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Jammu and Kashmir unveils its first women commando squad

Since madaaaaarasi's are posting though false flags it has become possible that an American write "a people" :rofl:
No need of grammar police for that ;)

Stop me Madarasi :rofl:

Oh stop it you...:D
@KingMamba93 is hundred percent American with the added fact that he is born to Pakistani parents. Got it right, king yaara?

Now you're right..been ALL over Kashmir..even the areas with restricted access under AFSPA..the guy you were quoting though will have only ever gone at most to Srinagar. Those city dwellers seem to LOVE Pakistan..:sick: extremely fundamentalist too..recently they were all enthusiastically backing a fatwa against a Kashmiri all girls band..on the other hand the majority population in the rural areas is extremely pro India...those don't like you at all. I'd know..my dad's there atm. Soo would you be happy with just Srinagar..careful you wouldn't get any rivers with it. :whistle:
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Oh stop it you...:D
@KingMamba93 is hundred percent American with the added fact that he is born to Pakistani parents. Got it right, king yaara?

Now you're right..been ALL over Kashmir..even the areas with restricted access under AFSPA..the guy you were quoting though will have only ever gone at most to Srinagar. Those city dwellers seem to LOVE Pakistan..:sick: extremely fundamentalist too..recently they were all enthusiastically backing a fatwa against a Kashmiri all girls band..on the other hand the majority population in the rural areas is extremely pro India...those don't like you at all. I'd know..my dad's there atm. Soo would you be happy with just Srinagar..careful you wouldn't get any rivers with it. :whistle:

Yes you are right.

Yes I think Pakistan should only ask for the valley and India should be allowed to keep Ladak Jammu since they are pro Indian regions. Idc about the rivers that is not my concern when it comes to kashmir.
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Yes you are right.

Yes I think Pakistan should only ask for the valley and India should be allowed to keep Ladak Jammu since they are pro Indian regions. Idc about the rivers that is not my concern when it comes to kashmir.

The valley? My brother, Srinagar is NOT the whole valley..its just JKLF central. :whistle: I meant just the town..like a Palestinian enclave. :D As I often say..a little hate and a little brotherly love for our western neighbors doesn't make our srinagri brothers any less Indian. They just haven't gotten used to rolling with the baniyas yet. :partay:
The valley? My brother, Srinagar is NOT the whole valley..its just JKLF central. :whistle: I meant just the town..like a Palestinian enclave. :D As I often say..a little hate and a little brotherly love for our western neighbors doesn't make our srinagri brothers any less Indian. They just haven't gotten used to rolling with the baniyas yet. :partay:

Nah eventually I believe one of two things will happen, either India will cede the whole valley and everything else will belong to whatever country owns them or LOC becomes IB but the valley is given full autonomy.

Now if I become dictator of the world all bets are off. :D
Nah eventually I believe one of two things will happen, either India will cede the whole valley and everything else will belong to whatever country owns them or LOC becomes IB but the valley is given full autonomy.

Now if I become dictator of the world all bets are off. :D

Fiscal autonomy to the valley is very much possible..but even IF Pakistan agrees to it..we will not till the fundamentalist change their colors..

Handing over the valley won't happen..unless you want the right wing..coalition parties and almost every common citizen to eat the PM and his ministers raw. It would be like the PRC handing over Tibet to someone..the govt would collapse OR you guys giving up GB.

Both sides should just understand that nuclear powers can poke each other..camp on each others sides, engage in cartographic aggression and even short high intensity wars but never annex each other's lands. BUT alas as we have both stated before..you and I WOULD BE DEAD IF WE ENFORCED SUCH A THING! :sick:
Fiscal autonomy to the valley is very much possible..but even IF Pakistan agrees to it..we will not till the fundamentalist change their colors..

Handing over the valley won't happen..unless you want the right wing..coalition parties and almost every common citizen to eat the PM and his ministers raw. It would be like the PRC handing over Tibet to someone..the govt would collapse OR you guys giving up GB.

Both sides should just understand that nuclear powers can poke each other..camp on each others sides, engage in cartographic aggression and even short high intensity wars but never annex each other's lands. BUT alas as we have both stated before..you and I WOULD BE DEAD IF WE ENFORCED SUCH A THING! :sick:

Wouldn't it be worth it though? :D Besides you will probably be reincarnated right ;), I have but one life to give. :smart:

I don't think Pakistan giving up gb is even an option, well it is up to India to decide what is its best option. A lot of you guys think the status quo is best but come 2014 status quo will be tested again. :coffee:
Wouldn't it be worth it though? :D Besides you will probably be reincarnated right ;), I have but one life to give. :smart:

I don't think Pakistan giving up gb is even an option, well it is up to India to decide what is its best option. A lot of you guys think the status quo is best but come 2014 status quo will be tested again. :coffee:

I've already told you..we've been through the same test when we were bankrupt yaara..try and think in those terms. Our economy had collapsed, China had been poking us more furiously than it does today towards Hathung La..with the confrontation lasting more than a whole year and almost up to war..the IMF was choking us..the Americans were still blocking all access to critical tech. We prospered then we will do so now too. The borders were open and back then the reports stated the no. of infiltration per fiscal in thousands..today even at peak its not more than 50-60 attempts. So 2014 is relevant only in terms of marginally increased attrition..this isn't the Taliban's spring offensive in AF...we can afford it..can Pakistan? The only thing achieved will be a few hundred soldiers martyred and a few thousand Kashmiris dead..ever known us to value life over land?

So the status quo it will be. But one thing you got wrong..PDF posters here favor the status quo..NOT the majority of the Indian populace...their position on this is completely different.

I am an atheist..I'll be burning in hell! :angry:
I've already told you..we've been through the same test when we were bankrupt yaara..try and think in those terms. Our economy had collapsed, China had been poking us more furiously than it does today towards Hathung La..with the confrontation lasting more than a whole year and almost up to war..the IMF was choking us..the Americans were still blocking all access to critical tech. We prospered then we will do so now too. The borders were open and back then the reports stated the no. of infiltration per fiscal in thousands..today even at peak its not more than 50-60 attempts. So 2014 is relevant only in terms of marginally increased attrition..this isn't the Taliban's spring offensive in AF...we can afford it..can Pakistan? The only thing achieved will be a few hundred soldiers martyred and a few thousand Kashmiris dead..ever known us to value life over land?

So the status quo it will be. But one thing you got wrong..PDF posters here favor the status quo..NOT the majority of the Indian populace...their position on this is completely different.

I am an atheist..I'll be burning in hell! :angry:

What do Indians in India think about all this?

Perhaps India can afford it today but what does Pakistan have to lose? In fact it probably has more to lose if it doesn't divert excess jihadis to India, what will it do with them? :lol: I reckon the feeling is better they cause trouble in kashmir than in Pakistan. :P

Oh yeah Godlessness indeed you will burn. :nana:
What do Indians in India think about all this?

Perhaps India can afford it today but what does Pakistan have to lose? In fact it probably has more to lose if it doesn't divert excess jihadis to India, what will it do with them? :lol: I reckon the feeling is better they cause trouble in kashmir than in Pakistan. :P

Oh yeah Godlessness indeed you will burn. :nana:

Majority are of the opinion that the government is weak and that if it were strong they would have opted for Clausewitz style total war against Pakistan.

Diverting Jihadis can be troublesome in today's world..specially when the fencing allows peak numbers of up to 200-300 only..that's not the figure from the last 5-6 years..I am talking right when the fence came up and the infiltration was still high..before you guys mellowed down.

I may burn..but I'll be happy spitting in any God's face who demands my subservience..either earn it or else don't demand it. Although if we all turn out to be wrong and the Egyptians turn out to be right then I'll repent in the after-life..their gods spook me..might as well show some reverence. :angel:
They are a mixed batch from 5 of the SF units including 1, 9, 10 and other two I cant remember as they were undergoing conversions. This were taken at the Special Forces school in Nahan in the hills.

Bro, you should edit this pic to obscure the identities of the SF operators. Op Sec is adhered to ferociously by the IA especially where SFs come into play. My uncle served in 7 PARA (Airborne)- not SF, but from him I know that Op Sec is drilled into the IA in all units.

As these are SFs it goes without saying one has to be careful when posting such pics given the nature of these guys' deployments their identities are a closely guarded secret ( I don't think I have to spell out the missions these guys do to you).
Bro, you should edit this pic to obscure the identities of the SF operators. Op Sec is adhered to ferociously by the IA especially where SFs come into play. My uncle served in 7 PARA (Airborne)- not SF, but from him I know that Op Sec is drilled into the IA in all units.

As these are SFs it goes without saying one has to be careful when posting such pics given the nature of these guys' deployments their identities are a closely guarded secret ( I don't think I have to spell out the missions these guys do to you).

That's a decade old photo, which I took with their permission when I went there to do some work. They won't have any problems. The Officer has long retired and men have dispersed. I have many more but wont post for issues of confidentiality. It was posted for Mr. loud mouth Janon.
That's a decade old photo, which I took with their permission when I went there to do some work. They won't have any problems. The Officer has long retired and men have dispersed. I have many more but wont post for issues of confidentiality. It was posted for Mr. loud mouth Janon.

Fair enough sir. I just wanted to ensure nothing was being out out there that could compromise anyone or any mission. Could you please explain the nature of your interactions with Indian SF? And have you had any exposure to Indian SF more recently
Good move....now use them to tackle the menace. Its funny how the Kashmiri's are silent on that Muslim priest who was abusing 100s of girls in Kashmir. This is where a smart govt would use the media to rake this issue up constantly to show the double standards of justice in these parts.
That's a decade old photo, which I took with their permission when I went there to do some work. They won't have any problems. The Officer has long retired and men have dispersed. I have many more but wont post for issues of confidentiality. It was posted for Mr. loud mouth Janon.

Dont upload any more pics.The pic you posted is of a SF officer who is also a combat diver.Very few get to do this in the SF.Point proving shouldnt compromise anyones life and if i wanted i could have posted many pics to prove a point as i regularly keep getting involved in debates on SF/Commando/Special Units but in the end we should realise that ego is not bigger than the security and someones life.

As you are not an Indian please try and be sensible on this as it would not affect you anyhow.And please be careful while sharing your experiences too.
Dont upload any more pics.The pic you posted is of a SF officer who is also a combat diver.Very few get to do this in the SF.Point proving shouldnt compromise anyones life and if i wanted i could have posted many pics to prove a point as i regularly keep getting involved in debates on SF/Commando/Special Units but in the end we should realise that ego is not bigger than the security and someones life.

As you are not an Indian please try and be sensible on this as it would not affect you anyhow.And please be careful while sharing your experiences too.

Keep your pontification to yourself and stop sermonising. We all know our responsibilities.
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