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Jammu Kashmir a disputed territory, not ‘integral part’ of India: Pakistan

Pakistan army in Kashmir

Indian army in Kashmir

See the difference.
Pakistan army in Kashmir

Indian army in Kashmir

See the difference.
Happy !! now moment of truth you and all pakistani pdf members on this thread . Like you your children's will too see tricolour flag flying over kashmir and their children as well ,like your father seen it and his father might seen it too.Its a legacy that pass on to father to son from last Last 67 years and will continue till humanity being to exist.its a humiliation you will have too live with everday and you will die dreaming about this AJK dream.nothing will change ,not now not in future better except reality and add something worth to your life.
Pakistan army in Kashmir

Indian army in Kashmir

See the difference.

Congratulations, that's two lies in two sentences.

1) The first picture is not from Kashmir, but S Waziristan during Operation Rah-e-nijat.

Photos from posts

2) The picture is not of an armyan, but a CRPF police constable on riot control duty.

This is how Pakistanis make up a fictitious narrative to support their baseless claims. Lies, deception, misrepresentation, fraud, hoax. The only way they can spin their fiction. Is there any religious edict to not lie during a holy month?

I can show you REAL pictures of Indian armymen in Kashmir mingling with the locals, but I have already posted enough pics for the day.

Edit: What the hell, may as well show you what the IA does in Kashmir:







Happy !! now moment of truth you and all pakistani pdf members on this thread . Like you your children's will too see tricolour flag flying over kashmir and their children as well ,like your father seen it and his father might seen it too.Its a legacy that pass on to father to son from last Last 67 years and will continue till humanity being to exist.its a humiliation you will have too live with everday and you will die dreaming about this AJK dream.nothing will change ,not now not in future better except reality and add something worth to your life.
Actually the moment of truth for him would be to be told that we know that the picture he posted is not from Kashmir, but S Waziristan.:lol:
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Clearly you did not get my sarcasm.

A lot of bad things have happened in Kashmir, there is nothing fictitious about it. If you had the concept of morality then you would feel the pain of your fellow human and not be psycho about a piece of land. Disgusting.
Clearly you did not get my sarcasm.

A lot of bad things have happened in Kashmir, there is nothing fictitious about it. If you had the concept of morality then you would feel the pain of your fellow human and not be psycho about a piece of land. Disgusting.

LOL, sarcasm? More like a bald faced lie. You showed a picture from Waziristan and claimed it is from Kashmir, and you showed a policeman in the middle of a riot and claimed it's the Indian army, and then you call that sarcasm? Either you don't know what the word means, or you are trying to cover one lie with another. Anyway I have added REAL pictures from Kashmir to that post. (And not pics from elsewhere trumpeted as Kashmir.)

Yes, a lot of bad things happened in Kashmir, due to the jihadi terrorists from Pakistan and Afghanistan, brought there by the ISI. But we have put an end to that, and Kashmir is now more peaceful than any part of Pakistan. We have shed our blood to make that place safe for our Kashmiris after your people infiltrated bearded terrorists there, so don't lecture us on morality or pain of others. You caused the pain, we eased it.

We are not psycho, we merely intend to keep our land - that's what all sovereign nation states do, protect their land from greedy neighbours. But maybe the concept of sovereignity and nation state may be lost on you.
Clearly you did not get my sarcasm.

A lot of bad things have happened in Kashmir, there is nothing fictitious about it. If you had the concept of morality then you would feel the pain of your fellow human and not be psycho about a piece of land. Disgusting.
Sir ji we feel the pain of every human life lost to you sponsored terrorists in the name of jihad for this small piece of land you called,people who lost their life's In these hideous sins committed by misleded youths wasting there life on this lost cause.our Matyr blood will never be forgiven and wasted.
Remind me, any other nation in modern history that has been dismembered?:butcher:

No wonder sons of a neutered nation get solace arguing on internet forums! :big_boss:

Hmm .. Ever look at a country ruled by outsiders for a thousand years? What a submissive or should I say passive ppl...Whose kids find solace In the pathetic civil war of 71.. After a 1000 years of humiliation be in in form of dhimi or the khiljis ordering Hindus to open their mouth when a muslim spits...Funny isn't it.
@all pak members..
i have small query, hope i get answer,

1. If kashmir is disputed territory ..how can you cede to china ?
Pakistan cedes the Trans-Karakoram Tract of Kashmir to China.
BBC News - Kashmir profile - Timeline
some of you say its not ceded...if we accept that on face value..
as per you its disputed territory. then who gave right to have agreement with 3rd country ? its not contradictory action than what you say ?
kashmir on what basis of pakistan ?
1. Race 2.Religion etc?
Status quo as Final solution...
60 plus yr of destruction of both side..
more of pak side than india
still you people support mujahid / jihad theory ?
Benefit of common kashmiri?
what benefit all this got to common kashmiri?
elits running bank on issue but common man ?
What pak achived in last 60 yr because of its policy on kashmir?
what benefit your common man got out of kashmir policy?
what benefit your side kashmir got from all this ?
most imp question...
What you want to give to your future generation w.r.t to policy on kashmir?
Clearly you did not get my sarcasm.

A lot of bad things have happened in Kashmir, there is nothing fictitious about it. If you had the concept of morality then you would feel the pain of your fellow human and not be psycho about a piece of land. Disgusting.

Kashmir terrorism is Jihad. It is all about Muslims vs others, they killed and chased out non-Muslims from the valley. They didn't hesitate in killing small kids of Kashmiri Pundits. Now they have been trying to block the return of the Kashmiri Pundits.

Can anybody explain why do Jammu and Laddakh have no separatist sentiments? What is unique about these two districts (HINT: non-Muslim majority).

Whole J&K belongs to India, those who refuse to accept it can migrate elsewhere.
Indians rating Indians, Pakis rating Pakis...

So which side China, Turkey, Sri Alnka, Vietnam on? :pop::pop::pop:
india got dismembered into 3 different countries

I thought it was 2.If Tomorrow suppose Pakistan is dismembered ones more then you will say India got dismembered into 4 countries, isn't that absurd.

Anyway, thanks for accepting that Pakistan is part of India and it is liable to be annexed by India at opportune time.

I guess now you see absurdity of your comment.

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