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Japan Defence Forum

However good you are at changing subjects, you cannot deny White Bone Demon china is evil that needs containing :hitwall:

Quick question, I've read that Vietnam has recently received Kilo class submarines from Russia. How are they doing? Please post pictures.
Three gorge dam is a gravity dam, held together by its own mass. It is essentially a concrete mountain that is self-reinforcing. It is designed to withstand megaton range explosions. I am not aware that Vietnam army has thermonuclear weapon available. Of course, this is on top of the nuclear war with China.
Dropping a massive conventional bomb on the weakest point of the dam is enough.
Fantastic news! Good job Japan. This will surely bring balance in the region.

Well China is to blame for military buildup in East and South East Asia. Peace in Asia and in the world is threatened by China.

Now, we can look forward to Japan and Philippine bilateral military exercises together. I would love to see JMSDF and Philippine Navy conducting interdiction exercises.
Now, we can look forward to Japan and Philippine bilateral military exercises together. I would love to see JMSDF and Philippine Navy conducting interdiction exercises.

You will have to remove the whole 'self-defence' name out from all your branches of military. It doesn't suit the Flag of Rising Sun.
Dropping a massive conventional bomb on the weakest point of the dam is enough.

...Didn't I just explained that it is a gravity dam? It is an artificial concrete mountain, where is the weakness point in that? A regular bomb with explosive yield of one megaton will weight...one megaton. That's one million ton of TNT. Good luck trying to get that deep into Chinese territory.
Japan has chosen its own way of destruction, but this time isnt the U.S who holds the club but China

at least using your own fictional characters as the metaphor ``` oh, sorry forget that viets copied everything from China
At that time, Ur Monk was going to India to copy Buddhism
Thanks. I missed the point the Chinese have violated the friendship treaty with your country Japan.
Typical chinese behavior when they say peace they mean war.

Japan as the leading nation in East Asia has the duty not only to defend itself but other friends in the region.

If Vietnam is lost, the national security of Japan is in danger as the Chinese will control the South China Sea and the entire indochinese mainland. And beyond. Look at history and learn how Vietnam successfully stopped chinese imperialism in Southeast Asia.
Ww2 we all know that Japan control North Vietnam in order to stop supply to China mainland via Haiphong. Now they would not worry about that.
I happen to hold the U.S. vote, and I say 'Rock on , Japan' !!!:usflag: HEY !!! Did you hear that ? That was the sound of China shitting their pants. Nice !!
LOL, whatever u think right now at last Japanese will attack American in revenge for WWII Nuke.

The history do not lie, and now just repeat the history before WWII.

No doubt, next years when Japan get strong enough they will request to kick American out from Japan islands. I can see it.

The Japan country has ambition and the island has more interests in Pacific Ocean.
At that time, the enemy's enemy will be my friend. :coffee:

There's a truth, the Pacific Ocean is much larger than East China Sea, her islands much more than DiaoYu/Senkaku Island. Whether Japanese or Chinese only fight each other in small East-Asia region, or work together to challenge the big Pacific Ocean, it's a choice to test wisdom of both governments. At that time, the enemy's enemy will be my friend.

This case will develop like 1980s American support Afghan Taliban to against Soviet Union, then 2001 ur 'freedom fighter' made 9.11 in America. The American and ur military bases will leave Asia.

It's a good side for China and a bad side for U.S, we should watch two sides of a coin.
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Funny so many people can't see the truth, China would probably sell DF-41 to Japan if they wise, because we dare japan to attack China again. I'm wondering what Germany would react, if germany would follow to seek larger military role, then US will have no legitimate reason to keep military bases around the world. God bless Amelica:usflag::yahoo:
I didn't say a money could lecture humans. I just hope it would contain evil china (= not humans).
However good you are at changing subjects, you cannot deny White Bone Demon china is evil that needs containing :hitwall:
thats what your vietcong boss wants you to think in this way, but in fact viets are backstabbing ungrateful things nobody likes in world stage```as apart from providing cheap wifes nothing u can contribute to the world prosperity, just as simple as that

I didn't say a money could lecture humans. I just hope it would contain evil china (= not humans).
Absolutely incorrect. Please don't talk for Japanese people or pretend to represent the opinion of 128 million people.
lol, self-centered, hypocritical and stagey Japanese do not look down on south Asians``haha, thats new to me
@boomslang Let's face the reality, the Japan will build a normal military force, as a normal nation Japan also has their own national interests.

Compared with big Pacific Ocean, the East China Sea so little important. Next years when Japan government and Japan strength get more stronger, the American will find out ur stupid just grow up another powerful rival in the other side of Pacific Ocean. At that time U.S Navy will face Japanese, Russian, Chinese in the Pacific Ocean, the Ocean won't be American LAKE again.

Current DiaoYu/Senkaku Island dispute will become insignificance, China will welcome Japan to cooperate together into the Pacific Ocean. Maybe Chinese will help Japanese to kick American out from Japan islands first. :coffee:

If China can not stop Japan, be friends to f@ck the same rival in the Pacific Ocean !
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American nuked Japanese city twice in WWII.
If Japan military force own nukes, Don't American would worry about Japanese revenge, future nuke U.S back ? There's no permanent alliance, nations will fight(or nuke) in order to their own interests.

BTW NUKE is the offensive weapon, not defence weapon. No stupid will nuke himself in his own lands.
LoL ask your ally Pakistan about it they are making Tactical Nukes to be used as defence and meant to stop advancing enemy tank columns in their own country by nuking their own territory:haha::haha:. :omghaha:
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LoL ask your ally Pakistan about it they are making Tactical Nukes to be used as defence and meant to stop advancing enemy tank columns in their own country. :D
Use brain, to think about nuke in Pakistan lands or in Japan island which will bring worse result ? The Japan islands small and have many disasters like earthquake, tsunami, volcano etc. I said Japan can not afford nuke, coz easily lead to disaster damages in this islands.
Use brain, to think about nuke in Pakistan lands or in Japan island which will bring worse result ? The Japan islands small and have many disasters like earthquake, tsunami, volcano etc. I said Japan can not afford nuke, coz easily lead to disaster damages in this islands.
icnleio said: "BTW NUKE is the offensive weapon, not defence weapon. No stupid will nuke himself in his own lands.

I was replying to youe post which said No stupid will nuke himself in his own lands, well yeah no one will, but Pakistan is preparing to nuke itself in order to stop enemy advance.They think and want to use it as a Defensive weapon not Offensive weapon.
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