China out of port development because they constitute India's critical infrastructure. Japanese assistance for Chennai port is also aimed at giving teeth to a new sea-based route that would start in Chennai, and end in Dawei port in Myanmar's Tanintharyi region. The port is being developed by Thailand.

In 2012, Thai PM Yingluck Shinawatra had promised PM Manmohan Singh that Thailand would pump in a massive $50 billion into Dawei, making it a bigger investment than China's in Gwadar or Hambantota.

The development of a new port in Chennai would serve to connect the industrial centres of southern and western India with southeast Asia. In addition, Japan's investment in the Bangalore-Chennai industrial corridor would find easy outlet from Chennai.

In the larger strategic matrix, this would help in building an alternative supply chain network, giving Asia a viable alternative to the China-dominated networks currently in play. The India-Japan team for economic projects is ultimately placing pieces together to build a multi-polar Asia, a declared strategic intent of both countries.

Japan and India have agreed to work together to develop infrastructure in other regional countries as well. This would have the double benefit of being a power projection for both countries in South Asia, it could be an effective counter to the Chinese juggernaut. For India, this would be an added advantage because it always falls short in delivering quality infrastructure by a moribund public sector system. An injection of Japanese funds and expertise is just what India needs.

As part of the trilateral dialogue between India, US and Japan, a trilateral highway linking India, Myanmar and Thailand (the ambitious draw it further to Hanoi, Vietnam) is likely to see more Japanese and US interest. This is an India-led project due for completion in 2016, but by itself, India is unlikely to make the target.

In Sri Lanka, where India is working hard to squander its hard won gains, it has invited Japan to help develop a huge thermal power plant in Trincomalee. Foreign minister Salman Khurshid recently inaugurated the project, which India has promised would be a better, cheaper power project than the one developed by the Chinese in Norachcholai.

India and Japan could also jointly develop the strategically crucial oil terminals in Trincomalee. In retaliation for India voting against Sri Lanka in the human rights council, Sri Lanka has threatened to take away some of the oil terminals from India. A joint development project with Japan would solve many issues with Colombo.

Buried in the agreements between India and Japan are a promise by Japan's JICA to help India's Export-Import Bank develop more attractive funding packages for Indian projects in regional countries. India always loses to China because Beijing offers finances at very attractive rates, which India cannot. India reckons that with Japanese help, it can up its own game in the neighborhood.

In the power play that is quietly underway in Asia, India has made Japan the centerpiece of its strategic outreach.

Manmohan hosts Abes at home

Keeping the special tempo in the India-Japan partnership, PM Manmohan Singh and his wife hosted the Japanese premier Shinzo Abe and his wife Akie to an exclusive, quiet dinner at his home Sunday evening.

Also at the dinner was Shotaro Yachi, recently appointed Abe's national security adviser, and his Indian NSA Shiv Shankar Menon.

Yachi has been Abe's closest foreign policy adviser for years. Japan's deputy vice minister Shin Sugiyama completed the table. This was probably the hihhest level strategic foreign policy conversation between Abe and a normally reticent Singh.

Thanks for Info.

BTW kindly give source for article.

P.S: Expect more border intrusions.
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Because Superboy said China is a threat to India, so I advised him to convince India to buy F-35 that he was so convincing to be the best answer to China's threat. And I'm not concerned at all concern India-Japan diplomatic catwalk, if fact we will thank Japanese to build road and infrastructure in your north east because when we get it back we won't need to do major upgrade. :lol: for you information South Tibet is still on XX round negociation and not over yet...and yes please do major upgrade on that area and make sure to pay the bill to japan before changing the ownership.

You are talking of taking AP for several years. :lol:
You dont have to pay taxes for dreaming. So dream on. :lol:

Indeed dream is free and dream is even more pay off if you have something that hold the other side by the ball such
Brahmaputra river :lol: Indians are so anger each year to monitor the water level and beg China to share the water data.
Seem like you dont have a sweef dream even after paying taxes.

You are talking of taking AP for several years. :lol:

And even after several years, your gorverments are still on South Tibet Issue? must be really annoying isn't it? :lol:
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