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Japan Defence Forum

Japan now is the wrong way to go.
Japan believes that the United States help, will be able to belong to China's occupation of the territory (Diaoyu Islands),
However, Japan is an island nation in East Asia,
As Japan's neighbors, as East Asian cultural circle important country, Japan will eventually have to face China. Japan chose enmity with China, but with the present situation, not like before Japan's annexation of China, Japan at a disadvantage, even if both sides suffer,
For Japan,
After all, runs the risk of losses than gains.
Penny wise, pound-foolish.
History will give Abe inconclusive.
It's an interesting development, I don't think China will just sit idlely...only future will tell the counter-measure development on our side, this is like volleyball, the ball will bound back and fore...we shall see we will (耗) to the last. :cool:

We can wait,




It is the resurrection of the Kaigun Tokubetsu Rikusentai [Imperial Naval Landing Force], which was disbanded when Nihon Kaigun [Imperial Navy] was disbanded. The Kaigun Tokubetsu Rikusentai was the same force that led the invasion of Singapore, Java, and in the Philippine Islands during the Pacific War. So with this in mind, members of the Tokubetsu Rikusentai have a lot to uphold, namely, total dedication in attaining the goal, even unto death.
In fact, this is the Japanese war declaration,
From now on, ready to fight.

@Kiss_of_the_Dragon ,
Is this part of the Chinese character -- to be so emotional ?

Japan now is the wrong way to go.
Japan believes that the United States help, will be able to belong to China's occupation of the territory (Diaoyu Islands),
However, Japan is an island nation in East Asia,
As Japan's neighbors, as East Asian cultural circle important country, Japan will eventually have to face China. Japan chose enmity with China, but with the present situation, not like before Japan's annexation of China, Japan at a disadvantage, even if both sides suffer,
For Japan,
After all, runs the risk of losses than gains.
Penny wise, pound-foolish.
History will give Abe inconclusive.

Do not worry, we will not invade you. Drink your tea. Calm down.
The EU countries you mentioned are already have NATO's Nukes... Argentina ??? no way... first they are not even a strong military power.. economy is not that big... Brazil arose recently + these two nations don't have any threats from Nuclear powers except Argentina from UK. Canada,Sk under US nuke umbrella....................

Nuclear power is large jump... but when you have the equipment and Tech its walk in the park..... They've the Weapon grade uranium in stock, can modify the long rang rockets as Missiles.... given 6 month to 1 year.. they've a Nuke........ All these abilities Japan Acquired silently. why you do think they silently can't build one

Argentina and Brazil was the leading developing economy way before China, Japan or South Korea comes into the scene. Brazil's economy peaked as early as 1960s and Argentina was once portrayed to be a developed nation.

More importantly, the biggest obstacle for Japan to develop nuclear weapon would be US. Currently, there are five nuclear powers with both fission and fusion capacity (China, Russia, US, France, UK). There are three more countries with fission capacity (India, Pakistan and North Korea), plus Israel, which is widely believed to possess nuclear weapon. Aside from Israel, none of these nations are subordinate nation to another. This is because by possessing nuclear weapon, a country gain enough power in the bargaining table that they can generally maintain their political independence from other nations.

Now, the reason this concern Japan is because Japan is a semi-economic colony. First gulf war, 1995 plaza accord, 2008 economic crisis, recent Ukraine crisis, in all these conflicts, Japan is forced by US to foot some of the bills. (For example, in Ukraine crisis, the promised US aid to Ukraine comes entirely from Japanese's pocket. Similar, a lot of US' oversea wars are paid by Japanese in the name of supporting its allies. Notices that none of the European nations did such.)

If Japan develops nuclear weapon, then US effectively loses the biggest cash cow on the planet. More importantly, if their national policy becomes independent from US, the Japanese will have the option of NOT coming into conflict with China. Basically, the mean reason of conflict between China and Japan is because of US pivot to Asia. The disputed island has been in dispute for decades now and it is only because US' pivot to Asia that Japan to pushed into a front line conflict with China. Because of this, US may support Japan to arm itself because it suits its purpose, but allowing Japan to obtain nuclear weapon will be crossing the bottom line for US, which is maintaining control in East Asia.
But Japan would protect Taiwan and some other neighbors of China.

In the event that a foreign hostile power were to attack any of our allies, yes, by principle, we must defend our allies.
@Kiss_of_the_Dragon ,
Is this part of the Chinese character -- to be so emotional ?

Do not worry, we will not invade you. Drink your tea. Calm down.
I just say no cover a well known fact.
Abe doing at this moment, it will only make people feel that way.
Maybe some Japanese are better at hiding, Chinese people prefer to go straight.
But behind the Japanese do, far more than China, Japan no longer satisfied with China in the East China Sea noisy, Japan tried to intervene more controversy, this is true.
I just say no cover a well known fact.
Abe doing at this moment, it will only make people feel that way.
Maybe some Japanese are better at hiding, Chinese people prefer to go straight.
But behind the Japanese do, far more than China, Japan no longer satisfied with China in the East China Sea noisy, Japan tried to intervene more controversy, this is true.

If by 'noisy' meaning constant foray into our maritime and aerial domain, then, yes, you are precisely correct. In the Spirit of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the PRC , which was ratified in 1978, we had agreed that both parties will not try to impress upon each other or in Asia-Pacific designs of hegemony.

China has reneged on this by not only making territorial claims of the Senkaku Islands, but also in its 9-Dashed Claim of the South China Sea, which effectively constrains the EEZs of other nations in South East Asia. This effectively is in violation of our 1978 Treaty where in which both parties, Japan and China , would refrain from acts of hegemony that would disturb regional stability.

Thus, in response to such provocations, Japan has been forced to re-evaluate our Constitution in regards to national defense and the defense of our partners that may be affected by these so called claims.

And I am being quite direct about this.
Argentina and Brazil was the leading developing economy way before China, Japan or South Korea comes into the scene. Brazil's economy peaked as early as 1960s and Argentina was once portrayed to be a developed nation.

More importantly, the biggest obstacle for Japan to develop nuclear weapon would be US. Currently, there are five nuclear powers with both fission and fusion capacity (China, Russia, US, France, UK). There are three more countries with fission capacity (India, Pakistan and North Korea), plus Israel, which is widely believed to possess nuclear weapon. Aside from Israel, none of these nations are subordinate nation to another. This is because by possessing nuclear weapon, a country gain enough power in the bargaining table that they can generally maintain their political independence from other nations.

Now, the reason this concern Japan is because Japan is a semi-economic colony. First gulf war, 1995 plaza accord, 2008 economic crisis, recent Ukraine crisis, in all these conflicts, Japan is forced by US to foot some of the bills. (For example, in Ukraine crisis, the promised US aid to Ukraine comes entirely from Japanese's pocket. Similar, a lot of US' oversea wars are paid by Japanese in the name of supporting its allies. Notices that none of the European nations did such.)

If Japan develops nuclear weapon, then US effectively loses the biggest cash cow on the planet. More importantly, if their national policy becomes independent from US, the Japanese will have the option of NOT coming into conflict with China. Basically, the mean reason of conflict between China and Japan is because of US pivot to Asia. The disputed island has been in dispute for decades now and it is only because US' pivot to Asia that Japan to pushed into a front line conflict with China. Because of this, US may support Japan to arm itself because it suits its purpose, but allowing Japan to obtain nuclear weapon will be crossing the bottom line for US, which is maintaining control in East Asia.

don't be fooled by civilian tech marketed by Japanese for decades to coincide with military tech. That's a different field. One can be the leader of the former but not the latter.
China is now doomed , its rattles....

don't be fooled by civilian tech marketed by Japanese for decades to coincide with military tech. That's a different field. One can be the leader of the former but not the latter.
technology either move from Civilians to military OR military to civilians, If its civilian tech is so advance then it find its way to military Or form Military these tech come to civilians.
Japan cannot expect more on China peaceful rise, and they come to the point of never looking back.
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