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Jamaat men torch Hindu temple, houses in Noakhali

Okay I agree he is a Jatt. Through and Through. God bless that child.

Just to annoy you: If he was not a Tractor I would still claim he is a Dogra from Sialkot `:lol:

Don't know about all the dogra stuff. But I had some ancestors from Kashmir Valley and Jammu from father's side.
Sugar daddy?

From what any Pakistani can see is

Friendship with America: Some f-16's and drone strikes

Friendship with China:development of j-17 fighter, trade, business, weapons, strategic defence partner, and development of energy sectors.

if you move back into history (before I was born) i think paksitan courted america and took a lot of aid interms of fighters etc , just like its getting from china today.. Pak is still taking money from US and letting Pak become amercan firing range
self help is the best help. if you think you are smart by letting countries invade you in turns, i think it says a lot about self respect.
look at pak, they let america be its sugar daddy and now they are paying the price and now want china to replace US. its matter of time before china demands its pound of flesh. then where will they go? US?

what you said is very true and wise. don't worry i was just kidding!
If this government leaves, all hindus and their sympathizers should be closely kept under tight surveillance. The Indian sympathizers should be vanished. A bill like the patriot act should be passed to stop this Indian agenda. The Indian sympathizers should simply disappear like the 'ghoom khoon' tactic.

Hindus should be kept in 2 or 3 ceremonial positions after thoroughly screening them for their alliance, just for the sake of public relations. The resr should be kept far away from politics and defense. Just like how Indians tackle their muslim 'problem'. The Indian sympathizers will be treated as such too.

Hindus cannot be trusted in the soil of Bangladesh.
indians know what they want and whats good for them. so far its worked. if you are talking about Modi, only the opposition and indias enemies say he is bad. Which means that he is good for india. he has been endorsed by the same muslims of gujarat. thank you.
i think BD is much more level headed than pakistan, if nations had a personality it would be a psycho.
I have been to BD and I think this hindu-muslim tension is temprary and happens only in the poorer parts much like in india. I think BD will match up to india if they keep on the secular democratic path. corruption loot will exist until things clear up - in both countries.

You are wrong.

BD is much more level headed than India. Any day of the week. 365 days a year.

A communal guy like Modi will never make it to National politics in Bangladesh, unlike India.
You are wrong.

BD is much more level headed than India. Any day of the week. 365 days a year.

A communal guy like Modi will never make it to National politics in Bangladesh, unlike India.

The recent events will give a rise to the mentality of modi but for Muslims. Bangladeshi national security is in grave danger and we are in the verge of losing our sovereignty and becoming a Nepal.
If this government leaves, all hindus and their sympathizers should be closely kept under tight surveillance. The Indian sympathizers should be vanished. A bill like the patriot act should be passed to stop this Indian agenda. The Indian sympathizers should simply disappear like the 'ghoom khoon' tactic.

Hindus should be kept in 2 or 3 ceremonial positions after thoroughly screening them for their alliance, just for the sake of public relations. The resr should be kept far away from politics and defense. Just like how Indians tackle their muslim 'problem'. The Indian sympathizers will be treated as such too.

Hindus cannot be trusted in the soil of Bangladesh.

Dnt be naive and be careful of what you are typing in a public place even if that is for trolling. Thats a honest advise.
Dnt be naive and be careful of what you are typing in a public place even if that is for trolling. Thats a honest advise.

Indian sympathizers have become a concern of national security, the public needs to be made aware.
A communal guy like Modi will never make it to National politics in Bangladesh, unlike India.

Modi didn't make it because he is communal, he made it because he worked twice as hard to erase the blot by having achievements to crow about. If he makes it, it will be inspite of the blot, not because of it. Understand the difference.
Indian sympathizer is one thing and targeting whole hindu community is another thing. Dnt do this.

Hindus will not be targeted, a similar format like the one followed by our big brother India will be followed.
Modi didn't make it because he is communal, he made it because he worked twice as hard to erase the blot by having achievements to crow about. If he makes it, it will be inspite of the blot, not because of it. Understand the difference.

He started his politics with RSS. which is like Shibir in BD.

He is no different than Saydee !!

Hindus will not be targeted, a similar format like the one followed by our big brother India will be followed.

If they do, Hindus will be targeted, i hope they don't follow it.
He started his politics with RSS. which is like Shibir in BD.

He is no different than Saydee !!

If they do, Hindus will be targeted, i hope they don't follow it.

People who have their alliance with India needs to be targeted and extinguished from the face of Bangladesh. He it Hindu, be it Christian or muslim. Anyone that fits the profile of being an indian sympathizer have to be throughly screened.
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