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Japan Defence Forum

This was bound to happen. The US has made a decision that this is the right time to rearm Japan.

Posters carrying a country flag should be careful about posting as each one of us represent our country's view to a degree.

At the same time, there are posters of varying credibility, so a single poster should not be used to get an impression about a country's official or even unofficial view.

The other thing to remember is that in this age of globalism every country in the globe trades with and invests in every other country. As we always have something to buy or sell from each other and money to invest to make profit.

But when it comes to military alliances or formal regional unions of nations, these are exclusive clubs of nations who have more in common within their group or have a common threat perception. Examples:
Military Alliance: NATO and NATO partners
Regional Union: EU, early in formation (ASEAN, EaEU, Arab League, African Union, UNASUR/Latin American Union etc.)

There are close economic cooperation between members of a Union and usually they are part of the same military alliance as well, but vice versa is not true, for example - Turkey is a member of NATO military alliance but not a member of EU.

NATO and NATO partners are not the last military alliance in the world, I believe there will be others. In a few decades, I think China will lead another military alliance. When that alliance takes shape, things will become clear about where everyone belongs.

Long term future possibilities:
SCO military alliance that may include the following possible unions:
- North East Asian Union (China+Japan+Korea's+Mongolia)
- EaEU (Eurasian Economic Union, former Soviet countries, except for the ones that join EU/NATO)
- ASEAN+Bangladesh+Sri Lanka
- West Asian Union (Turkey+Iran+Pakistan+Afghanistan+Shia 3rd of Iraq+Kurdish part of Iraq)

Current NATO and NATO partners:
NATO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If and when the new SCO alliance takes shape, over some years and decades, I think many existing NATO partners will join this new alliance. A di-polar world will thus come into being.
The leash is coming off and cannot be put back on.......

there is a poem in Japanese that expresses this:


No matter how Japan will re-militarized, we chinese only need one word to answer it as how we answer to Hun and Turk in the pass->I dont know if it exist in Japanese Kanji

I think i know what you mean.
I don't know what it means but I am sure it should be good....That's why I thanked your post...:cheers:

Thank you for the kind faith , friend.

The translation is more or less:

The pen and the ink come to one
The message is written
The heart now understands


Its a proverb, meaning, once a message is written and is read, it cannot be taken back again.
Japan recently has been in the news as a result of several high-profile territorial incidents with its neighbor China. The incidents involve what Japanese call the Senkaku Islands—the Diaoyu islands to the Chinese. Japan has legal ownership of the islands, which China disputes. The incidents have involved non-government activists and the coast guards of both nations, with many fearing an escalation could lead to some form of armed conflict.

Spurred on by those developments, Japan has accelerated what have been until now quiet plans to develop a specialized unit of marine infantry. This force, mentored by the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, is seen by Japan as essential in guarding the Senkakus, as well as other disputed territories. Like the Navy/Marine Corps team, the Japanese force will be a joint group consisting of the Ground, Air, and Maritime Self- Defense Forces, with everything from infantry to air support to the ships that carry them.

Japan's Amphibious Buildup | USNI News

Japan To Create Amphibious Force Modeled After US Marine Corps

The Japanese military plans to create a force of about 3,000 troops modeled after the US Marine Corps and capable of rapidly launching amphibious missions, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

The new force, which would use amphibious vehicles and V-22 Ospreys, would likely be based out of Kyushu or the Nansei Islands, which include Okinawa, according to the Journal. To accelerate its formation, Japan hopes to increase exercises with the U.S. military, such as “Iron Fist 2014,” a seven-week amphibious exercise at Camp Pendleton, Calif., that is finishing up this week.

Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera has said he hopes Japanese troops can also transfer to Guam, where Marines from Okinawa are being repositioned.

“Our nation has numerous remote islands, and islands of various sizes and they give us the basis for our exclusive economic zone that ranks sixth in the world,” Onodera told the Journal. “That makes it important to provide defense for islands over the coming years.”

Late last year, China established an air defense identification zone which includes the Senkaku Islands. The U.S. government has said that the islands are part of Japanese territory, which the U.S. military is obligated to protect under a 1960 treaty. ?However, when discussing the new force, Onodera did not mention growing tensions with China.

Report: Japan To Create Amphibious Force Modeled After US Marine Corps | Defense News | defensenews.com









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It's an interesting development, I don't think China will just sit idlely...only future will tell the counter-measure development on our side, this is like volleyball, the ball will bound back and fore...we shall see we will (耗) to the last. :cool:
this translation is not so good, but not so bad as Chinese translation of "self-defense" invasion to Vietnam in 1979.

US Marines and JMSDF Tokubetsu Rikusentai [Amphibious Attack Force] in winter training




With the Karl Gustav Coil-less rifle




In Naval Uniform



this translation is not so good, but not so bad as Chinese translation of "self-defense" invasion to Vietnam in 1979.

You Viet don't read Kanji, only Japan is unique and still use Kanji, you Viet have abolished Hanzi long time ago and hire Chinese to translate your ancestor writting and lecturing your history book...LMAO...pathetic isn't it?
Japan chose a way to hell, time will prove it!

For China, Japan is negligible. No matter how the development of the military, you narrow territory, you are easy to erase from the earth. So the Japanese militarism is best to stay awake, don't give us the opportunity.
You Viet don't read Kanji, only Japan is unique and still use Kanji, you Viet have abolished Hanzi long time ago and hire Chinese to translate your ancestor writting and lecturing your history book...LMAO...pathetic isn't it?

You step on old tracks of GrandHistorian ?
Japan chose a way to hell, time will prove it!

For China, Japan is negligible. No matter how the development of the military, you narrow territory, you are easy to erase from the earth. So the Japanese militarism is best to stay awake, don't give us the opportunity.

That's an arrogant statement...i like to be on all Chinese side but I only chose to be on the wise ones.
In fact, this is the Japanese war declaration,
From now on, ready to fight.
I think Japan officially not go for nuke. But unofficial action, I'm not sure ...
few kilogram of plutonium, can bring anywhere ...
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