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Jakarta will host Asian Games 2018


There has been an unnecessary digression of the subject matter in the quest to address tic for tat amongst members. I suggest we re-orient ourselves to the subject matter. Thanks.
Jakarta Improves Sport Facilities for 2018 Asian Games

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Jakarta will host the 2018 Asian Games and has started preparing infrastructure to support the sport event.

Jakarta Youth and Sport Agency chief Ratiyono said his agency is ready to prepare sport facilities for the event. “We will fix needed sport faclities in Jakarta,” he told Tempo on Thursday.

Finishing the construction of BMW Stadium in Papanggo, North Jakarta, is the top priority as the Jakarta government wants the opening ceremony of the 2018 Asian Games be held in the new stadium. “Mr. Deputy Governor wants the opening ceremony in that stadium, so we will try to accelerate the construction,” he said.

Other sport facilities that were used for SEA Games such as Ciracas, Cibubur and Senayan Stadiums will also be improved. “They can be used for kempo, pencak silat and swimming,” he said.

However, Ratiyono said the talks for Asian Games preparation are still in the beginning phase. “It will be coordinated by the Indonesian Olympics Committee,” he said. This event must also gain approval from the President. “It will likely wait for the new president,” he said.

Even so, several teams from the Asian Sports Committee have to come to Jakarta for a visit. “Jakarta is adequate for Asian Games,” he said.

Jakarta Deputy Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama previously said Jakarta is ready to become host, but it will need assistance from the central government because some facilities in Jakarta are owned by the central government.

Jakarta Improves Sport Facilities for 2018 Asian Games | Metro | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News Portal
Let's wait other Indonesian posters comment then, I just said the truth. Indonesia has more budget than you, they takes over the right to host Asian Game from you. Do you have problem with that?

read my post above, I said congratulation for Indonesia people.
Jakarta tuan rumah Asian Games 2018
(Jakarta to host Asian Games 2018)

Minggu, 27 Juli 2014 23:02 WIB | 3.468 Views
Pewarta: Ade Irma Junida


Ketua Umum Komite Olimpiade Indonesia Rita Subowo (ANTARA/Puspa Perwitasari)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - DKI Jakarta ditetapkan sebagai tuan rumah Asian Games 2018 oleh Komite Olimpiade Asia (Olympic Council of Asia/OCA), dalam pertemuan di Kuwait, Jumat.

(Jakarta has been decided as Asian Games 2018 host by Olympic Council of Asia/OCA), during a meeting in Kuwait, Friday)

Sementara Sumatera Selatan, yang sebelumnya juga menyatakan kesiapan menggelar perhelatan itu, akan menjadi kota pendukung.

"Selain karena ibukota, hasil survei tim OCA menyatakan infrastruktur Jakarta sangat mendukung penyelenggaraan Asian Games 2018 di Jakarta. Selain sarana dan prasarana, aspek lainnya adalah akomodasi dan transportasi yang lengkap," kata Ketua Komite Olimpiade Indonesia (KOI) Rita Subowo dalam keterangan tertulis yang diterima di Jakarta, Minggu.

Ia menuturkan, beberapa pihak dari kalangan swasta juga telah menyatakan kesiapannya menyambut hajatan olahraga empat tahunan itu.

"Kami mendapat dukungan dari pihak swasta,seperti Djarum, Pak Ciputra dan Pak Murdaya Po. Pak Siputra memberikan tempatnya di kawasan Kuningan untuk gala pembukaan dan acara eksibisi Asian Games," katanya.

Rita yang baru saja kembali dari Kuwait dalam pertemuan dengan Presiden OCA Sheik Fahad Al-Sabah memang sengaja terbang ke negeri minyak tersebut untuk mengajukan diri dan menyatakan kesiapan Indonesia untuk menjadi tuan rumah Asian Games 2018.

Ia didampingi perwakilan dari Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Faisal Abdullah, Gubernur Sumatera Utara Alex Noerdin, Ketua KONI Sumatera Selatan Mudai Madang dan Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.

Pada 3 Agustus mendatang, delegasi OCA rencananya akan menyambangi Jakarta untuk melihat lebih jauh infrastruktur yang akan digunakan dalam Asian Games.

Mereka juga akan meninjau Palembang yang dinilai memiliki fasilitas olahraga yang lengkap sebagai kota pendukung.

"Kami melihat kolam renang dan arena ski air sangat layak untuk menggelar Asian Games. Selain itu, Jakarta sendiri harus memiliki velodrome berstandar internasional," tutur Rita.

Dikatakan Rita, peninjauan awal itu penting karena menjadi tuan rumah Asian Games, turnamen yang sekelas dengan Olimpiade, tidaklah mudah.

"Itulah kenapa Jakarta ditetapkan sebagai kota untuk main event dan Sumatera Selatan sebagai pendukung," katanya.

Asian Games 2018 akan mempertandingkan 33 cabang olahraga, dengan rincian 28 cabor olimpiade dan lima cabor tradisional yang ada di kawasan Asia.

"OCA juga memiliki hak untuk mengusulkan satu cabang olahraga ke Asian Games nantinya," ujarnya.

Indonesia resmi diputuskan menjadi tuan rumah Asian Games 2018 setelah Vietnam mundur. Jadwal yang semula dijadwalkan 2019 dimajukan menjadi 2018 karena bersamaan dengan penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Presiden di Indonesia.

"Kami mengajukan diri menjadi tuan rumah karena didukung penuh oleh Presiden, Menpora dan Menkokesra," ungkapnya.
Editor: Tasrief Tarmizi

Jakarta tuan rumah Asian Games 2018 - ANTARA News

@madokafc @nufix @Reashot Xigwin @Jakartans@PkDef @Gaber @Wahhab2701 @Nusantara @DarkElf @MacanJawa @katarabhumi @MarveL others

@Nihonjin1051 @Viet

Bro @Indos ,

Can you show us some pictures of the sports facilities that this will be held? Terima Kaseh.
how many country has been backed in the past for host Asian Game for some reason ? you are low educated boy.

There was best solution we have been made for Asian game 2018 when we given back to host this event. We have save our money to invest in to our defense capacity to facing with Chinese provocation on our sea territory.

Indonesia can do it better than us. congrat.

You vietnamese backout on a major event and come up with so many excuse and damage your country intergrity. Well done! I have reported your insulting post and let moderator deal with you!
Pls to read a post of this indonesian boy I quoted his troll below, he troll on us first. I answered him in same manner.

So you troll him by insulting Chinese as well? Is this some bonus for us? You could have answered it in a better way, or just let it go. Let's end it here. Don't talk unrelated things.
You vietnamese backout on a major event and come up with so many excuse and damage your country intergrity. Well done! I have reported your insulting post and let moderator deal with you!

I remindered you again that you have to study more before you can troll here like uneducated boy.

I quoted for you here below: What was happened with Asian Game in the past.

Starting in 1962, the Games were hit by several crises. First, the host countryIndonesia, refused to permit the participation of Israel and the Republic of China due to political and religious issues. As a result, the IOC removed its sponsorship of the Games and terminated Indonesia as one of the IOC members.[6] The Asian Football Confederation (AFC),[7] International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) andInternational Weightlifting Federation (IWF), also removed their recognition of the Games.[8][9]

In 1970, South Korea dropped its plan to host the Games allegedly due to national security crisis, however the main reason was due to financial crisis, forcing the previous host Thailand to administer the Games again in Bangkok using funds transferred from South Korea.[10] Prior to the Games, Japan was asked to host the Games, but declined due to Expo '70 in Osaka.[11] This edition also marked the first time the Games have a television broadcasting throughout the world.[12] In 1974, the Games formally recognized the participation of China, North Korea and Mongolia. Israel was allowed to participate despite the opposition from Arab world, while Taiwan was permitted to take part despite its status was abolished in general meeting on 16 November 1973 by Games Federation.[13]

The last is 1978, Pakistan dropped its plan to host the Games in 1975 due to financial crisis and political issues.[14] Thailand offered to help and the Games were once again held in Bangkok. However, once again, like in 1962, Taiwan and Israel were refused the participation by Games Federation, amid political issues and security fears.[15] Several governing bodies protested against the ban, like IAAF, threatened to bar the participating players from 1980 Summer Olympics,[16] this caused several teams to withdraw prior to the Games.[17]

Following this series of crises, the National Olympic Committee in Asia decided to revise the constitution of the Asian Games Federation. A new association, named the Olympic Council of Asia, was created in November 1981 with the exclusion of Israel.[18] India was already scheduled to host the 1982 Games and the OCA decided not to drop the old AGF timetable. The OCA formally supervised the Games starting with the 1986 Asian Games in South Korea.[19] In the succeeding Games, Taiwan (Republic of China) was re-admitted, but was forced by the People's Republic of China to compete under the nameChinese Taipei.[20]

In 1994, the Games included the former republics of the Soviet Union: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistanand Tajikistan for the first time. It was also the first time that the Games had been held outside the capital city of the host country.[21] However, Iraq was suspended from the Games due to the Persian Gulf War in 1990, while North Koreaboycotted the Games due to political issues. It was also marred by the death of Nepalese delegation Nareshkumar Adhikari during the Games' opening ceremony.[22] The 1998 Games marked the fourth time the Games had been held in Bangkok, Thailand. The fourth opening ceremony occurred on 6 December, compared to 9 December for the previous 3. All four games were opened by H.M.King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The date of the closing ceremony remained as 20 December for all 4 games hosted by Thailand.

Asian Games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you troll him by insulting Chinese as well? Is this some bonus for us? You could have answered it in a better way, or just let it go. Let's end it here. Don't talk unrelated things.

Yes, Chinese and Vietnamese both eat dog meat. but I'm not permited by my doctor, I suffered my problem with heath "gout",

In my business (to short sell) dog meat is not lucky meal.
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I remindered you again that you have to study more before you can troll here like uneducated boy.

I quoted for you here below: What was happened with Asian Game in the past.

Starting in 1962, the Games were hit by several crises. First, the host countryIndonesia, refused to permit the participation of Israel and the Republic of China due to political and religious issues. As a result, the IOC removed its sponsorship of the Games and terminated Indonesia as one of the IOC members.[6] The Asian Football Confederation (AFC),[7] International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) andInternational Weightlifting Federation (IWF), also removed their recognition of the Games.[8][9]

In 1970, South Korea dropped its plan to host the Games allegedly due to national security crisis, however the main reason was due to financial crisis, forcing the previous host Thailand to administer the Games again in Bangkok using funds transferred from South Korea.[10] Prior to the Games, Japan was asked to host the Games, but declined due to Expo '70 in Osaka.[11] This edition also marked the first time the Games have a television broadcasting throughout the world.[12] In 1974, the Games formally recognized the participation of China, North Korea and Mongolia. Israel was allowed to participate despite the opposition from Arab world, while Taiwan was permitted to take part despite its status was abolished in general meeting on 16 November 1973 by Games Federation.[13]

The last is 1978, Pakistan dropped its plan to host the Games in 1975 due to financial crisis and political issues.[14] Thailand offered to help and the Games were once again held in Bangkok. However, once again, like in 1962, Taiwan and Israel were refused the participation by Games Federation, amid political issues and security fears.[15] Several governing bodies protested against the ban, like IAAF, threatened to bar the participating players from 1980 Summer Olympics,[16] this caused several teams to withdraw prior to the Games.[17]

Following this series of crises, the National Olympic Committee in Asia decided to revise the constitution of the Asian Games Federation. A new association, named the Olympic Council of Asia, was created in November 1981 with the exclusion of Israel.[18] India was already scheduled to host the 1982 Games and the OCA decided not to drop the old AGF timetable. The OCA formally supervised the Games starting with the 1986 Asian Games in South Korea.[19] In the succeeding Games, Taiwan (Republic of China) was re-admitted, but was forced by the People's Republic of China to compete under the nameChinese Taipei.[20]

In 1994, the Games included the former republics of the Soviet Union: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistanand Tajikistan for the first time. It was also the first time that the Games had been held outside the capital city of the host country.[21] However, Iraq was suspended from the Games due to the Persian Gulf War in 1990, while North Koreaboycotted the Games due to political issues. It was also marred by the death of Nepalese delegation Nareshkumar Adhikari during the Games' opening ceremony.[22] The 1998 Games marked the fourth time the Games had been held in Bangkok, Thailand. The fourth opening ceremony occurred on 6 December, compared to 9 December for the previous 3. All four games were opened by H.M.King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The date of the closing ceremony remained as 20 December for all 4 games hosted by Thailand.

Asian Games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, Chinese and Vietnamese both eat dog meat. but I'm not permited by my doctor, I suffered my problem with heath "gout",

In my business (to short sell) dog meat is not lucky meal.

Does other breaking promise permits yourself legalise in doing so? Its not about quoting other and say 'its ok to do so since others also break their promise.' Its about your own intergrity and your own country stance.

The use of the language also refer on yourself and your country. Hot head and stubborness will not bring you far.
Does other breaking promise permits yourself legalise in doing so? Its not about quoting other and say 'its ok to do so since others also break their promise.' Its about your own intergrity and your own country stance.

The use of the language also refer on yourself and your country. Hot head and stubborness will not bring you far.

Think more kid before trolling like idiot. What happen there when Asian game is going on and in the same time we have to fight against Chinese invades in our sea territory ?

We backed to host Asian game 2018 in early time is good for the event of people in Asia. Vietnam is not lonely case of Asian Game history.
Bro @Indos ,

Can you show us some pictures of the sports facilities that this will be held? Terima Kaseh.

This is Senayan sport complex in Jakarta, in this area there are many sport buildings for international competition, including hotels for athletes

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