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Japan Defence Forum

We chinese are pragmatic and not let opportunists to exploite and take advantage of some "BAD things in the past" between China-Japan, not even US has anything to say beside instigating, as for these Viets, Pinoys and Indians...they're nothing but laughstoke of 21st century....they just want to vent their fustration for helplessly & hopeless dealing with China...let these kids cried on the corner.

It's not China's interest to push Japan to the point that it has no option but to find alliance against China, China-Korea-Japan are negociating the free trade agreement to bring prosterity for entire all of North east Asia...this proves that these 3 countries are mature and pragmatic beside our bad histories...we might have knifes throwning in Internet but very realist and pragmatic despite our differences.

I would like to reiterate Article I and Article II of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China:


1. The Contracting Parties shall develop relations of perpetual peace and friendship between the two countries on the basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence.

2. The Contracting Parties confirm that, in conformity with the foregoing principles and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, they shall in their mutual relations settle all disputes by peaceful means and shall refrain from the use or threat of force.


The Contracting Parties declare that neither of them should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region or in any other region and that each is opposed to efforts by any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony.

Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
And why would japan attack a nuclear nation and why would india attack a nuclear nation? You do know the moment you become a nuclear nation you pretty much become the closest thing to an invincible nation. why? bcz that nuclear country that is being attacked can destroy you with its nuclear arsenal and if its two nuclear countries then they will without a shadow of a doubt destroy each other especially if they are as close as Iran or arabia,pakistan or india, china and japan. Being a nuclear country is no joke. There is a reason why the UN 5 dont want any other nuclear countries bcz that would effect their influence.

Think whatever you want but with the amount of investment your country has done in us and the height of relations between the two countries it wont ever abandon us just bcz we increase our relations with japan. After all like i said diplomacy can work two ways.

China is friends with israel and is creating better ties with india while russia is creating relations with us despite its best friend being our worst enemy. We created relations with iran despite it being the enemy of one of our closest friends. Diplomacy is being used everywhere and should be the way to go. Be diplomatic and have ties with every country.

Infact it would be nothing better for the whole region if japan and china join hands. It would quell alot of the regional anger and ofcourse showcase China strength as the super power of atleast the Asian region. The more the relations of asian countries improve the more quickly we can make Asia the power continent.
nobody oppose you to develope relationship with japs. I just want to ask you a simple question, how do you feel if we say:It would be in China's best interest to help india in any way it can and to support them at this. if you think it is ok, we are fine with your choice too. Also if you think just you are a nuclear country then nobody dare to touch you, then don't come to us for weapons whatever
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nobody oppose you to develope relationship with japs. I just want to ask you a simple question, how do you feel if we say:It would be in China's best interest to help india in any way it can and to support them at this. if you think it is ok, we are fine with your choice too. Also if you think just you are a nuclear country then nobody dare to touch you, then don't come to us for weapons whatever

nobody oppose you to develope relationship with japs. I just want to ask a question, how do you feel if we say:

What can we say. didn't the chinese govt said that its looking for greater ties with india. Unlike india ( in our russian case) we wont scream if you increase ties with india bcz we know the relationship our govt possesses. Both countries pakistan and china enjoy good relations with each other and nothing will change that even if china increases relations with india or pakistan increases relations with japan. We both have supported each other enough to not have any insecurities abt our friendship just like it surprised my why many indians were being insecure abt our increasing relations with russia.

Do we scream our heads off when you have great trade ties with israel both economical and military? No bcz we understand our friendship is greater then a few signed deals.
What can we say. didn't the chinese govt said that its looking for greater ties with india. Unlike india ( in our russian case) we wont scream if you increase ties with india bcz we know the relationship our govt possesses. Both countries pakistan and china enjoy good relations with each other and nothing will change that even if china increases relations with india or pakistan increases relations with japan. We both have supported each other enough to not have any insecurities abt our friendship just like it surprised my why many indians were being insecure abt our increasing relations with russia.

Do we scream our heads off when you have great trade ties with israel both economical and military? No bcz we understand our friendship is greater then a few signed deals.
increasing relationship is fine, but say things like It would be in Pakistan's best interest to help japan in any way it can and to support them at this is another issue.

Just answer me the question : is it ok when we say It would be in China's best interest to help india in any way it can and to support them at this? if you are ok with this, then I will ok with you too.
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I think Russia + U.S + China should discuss this case in UNSC

I happen to hold the U.S. vote, and I say 'Rock on , Japan' !!!:usflag: HEY !!! Did you hear that ? That was the sound of China shitting their pants. Nice !!
You see the ":anyway it can part" means that it puts restriction on our help. It means we can only help if we can. Cant explain it more then that and the support was at the military issue of them increasing their military might not an open invasion against China.

That is how you start relations and then increase them. If you want my answer in a yes or no form then yes. You can bcz you are putting "anyway it can" part which restricts your help. Like i said you have relations with israel who tries to attack our nuclear assets so i dont know why you are taking it so personally. I didnt see any sanctions on israel from china when they sent jets to destroy our nuclear assets after they tried the same with syria.
I happen to hold the U.S. vote, and I say 'Rock on , Japan' !!!:usflag: HEY !!! Did you hear that ? That was the sound of China shitting their pants. Nice !!
you already degrade yourself to such a degree by resorting to join hands with your lapdog to counter China, do we need to scare? what a pity for once mighty US.

You see the ":anyway it can part" means that it puts restriction on our help. It means we can only help if we can. Cant explain it more then that and the support was at the military issue of them increasing their military might not an open invasion against China.

That is how you start relations and then increase them. If you want my answer in a yes or no form then yes. You can bcz you are putting "anyway it can" part which restricts your help. Like i said you have relations with israel who tries to attack our nuclear assets so i dont know why you are taking it so personally. I didnt see any sanctions on israel from china when they sent jets to destroy our nuclear assets after they tried the same with syria.
no need to play this kind of word game anymore. I am ok with your yes, and we will do it with our yes too. At least I personally encourage our gov to do that, you also can do too. over.
I am confident the United States will support our designs if it values the strategic relationship she has with Japan.

As for Russia and China, their opinion on the matter is of no consequence to us. We have the right to be a Nuclear power.

And I believe we shall.

I am not concerned about pictures of pro-isolationist nut jobs.

I don´t know man. I´m glad italy has not interest in nuclear weapons. We dont want this in our country.
you already degrade yourself to such a degree by resorting to join hands with your lapdog to counter China, do we need to scare? what a pity for once mighty US....

I smell fear. Chinese fear. And then 20 minutes later, you're scared again.:bunny:
Me being defensive? What about you being plain old offensive?

Less than 7 decades have passed since the last horrors of war and now we see Japanese youngsters posting about nukes and military expansion?

You are studying psychology right? what do you make of someone with a past history of outrageous violence talking about WMDs?

The issue of Lebensraum in Japan is as old as the people living on that archipelago. The area is a volcanic mess.
WW2 was started by desperation after all.

I talk Asian pride. Go to any university and see how Asians really behave with each other regardless of nationality. Asians almost always group with other Asians.

Had Vietnam been a friend of China and not chosen the USSR, the situation today would mostly be different between our countries. Chinese helped in Dien Bien Phu, in the war against America and even against the early French colonials (Black flags etc)

But Vietnam chose the USSR and spat in our face.
If you're stupid, don't make the error by assuming others are as stupid as you. Keep repeating bullshit does not make your propaganda true.
you already degrade yourself to such a degree by resorting to join hands with your lapdog to counter China, do we need to scare? what a pity for once mighty US.

no need to play this kind of word game anymore. I am ok with your yes, and we will do it with our yes too. At least I personally encourage our gov to do that, you also can do too. over.

Politics both international and domestic is done through word plays otherwise many contracts would be a thousand times more binding. When a president or a prime minister gives speech at an international event or signs a deal each word is looked at a thousand times to ensure its meaning. This is one of the main reasons countries dont prefer the over-reactive leader over calm leaders. you need this sense to make sure what others mean and what you mean. When a law is passed its also worded very carefully.

As for relations you are taking things very seriously here. Too seriously, I think as japans rises china and japan will try to have better ties. Japan knows that its the nest rising super power and china knows that it cant have anymore strong economical countries as its enemies. :D
We chinese are pragmatic and not let opportunists to exploite and take advantage of some "BAD things in the past" between China-Japan, not even US has anything to say beside instigating, as for these Viets, Pinoys and Indians...they're nothing but laughstoke of 21st century....they just want to vent their fustration for helplessly & hopeless dealing with China...let these kids cried on the corner.

It's not China's interest to push Japan to the point that it has no option but to find alliance against China, China-Korea-Japan are negociating the free trade agreement to bring prosterity for entire all of North east Asia...this proves that these 3 countries are mature and pragmatic beside our bad histories...we might have knifes throwning in Internet but very realist and pragmatic despite our differences.
What a moron.

Vietnam is a laughing joke, while Japan is your friend?

You don't know but the Japanese see you as nothing more than parasites. They hate your national character: licking the boot of the mighty and bullying the weak. Sucking the blood of other.

That explains the Japanese brutality against Chinese in WW2.
I smell fear. Chinese fear. And then 20 minutes later, you're scared again.:bunny:
ya, you wish, we don't fear jap's master before, but we now begin to fear its lapdog? how pethetic US has degraded that need its lapdog to maintain its dominance? In another word, we don't fear about US before, why should we fear its new releashed lapdog?

Politics both international and domestic is done through word plays otherwise many contracts would be a thousand times more binding. When a president or a prime minister gives speech at an international event or signs a deal each word is looked at a thousand times to ensure its meaning. This is one of the main reasons countries dont prefer the over-reactive leader over calm leaders. you need this sense to make sure what others mean and what you mean. When a law is passed its also worded very carefully.

As for relations you are taking things very seriously here. Too seriously, I think as japans rises china and japan will try to have better ties. Japan knows that its the nest rising super power and china knows that it cant have anymore strong economical countries as its enemies. :D
As for relations you are taking things very seriously here. Too seriously, I think as indians rises pakistan and india will try to have better ties. India knows that its the nest rising super power and pakistan knows that it cant have anymore strong economical countries as its enemies. good luck to you pakis.
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