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Jakarta will host Asian Games 2018


There has been a digression of this thread. Let's focus on the development(s) on Indonesia's BMW Stadium and the Asian Games. For those who have resorted to petty attacks on certain nation(s), please, focus on the subject matter.

Advanced thanks, dear colleagues.
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Jakarta tuan rumah Asian Games 2018
(Jakarta to host Asian Games 2018)

Minggu, 27 Juli 2014 23:02 WIB | 3.468 Views
Pewarta: Ade Irma Junida


Ketua Umum Komite Olimpiade Indonesia Rita Subowo (ANTARA/Puspa Perwitasari)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - DKI Jakarta ditetapkan sebagai tuan rumah Asian Games 2018 oleh Komite Olimpiade Asia (Olympic Council of Asia/OCA), dalam pertemuan di Kuwait, Jumat.

(Jakarta has been decided as Asian Games 2018 host by Olympic Council of Asia/OCA), during a meeting in Kuwait, Friday)

Sementara Sumatera Selatan, yang sebelumnya juga menyatakan kesiapan menggelar perhelatan itu, akan menjadi kota pendukung.

"Selain karena ibukota, hasil survei tim OCA menyatakan infrastruktur Jakarta sangat mendukung penyelenggaraan Asian Games 2018 di Jakarta. Selain sarana dan prasarana, aspek lainnya adalah akomodasi dan transportasi yang lengkap," kata Ketua Komite Olimpiade Indonesia (KOI) Rita Subowo dalam keterangan tertulis yang diterima di Jakarta, Minggu.

Ia menuturkan, beberapa pihak dari kalangan swasta juga telah menyatakan kesiapannya menyambut hajatan olahraga empat tahunan itu.

"Kami mendapat dukungan dari pihak swasta,seperti Djarum, Pak Ciputra dan Pak Murdaya Po. Pak Siputra memberikan tempatnya di kawasan Kuningan untuk gala pembukaan dan acara eksibisi Asian Games," katanya.

Rita yang baru saja kembali dari Kuwait dalam pertemuan dengan Presiden OCA Sheik Fahad Al-Sabah memang sengaja terbang ke negeri minyak tersebut untuk mengajukan diri dan menyatakan kesiapan Indonesia untuk menjadi tuan rumah Asian Games 2018.

Ia didampingi perwakilan dari Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Faisal Abdullah, Gubernur Sumatera Utara Alex Noerdin, Ketua KONI Sumatera Selatan Mudai Madang dan Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.

Pada 3 Agustus mendatang, delegasi OCA rencananya akan menyambangi Jakarta untuk melihat lebih jauh infrastruktur yang akan digunakan dalam Asian Games.

Mereka juga akan meninjau Palembang yang dinilai memiliki fasilitas olahraga yang lengkap sebagai kota pendukung.

"Kami melihat kolam renang dan arena ski air sangat layak untuk menggelar Asian Games. Selain itu, Jakarta sendiri harus memiliki velodrome berstandar internasional," tutur Rita.

Dikatakan Rita, peninjauan awal itu penting karena menjadi tuan rumah Asian Games, turnamen yang sekelas dengan Olimpiade, tidaklah mudah.

"Itulah kenapa Jakarta ditetapkan sebagai kota untuk main event dan Sumatera Selatan sebagai pendukung," katanya.

Asian Games 2018 akan mempertandingkan 33 cabang olahraga, dengan rincian 28 cabor olimpiade dan lima cabor tradisional yang ada di kawasan Asia.

"OCA juga memiliki hak untuk mengusulkan satu cabang olahraga ke Asian Games nantinya," ujarnya.

Indonesia resmi diputuskan menjadi tuan rumah Asian Games 2018 setelah Vietnam mundur. Jadwal yang semula dijadwalkan 2019 dimajukan menjadi 2018 karena bersamaan dengan penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Presiden di Indonesia.

"Kami mengajukan diri menjadi tuan rumah karena didukung penuh oleh Presiden, Menpora dan Menkokesra," ungkapnya.
Editor: Tasrief Tarmizi

Jakarta tuan rumah Asian Games 2018 - ANTARA News

@madokafc @nufix @Reashot Xigwin @Jakartans@PkDef @Gaber @Wahhab2701 @Nusantara @DarkElf @MacanJawa @katarabhumi @MarveL others

@Nihonjin1051 @Viet

congrats to Indonesia for this victory.
My dear friend, don't you know that members here are not absolute representative of the nation they hail from? I suggest you try not to condescend some of them , and they will return the favor. As per your request, I cannot do that because I am not Viet Namese nor do I pretend to know the Viet Namese Psyche.
Oh trust me, they are very representative of the Viet regime and their population thinking. In your opinion, who is the leader of ASEAN?
Oh trust me, they are very representative of the Viet regime and their population thinking. In your opinion, who is the leader of ASEAN?

The Viet Namese who've I've met have been very nice and kind. The salon I go to once a moth is Viet Namese owned; they do a good job and are very courteous. The Asian Market I do my grocery shopping here in South Jersey is Vietnamese owned. The people there are very good, courteous. As for members here in PDF, perhaps some can be a wee bit militant, hot tempered, but we're in a military forum. lol.

Come on my friend, no need to be so blanket.

ha ha ^^
The Viet Namese who've I've met have been very nice and kind. The salon I go to once a moth is Viet Namese owned; they do a good job and are very courteous. The Asian Market I do my grocery shopping here in South Jersey is Vietnamese owned. The people there are very good, courteous. As for members here in PDF, perhaps some can be a wee bit militant, hot tempered, but we're in a military forum. lol.

Come on my friend, no need to be so blanket.

ha ha ^^
The ones in US deserted Vietnam which cannot be compared with these Vietcongs. I wouldn't be surprised if they are friendlier than these nutcases
The Viet Namese who've I've met have been very nice and kind. The salon I go to once a moth is Viet Namese owned; they do a good job and are very courteous. The Asian Market I do my grocery shopping here in South Jersey is Vietnamese owned. The people there are very good, courteous. As for members here in PDF, perhaps some can be a wee bit militant, hot tempered, but we're in a military forum. lol.

Come on my friend, no need to be so blanket.

ha ha ^^
That is because they don't show you their true feeling. These Vietnamese are like rat. They hide but will show themselves at night, such as in PDF here. LOL

But the Vietnamese insist ASEAN is a balance union base. Can you explain to them the dynamism of group functioning body?
Oh trust me, they are very representative of the Viet regime and their population thinking. In your opinion, who is the leader of ASEAN?

The Viet Namese who've I've met have been very nice and kind. The salon I go to once a moth is Viet Namese owned; they do a good job and are very courteous. The Asian Market I do my grocery shopping here in South Jersey is Vietnamese owned. The people there are very good, courteous. As for members here in PDF, perhaps some can be a wee bit militant, hot tempered, but we're in a military forum. lol.
Come on my friend, no need to be so blanket.
ha ha ^^

Japanese is not easy to be cheated by Chinese, ha ha.:omghaha:
That is because they don't show you their true feeling. These Vietnamese are like rat. They hide but will show themselves at night, such as in PDF here. LOL
But the Vietnamese insist ASEAN is a balance union base. Can you explain to them the dynamism of group functioning body?

arrogant troll,
look at betray mentality of Chinese with tactic divide to conquerer in side of ASEAN.:pleasantry:
arrogant troll,
look at betray mentality of Chinese with tactic divide to conquerer in side of ASEAN.:pleasantry:
How is that trolling? I am asking our scholar @Nihonjin1051 explain group dynamism because only a Japanese can get to your head right now. That is why we need our friend Nihon to teach you Vietnamese.

I would suggest you change your tactic , especially how you talk to certain members. Condescension only instigates the same response. It doesn't serve for initiating didactic conversation(s), but trading insult(s).

@Rechoice ,

my recommendation for you also. Come on guys, let's get back to subject.

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