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Jammu Kashmir a disputed territory, not ‘integral part’ of India: Pakistan

I respect your views Sir. I agree that Kashmir should be what Kashmiris want. And that cannot happen until the very people who made up Kashmir continue to live in other states because of fear. Until that happens how can we come to any conclusion as to how many want to be part of India and how many don't. Please also take into account the propaganda and the support some elements enjoy to push forward the Pakistani agenda. Until and unless Kashmir returns to actual demography it once was any talk of solving KASHMIR to will of the Kashmiris is useless. Can I understand why you think strategic grounds are not enough for us to be holding onto Kashmir? In fact I can't find any stronger reason that that for keeping Kashmir. Please don't be fooled by the sweet talk of China. They have an agenda and they work 24/7 to achieve it. Rail link through a territory which is disputed gives you very strong signal about the what the future has in store for us. This is one of the many points that make up for the Strategic reasoning.

Also don't think for once the Army would allow any such kind of thing. Rather we would put our heart and soul into making lives of Kashmiris better but to say we should let Kashmir be independent and again to fell pray to Pakistan is simply wishful thinking.

  1. Indeed. Kashmir should be what Kashmiris want. We are both on common ground and that is a starting point to a sensible discussion.
  2. Invite the displaced Kashmiris to return to Kashmir. Set a time frame. If they don't then they have forsaken their birthright. After all a fourth generation Indian descendant who now has American citizenship and whose forefather left India due to the fear of poverty cannot now claim a part of India right? Apply the same principle to Kashmir
  3. The Pakistani agenda is immaterial. Refer to point 1. The aspirations of the Kashmiris is instrumental
  4. If strategic grounds is material to retaining any perceived unlawful occupation of a nation, then heaven help India my friend. You will lend justification to bigger and stronger China annexing by force all those disputed territories claimed by China which India holds. Brute force leads to a caveman mentality. Sovereign respect is more acceptable
  5. The Chinese agenda is immaterial. Refer to point 1.
  6. Rail link through an independent or Pakistani joined by majority consensus or loyalist to India Kashmir would prove to be a much better investment for India which would find a stable destination to trade with.
  7. The army? Since when did the Indian military dictate foreign relations ? They are purely a strategic advisory board when it comes to Indian foreign relations. This isn't the Pakistani army we are talking about
  8. I disagree strongly with your concluding statement. Patronizing and behaving like a protective mother over an infant son towards the Kashmiris would not win their love. They are more like rebellious, undecided young adults. Give them the freedom and if they want to remain at home, let it be by their choice and not by our dictate
  1. Indeed. Kashmir should be what Kashmiris want. We are both on common ground and that is a starting point to a sensible discussion.
  2. Invite the displaced Kashmiris to return to Kashmir. Set a time frame. If they don't then they have forsaken their birthright. After all a fourth generation Indian descendant who now has American citizenship and whose forefather left India due to the fear of poverty cannot now claim a part of India right? Apply the same principle to Kashmir
  3. The Pakistani agenda is immaterial. Refer to point 1. The aspirations of the Kashmiris is instrumental
  4. If strategic grounds is material to retaining any perceived unlawful occupation of a nation, then heaven help India my friend. You will lend justification to bigger and stronger China annexing by force all those disputed territories claimed by China which India holds. Brute force leads to a caveman mentality. Sovereign respect is more acceptable
  5. The Chinese agenda is immaterial. Refer to point 1.
  6. Rail link through an independent or Pakistani joined by majority consensus or loyalist to India Kashmir would prove to be a much better investment for India which would find a stable destination to trade with.
  7. The army? Since when did the Indian military dictate foreign relations ? They are purely a strategic advisory board when it comes to Indian foreign relations. This isn't the Pakistani army we are talking about
  8. I disagree strongly with your concluding statement. Patronizing and behaving like a protective mother over an infant son towards the Kashmiris would not win their love. They are more like rebellious, undecided young adults. Give them the freedom and if they want to remain at home, let it be by their choice and not by our dictate

Starting from the 2 point :

2) Merely sending an invite won't help my friend. In past, invite was given some of them even came back yet they had to flee again because of threats. You invite them and you give them the security they want in addition to financial support for building homes. This is being worked on by Govt as we speak.

3) How is it immaterial? You know how easy it is too fool someone in the name of Islam to carry Jihad? Is it not because of the Pakistani agenda that we have to deploy much of our troops in that region? You can't just ignore the Pakistani agenda.

4) Again you are thinking tactical. You think China is not going to come after our territory irrespective of whether we hold on to Kashmir or not? They will no matter what. By giving up Kashmir you would actually make it much worse for India. And India is not some country which can be easily run over. Geography of the region already makes it difficult for ensuring supplies and India can very much defend herself from any Chinese attack. Chinese agenda is very much real you just don't need to be a Alice in wonderland!

6) Don't discount the military application of the rail link. Karakoram Highway has already been used to transfer military hardware. By giving up Kashmir you would make it difficult for India to target the Rail link which would possibly be used for supplying arms to Pakistan.

7) Forgot Siachen my friend? Indian Amry told the Govt in clear terms if you give it once you would never be able to take it back again! I agree with you IA don't have much say but when it comes to most crucial things IA does a have a lot of weight in the final say.

8) What has made you come to the conclusion that Kashmiris want freedom? Are you falling for the Pakistani propaganda? As I said we would work towards making the lives of Kashmiris. Any talk of freedom is useless until it becomes the demography it once was.
Yes you are wrong. Can you present a statics comparing deaths from both sects ??

Your authorities have acted ?? Why don't you name few terrorist Sunni organisations banned by your government.
we dont ban .. we just go and kill :) .. TTP is also a biggest threat to shias community we are doing operation against them
J & K was illegally occupied by Indian forces & till date they have continued to terrorize the people of Kashmir.

By showing or drawing Kashmir as part of India by jabroni Indians does not mean Kashmir is part of India, they do it only to please themselves.
J & K was illegally occupied by Indian forces & till date they have continued to terrorize the people of Kashmir.

By showing or drawing Kashmir as part of India by jabroni Indians does not mean Kashmir is part of India, they do it only to please themselves.

You post nonsense like the above and you give away a healthy discussion of logic on the topic. @Bearwithclaws , points noted.
Kashmiris are enjoying the benefits government given to them, Only some nut head join so called jihad and waste his beautiful life, we've Kashmiri youths joining in the Army and they're one of the main forces hunting the Terrorists in Kashmir, Kashmir has its own CM which is selected by the people in accordance with Indian constitution. So what if there're Majority of Muslims??? World knows how the Militants in Pakistan were formed, I don't have to listen anything from you..
Meanwhile, the Muslim-majority Kashmir Valley is shut down in response to calls from separatist groups to protest against Mr Modi's visit.

In the state capital, Srinagar, shops, businesses, offices, schools and banks are closed and there is little traffic on the roads in most parts of the valley.
BBC News - Indian PM Narendra Modi on maiden Kashmir visit

Kashmiri separatists demand either independence from Hindu-majority India or a merger with Muslim-majority Pakistan. About 68,000 people have been killed since 1989 in an armed uprising and Indian military crackdown. While the armed rebellion has largely been suppressed, anti-India resentment still runs deep and is mainly expressed through street protests.
Strike, curfew shut Kashmir as India leader visits

SRINAGAR, India – Shops, businesses and schools are shut in Indian-controlled Kashmir after separatist groups opposed to Indian rule announced a strike to protest a visit by the country's prime minister.
Strike to protest visit by prime minister shuts down Indian Kashmir | Fox News


PHOTO: A Kashmiri muslim boy walks past shuttered shops during a one-day strike in downtown Srinagar on July 4 on Indian prime minister Narendra Modi's maiden visit (AFP/Tauseef Mustafa)
Schools and shops were shuttered and normally busy roads were free of traffic in Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian controlled Kashmir, when Mr Modi arrived to meet army commanders.
Separatists shutdown Kashmir as India's prime minister Narendra Modi visits the troubled state - Australia Network News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Kashmir freed????? Dude i am keep on asking you this question but you're not giving me one????

How????????????/ Who has the guts and ability to take it away from india????
I assure you ... Only PA has guts ... You will see one day ..............
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Meanwhile, the Muslim-majority Kashmir Valley is shut down in response to calls from separatist groups to protest against Mr Modi's visit.

In the state capital, Srinagar, shops, businesses, offices, schools and banks are closed and there is little traffic on the roads in most parts of the valley.
BBC News - Indian PM Narendra Modi on maiden Kashmir visit

Kashmiri separatists demand either independence from Hindu-majority India or a merger with Muslim-majority Pakistan. About 68,000 people have been killed since 1989 in an armed uprising and Indian military crackdown. While the armed rebellion has largely been suppressed, anti-India resentment still runs deep and is mainly expressed through street protests.
Strike, curfew shut Kashmir as India leader visits

SRINAGAR, India – Shops, businesses and schools are shut in Indian-controlled Kashmir after separatist groups opposed to Indian rule announced a strike to protest a visit by the country's prime minister.
Strike to protest visit by prime minister shuts down Indian Kashmir | Fox News


PHOTO: A Kashmiri muslim boy walks past shuttered shops during a one-day strike in downtown Srinagar on July 4 on Indian prime minister Narendra Modi's maiden visit (AFP/Tauseef Mustafa)
Schools and shops were shuttered and normally busy roads were free of traffic in Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian controlled Kashmir, when Mr Modi arrived to meet army commanders.
Separatists shutdown Kashmir as India's prime minister Narendra Modi visits the troubled state - Australia Network News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

I assure you ... Only PA has guts ... You will see one day ..............
I can assure you ,all PA can do is baba ji ka thullu.
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