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Jamaat men torch Hindu temple, houses in Noakhali

He started his politics with RSS. which is like Shibir in BD.

He is no different than Saydee !!

You can't start politics with RSS, however if membership of RSS was an issue, then 90% of all BJP members have the same problem. Why then single out Modi? Modi has a serious blot of the 2002 riots, it is what is holding him back, not helping him.
Dikhead losers as usual for defense of the horrific crimes done by their bigger dikhead loser brothers have reached to Hindutva and Modi.
Hundereds of Hindu Temples destroyed have been destroyed in BD over the years but wonder why people of subcontient seem to only remember Babri Masjid.!!!

Let's not kid ourselves. In the Gujrat Massacre alone, more than 3000 muslims have been slaughtered. Since 1971, I don't think any incident in Bangladesh has come to that level and remember, this movement is against the govt. The gujrat massacre and the babri masjid were state funded terrorism.
Anyways, I personally think we as Bangladesh have higher standards and any attack on the minorities should be treated with the strictest of actions. Even before Hindus, they are our Bangladeshi brothers and culprits will be bought to full justice.
You are wrong.

BD is much more level headed than India. Any day of the week. 365 days a year.

A communal guy like Modi will never make it to National politics in Bangladesh, unlike India.

why do you think modi is communal?

If this government leaves, all hindus and their sympathizers should be closely kept under tight surveillance. The Indian sympathizers should be vanished. A bill like the patriot act should be passed to stop this Indian agenda. The Indian sympathizers should simply disappear like the 'ghoom khoon' tactic.

Hindus should be kept in 2 or 3 ceremonial positions after thoroughly screening them for their alliance, just for the sake of public relations. The resr should be kept far away from politics and defense. Just like how Indians tackle their muslim 'problem'. The Indian sympathizers will be treated as such too.

Hindus cannot be trusted in the soil of Bangladesh.

next time you think about commentng on modi, please look at this post .
People who have their alliance with India needs to be targeted and extinguished from the face of Bangladesh. He it Hindu, be it Christian or muslim. Anyone that fits the profile of being an indian sympathizer have to be throughly screened.

Have proof? Go file a case please.

You are trying to justify each and every actions of jamat by trying to bring India everywhere.

Anyway, enough with you bunch. Patriotic forces will face your kind in the field.
Hindus will not be targeted, a similar format like the one followed by our big brother India will be followed.

india is the only country that cares for BD to survive and prosper as a secular soverign. all others (esp pak and china) want to use and throw you.

People who have their alliance with India needs to be targeted and extinguished from the face of Bangladesh. He it Hindu, be it Christian or muslim. Anyone that fits the profile of being an indian sympathizer have to be throughly screened.

we will send 30 millions such people living illegally in india.
why do you think modi is communal?
Because he gave 24 ticket to Muslims in Municipality elections in Gujarat recently, and out of 47 seats won by BJP, all 24 Muslims also won. So people are now thing 24 Muslims + 23 Non-Muslims won the seats in their region, their must be something communal, O yes there is, its Communal Harmony. :D

BTW Muslims in Gujarat has been electing Modi as their leader consecutively. They are not stuck at 2002, a decade old riot, but moved on to make Gujarat a developing state.

Right now GDP of Gujarat is over @90.65 billion while GDP of Bangladesh is around $ 111.87 billion.

Bangladesh Home

World Bank says follow Gujarat - Hindustan Times
Let's not kid ourselves. In the Gujrat Massacre alone, more than 3000 muslims have been slaughtered. Since 1971, I don't think any incident in Bangladesh has come to that level and remember, this movement is against the govt. The gujrat massacre and the babri masjid were state funded terrorism.
Anyways, I personally think we as Bangladesh have higher standards and any attack on the minorities should be treated with the strictest of actions. Even before Hindus, they are our Bangladeshi brothers and culprits will be bought to full justice.

900 M and 300 h died in 2002. before that 60 H were set ablaze by M.
Because he gave 24 ticket to Muslims in Municipality elections in Gujarat recently, and out of 47 seats won by BJP, all 24 Muslims also won. So people are now thing 24 Muslims + 23 Non-Muslims won the seats in their region, their must be something communal, O yes there is, its Communal Harmony. :D

BTW Muslims in Gujarat has been electing Modi as their leader consecutively. They are not stuck at 2002, a decade old riot, but moved on to make Gujarat a developing state.

Right now GDP of Gujarat is over @90.65 billion while GDP of Bangladesh is around $ 111.87 billion.

Bangladesh Home

World Bank says follow Gujarat - Hindustan Times

Gujarat is a great place which is on the rise thanks to Modi. BD is also becoming better thanks to AL and taking first step towards secularism. Hope more legal bdeshis come to india and study and take back the spirit of unity in diversity to BD. I think ind and BD can easily become great friends, like canada and usa.
Let's not kid ourselves. In the Gujrat Massacre alone, more than 3000 muslims have been slaughtered. Since 1971, I don't think any incident in Bangladesh has come to that level and remember, this movement is against the govt. The gujrat massacre and the babri masjid were state funded terrorism.
Anyways, I personally think we as Bangladesh have higher standards and any attack on the minorities should be treated with the strictest of actions. Even before Hindus, they are our Bangladeshi brothers and culprits will be bought to full justice.
First of all your statistics are wrong. It is over 1100 deaths with over 233 missing, around 800 Muslims and 300 Hindus.So, it was't just killing of Muslims but Hindus too. Riots were started by Muslims by burning alive 58 people locked in a train coach.

As for state funded genocide it was PA that killed forefathers of current BD people and India gave refuge to millions, many of them didn't returned, and India came to rescue BD after Pakistan attacked India. After wining the war, we didn't took a inch of land.

So tell me who killed BD people more since 1971, India, Pakistan or Jamat who sympathized with Pakistan and were involved in war crimes.

If you don't want India involved, take back your illegal immigrants which are burden to our economy, and seal off the borders.

Gujarat is a great place which is on the rise thanks to Modi. BD is also becoming better thanks to AL and taking first step towards secularism. Hope more legal bdeshis come to india and study and take back the spirit of unity in diversity to BD. I think ind and BD can easily become great friends, like canada and usa.
hey talk about Modi, about whom TIME magazine wrote that he is only leader in India who destroyed 120 temples built illegally and get away with it.
Have proof? Go file a case please.

You are trying to justify each and every actions of jamat by trying to bring India everywhere.

Anyway, enough with you bunch. Patriotic forces will face your kind in the field.

your bharathi patriotism has been exposed numerous times.
communal people like you should not open your mouth about secular countries

i am as secular as they come, i have spoken for the best interest of Bangladesh and her national security.

Your anti-state nature have been exposed so many times that your opinion doesn't count.

anti what state? if by that mean your notion of akhan bhardat, then you are absolutely right, Bharathi bangladeshi. Notice how Bharathis only appreciate and thank you for your bharathi comments, take the hint. You are either hindu with property in west bengal, a false flagger, or an awami leaguer. Either way you have an a bharathi agenda. You want to see the nation as the next afghanistan or syria.
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