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Jammu Kashmir a disputed territory, not ‘integral part’ of India: Pakistan

If it is your land, try coming here. You will need a visa approved by the Govt of India, or you will be shot at the border like the three jihadi infiltrators were shot today. But if I want to go to Kashmir, all I need to do is board a plane or drive there. It is my country, my people. There is nothing you can do about it. Deal with it.:rofl:

^^^^ WHY WOULD I NEED A VISA i can travel all over India as well you know ,you can come hide & visit here but its my home so maybe your right only way any Indian can stop me is by killing me ,but we know that
Hi ,why you posting pics of Delhi muslims here ??????? desperate much
Which are the Delhi muslims? Your one line responses to my long, pointed set of questions and points shows who is desperate. You also showed your desperation earlier when you posted irrelevant news items without bothering to find out the final count. You didn't answer my question as to who can travel to Kashmir without any papers, you or me.

Anyway the point is that Kashmiris celebrate their Indianness everyday. Schoolchildren to policemen to armed forces personnel to civilians. Guess which country's Prime minister these Kashmiri schoolchildren are travelling with? It sure ain't Pakistan's, to use the same sentence you used in your first post here:


Guess which country's President they are welcoming, with which country's flag?


Guess which country's president this Kashmiri woman is proudly receiving a commendation from?


Guess which country these Kashmiris are swearing to protect with their lives, from infiltrating jihadis?


Guess why these Kashmiri parents are proud of their sons, for becoming officers in which country's Border Security Force?



Guess which state's police force she belongs to, and which country's independence day celebration is making her smile in glee?


Guess which country's independence day these Kashmiri schoolkids are celebrating?


Guess which country's flag these youth in Srinagar are jubilantly waving?


Sorry boy, Kashmir is Indian. Any jihadi infiltrator who tries to intrude and stir trouble will be sent packing into an unmarked grave. That's how it has been, that's how it shall be. As long as the Republic of India exists, that will not change.

If you can somehow dismantle India without yourself getting annihilated, then you can have Kashmir. Until then, if you want to come here, come with an Indian govt issued visa. Mingle with our people, breathe our air, eat our food, listen to our music, enrich your soul. Or try to sneak across the LOC, and get killed and enrich the soil. These are your only two options to see Indian Kashmir. I would recommend the first option - it's a beautiful place.
@gtrr: Enjoy these images from Indian Kashmir:



For every photo op image you attach from ten years back, saying "India go back", or that Pakistani flag at Lal Chowk, I can give you a hundred photos of ordinary Kashmiris celebrating their Indianness and Kashmiriyat. This is the Union of India, where Kashmiris and Marathis and Bengalis and Biharis and Malayalees all retain their identity and yet owe allegiance to the larger idea of India. Unlike you we, don't split apart for language or culture or religion or race.

E Pluribus Unum.


Sirinagar Lal Chowk


The protest erupted in different parts of Kashmir soon after the eid prayers, compounded with the Kishtawar event




Kashmir Protests. Images from the violent protests in Kashmir. As a part of Hurriyat's 'Quit Kashmir' campaign

Every dog has its day .. Yours was in 71 .. Creating a civ war .. Jumping in etc..
71 after 1000 years of humiliation..lol
Umm...there they go again. Humiliation from whom? You? No, from Turks and Afghans. And your own place was raped and pillaged by them, as well as Arabs and numerous others. Make no mistake, you were the conquered, not the conquerers.

Speaking as if you were ruling all those thousand years.


Sirinagar Lal Chowk


The protest erupted in different parts of Kashmir soon after the eid prayers, compounded with the Kishtawar event




Kashmir Protests. Images from the violent protests in Kashmir. As a part of Hurriyat's 'Quit Kashmir' campaign


If you had followed the thread, I had already predicted that somebody would post that ten year old photo from Lal Chowk, and I had told you that for each such photo, I can show you hundreds of photos of ordinary Kashmiris (not seperatists) celebrating their Kashmiriyat and Indianness. You didn't dissapoint; even after I said that, you came along and posted that tired old photo.:enjoy:

Kashmir is ours, and will remain so. Learn to live with it.
Umm...there they go again. Humiliation from whom? You? No, from Turks and Afghans. And your own place was raped and pillaged by them, as well as Arabs and numerous others. Make no mistake, you were the conquered, not the conquerers.

Speaking as if you were ruling all those thousand years.

If you had followed the thread, I had already predicted that somebody would post that ten year old photo from Lal Chowk, and I had told you that for each such photo, I can show you hundreds of photos of ordinary Kashmiris (not seperatists) celebrating their Kashmiriyat and Indianness. You didn't dissapoint; even after I said that, you came along and posted that tired old photo.:enjoy:

Kashmir is ours, and will remain so. Learn to live with it.

Yeah i read that thats why posted it :D
Kashmir is yours? Time will tell my freind :angel:
Umm...there they go again. Humiliation from whom? You? No, from Turks and Afghans. And your own place was raped and pillaged by them, as well as Arabs and numerous others. Make no mistake, you were the conquered, not the conquerers.

Speaking as if you were ruling all those thousand years.

Lmao so the conquers were conquered by conquers ? While the conquers ruled ur dhimi behinds from Delhi... No shit..:lol:

As for me u do know Mir Nisar khan who spanked Sikhs was the son in law of Sher shah Suri .. He was a devout muslim .. N trimmed his hair when he saw the Sikhs n their culture.. The 40+ mil Pakhtuns are afghan by the definition of Khushal Khan Khattak aswell .. The punjabi chieftains were also allied with Mughals etc.. The Turk ? Which one the Ghilzais? We have one on this forum .. He loves you guys too.. So to push ur bs somewhere else kiddo .. Maybe to jodha bai or other women whom you gave to Mughals .. N spare us the bullshit..
Yeah i read that thats why posted it :D
Kashmir is yours? Time will tell my freind :angel:
Time has already told, since 1947 when you invaded the sovereign kingdom, and they quickly merged with us. Since then, it has been ours. "Time will tell" is applied to future events. "Kashmir IS ours" is a statement about the present. It is ours, and unless you can destroy the Republic of India without getting destroyed, it will remain so.

Lmao so the conquers were conquered by conquers ? While the conquers ruled ur dhimi behinds from Delhi... No shit..:lol:

As for me u do know Mir Nisar khan who spanked Sikhs was the son in law of Sher shah Suri .. He was a devout muslim .. N trimmed his hair when he saw the Sikhs n their culture.. The 40+ mil Pakhtuns are afghan by the definition of Khushal Khan Khattak aswell .. The punjabi chieftains were also allied with Mughals etc.. The Turk ? Which one the Ghilzais? We have one on this forum .. He loves you guys too.. So to push ur bs somewhere else kiddo .. Maybe to jodha bai or other women whom you gave to Mughals .. N spare us the bullshit..
Oh man. This has been debunked so many times. Do I need to name all the hindu rulers who have ruled rpesent dya Pakistan? Or sikh rulers? The point is not about religion, just because your forefathers adopted the religion of the conquerers doesn't make you a conquerer. Most parts of present day India was not conquered by Afghans or Turks or Arabs. But every inch of today's Pakistan was.
Time has already told, since 1947 when you invaded the sovereign kingdom, and they quickly merged with us. Since then, it has been ours. "Time will tell" is applied to future events. "Kashmir IS ours" is a statement about the present. It is ours, and unless you can destroy the Republic of India without getting destroyed, it will remain so.

Not every corner of the sub continent is for you Indians.

Now develop some morality and let people live and have their own identity, your country is big enough already.
Oh man. This has been debunked so many times. Do I need to name all the hindu rulers who have ruled rpesent dya Pakistan? Or sikh rulers? The point is not about religion, just because your forefathers adopted the religion of the conquerers doesn't make you a conquerer. Most parts of present day India was not conquered by Afghans or Turks or Arabs. But every inch of today's Pakistan was.

Which happened long before the invasions etc.. N not all but Punjab n Sindh.. N again .. How can my ancestors who invaded n crushed your people adopt our own religion ? When we were infact the invaders .. Pretty retarded logic ...n nope the khiljis were rulling in Delhi n had no control over us.. Even so they were of mixed stock .. Culturally n religiously one of us! .. Apart fro tht I'm give you another small example of the punjabis .. Do you know tht the khiljis had ordered that a Hindu should open his mouth when a muslim has to spit or was it someone else?hmmm.. At the same time the Khokhars were givin them a hard time .. Akbar the guy who married the Hindu princess? A muslim Rajput from sandalbar now pindi bhattian was waging a war against tht dude.. Even kidnapped his wives when they were on the journey to Mecca .. The dude used to save non muslim women from Mughals n wed them of as his own daughters... Thts why punjabis in India celebrate lohri n sing tributary songs praising him.. Nough said .. Bye.
Which happened long before the invasions etc.. N not all but Punjab n Sindh.. N again .. How can my ancestors who invaded n crushed your people adopt our own religion ? When we were infact the invaders .. Pretty retarded logic ...n nope the khiljis were rulling in Delhi n had no control over us.. Even so they were of mixed stock .. Culturally n religiously one of us! .. Apart fro tht I'm give you another small example of the punjabis .. Do you know tht the khiljis had ordered that a Hindu should open his mouth when a muslim has to spit or was it someone else?hmmm.. At the same time the Khokhars were givin them a hard time .. Akbar the guy who married the Hindu princess? A muslim Rajput from sandalbar now pindi bhattian was waging a war against tht dude.. Even kidnapped his wives when they were on the journey to Mecca .. The dude used to save non muslim women from Mughals n wed them of as his own daughters... Thts why punjabis in India celebrate lohri n sing tributary songs praising him.. Nough said .. Bye.

Off topic rants about imagined past glory. Sorry, not interested in your myths.

The topic is Jammu-Kashmir, and that is an Indian state. That will not change. Kashmir rahega Hindustan, and any attempt by Pak to take it from us will end in miserable failure and severe blowback. You send your SSG to take Kashmir, you will end up desperately defending Lahore. Oh wait, that happened in 1965 after your operation grandmess. You send jihadis and mujahideens, they won't affect India much, but soon your own country will start getting jihaded. Oh wait, that's happening already. You try to bleed us through a thousand cuts, and your entire war machinery will end up fighting the very Frankensteins they created. As you can see happening around you. With this unhealthy obsession for an unattainable dream, you will always remain a war torn place.

But jab tak suraj chand rahega, Kashmir Hindustan rahega.:wave:
Off topic rants about imagined past glory. Sorry, not interested in your myths.
Oh don't ... Don't be Iike tht way man..

The topic is Jammu-Kashmir, and that is an Indian state. That will not change. Kashmir rahega Hindustan, and any attempt by Pak to take it from us will end in miserable failure and severe blowback. You send your SSG to take Kashmir, you will end up desperately defending Lahore. Oh wait, that happened in 1965 after your operation grandmess. You send jihadis and mujahideens, they won't affect India much, but soon your own country will start getting jihaded. Oh wait, that's happening already. You try to bleed us through a thousand cuts, and your entire war machinery will end up fighting the very Frankensteins the created. As you can see around you.

But jab tak suraj chand rahega, Kashmir Hindustan rahega.:wave:

Oh wait a covert ops ..lead to a full frontal attack without warning .. Oops ending with indian division commander hiding in suga cane fields to hide his *** .. International media taunting India.. With quarter of indian airforce decimated .. N so on .. Oops ..

Now il ask your permission I have gotta go .. Sehar time .. Gotta eat something for the fast..

N oh happy Ramadan.
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