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Jack Jacob: The general who saved India from more war.

^^ Is that mysticism?

Again, either an example from Prophet's time or accept the obvious. ;)

Sufis and music and mysticism were a latter day addition.
^^ Is that mysticism?

Again, either an example from Prophet's time or accept the obvious. ;)

Sufis and music and mysticism were a latter day addition.

LoL beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I give you a beautiful verse from the Holy Quran and now you want an example from the Prophet's time. Mysticism is subjective - you as a Hindu hostile to Islam will never except it. It is not my job to spoon feed you.
Sufism is an essential part of Islam, it flows direct from the Prophet and Hazrat Ali.

When Prophet Muhammad was the ruler of whole of Arabic, when he had the choice to live a life of opulence and luxury, he chose to live a life of an ascetic in spirit yet performing all the duties of family, society and nation. its recorded that if some wealth came to his possession in the morning, by sunset he would distribute them among the needy. he demonstrated how to live in this world and at the same time above it. such was his model of character. thus to embrace asceticism of poverty both inward and outward is what sufis whole heartedly aspire to live. thus living a simple life not necessarily because of necessity, but by choice is a model of the Messenger of God.

The Prophet used to pray, "O God, grant me life as a poor person, cause me to die as a poor person and resurrect me in the company of the poor .." His wife asked him why he said that, and he replied: Because the poor will enter the garden of bliss before the rich. Do not turn away a poor man, even if all you can give is half a date. If you love the poor and bring them near you, God will bring you near Him on the Day of Great Resurrection. (recorded in Al-Tirmidhi book of Prophetic tradition)
LoL beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I give you a beautiful verse from the Holy Quran and now you want an example from the Prophet's time. Mysticism is subjective -

May be but we have to go by what is commonly accepted in the Islamic world.

you as a Hindu

Proud of it. Just like the great Hindu king Porus and all his fighters. ;)

hostile to Islam will never except it. It is not my job to spoon feed you.

I am not hostile to any religion. Though I would have preferred it to flourish within the Arabian desert and not cause all that mayhem in our Dharmic lands.

Sufism is an essential part of Islam, it flows direct from the Prophet and Hazrat Ali.

Well, what about all the Islamic channels that call the Sufi followers as Mushriks? Just one example though you would know many more.

Why don't you check at the nearest mosque (East London? Birmingham?) with the Mufti and find out if music and mysticism is compatible?

When Prophet Muhammad was the ruler of whole of Arabic, when he had the choice to live a life of opulence and luxury, he chose to live a life of an ascetic in spirit yet performing all the duties of family, society and nation. its recorded that if some wealth came to his possession in the morning, by sunset he would distribute them among the needy. he demonstrated how to live in this world and at the same time above it. such was his model of character. thus to embrace asceticism of poverty both inward and outward is what sufis whole heartedly aspire to live. thus living a simple life not necessarily because of necessity, but by choice is a model of the Messenger of God.

The Prophet used to pray, "O God, grant me life as a poor person, cause me to die as a poor person and resurrect me in the company of the poor .." His wife asked him why he said that, and he replied: Because the poor will enter the garden of bliss before the rich. Do not turn away a poor man, even if all you can give is half a date. If you love the poor and bring them near you, God will bring you near Him on the Day of Great Resurrection. (recorded in Al-Tirmidhi book of Prophetic tradition)

I will avoid retorting to this for obvious reasons.
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May be but we have to go by what is commonly accepted in the Islamic world.

Proud of it. Just like the great Hindu king Porus and all his fighters. ;)

You are alluding to my ancestor Manga - we don't know his religion he could have been a Buddhist or atheist. The same can be said of Porus of Jhelumn

I am not hostile to any religion. Though I would have preferred it to flourish within the Arabian desert and not cause all that mayhem in our Dharmic lands.

Subjective - no mayhem at all - it was inevitable that Islam would have a great influence in the region, whether 1,000 years ago, or 40 years ago.

Well, what about all the Islamic channels that call the Sufi followers as Mushriks? Just one example though you would know many more.

Salafite Channels hardly represent all Muslims Channels,

Why don't you check at the nearest mosque (East London? Birmingham?) with the Mufti and find out if music and mysticism is compatible?

My Imam says it is, and most people in Pakistan are Barelvi they seem to think it is to.

I will avoid retorting to this for obvious reasons.

It is a simple fact that Sufi conquered the people of Pakistan and bought them over to Islam, you as an ideological worker of the Sang will never except that.
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It is a simple fact that Sufi conquered the people of Pakistan and bought them over to Islam, you as an ideological worker of the Sang will never except that.

remind me , why are the invaders glorified instead?
LoL beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I give you a beautiful verse from the Holy Quran and now you want an example from the Prophet's time. Mysticism is subjective - you as a Hindu hostile to Islam will never except it. It is not my job to spoon feed you.
Sufism is an essential part of Islam, it flows direct from the Prophet and Hazrat Ali.

When Prophet Muhammad was the ruler of whole of Arabic, when he had the choice to live a life of opulence and luxury, he chose to live a life of an ascetic in spirit yet performing all the duties of family, society and nation. its recorded that if some wealth came to his possession in the morning, by sunset he would distribute them among the needy. he demonstrated how to live in this world and at the same time above it. such was his model of character. thus to embrace asceticism of poverty both inward and outward is what sufis whole heartedly aspire to live. thus living a simple life not necessarily because of necessity, but by choice is a model of the Messenger of God.

The Prophet used to pray, "O God, grant me life as a poor person, cause me to die as a poor person and resurrect me in the company of the poor .." His wife asked him why he said that, and he replied: Because the poor will enter the garden of bliss before the rich. Do not turn away a poor man, even if all you can give is half a date. If you love the poor and bring them near you, God will bring you near Him on the Day of Great Resurrection. (recorded in Al-Tirmidhi book of Prophetic tradition)

I wish you guys got with Indians. Its sad that in this day and age we still fight for nothing.
You are alluding to my ancestor Manga - we don't know his religion he could have been a Buddhist or atheist. The same can be said of Porus of Jhelumn

Unfortunately, history has not recorded Mr. Manga.

It does record that Porus was a Yaduwanshi Hindu king. And so were all his fellows who fought with him.

The obvious fact is that people like you need to create a smokescreen of obscurity when none exists, when things are clear as mud.

This "pillow technology" doesn't work. Not with anyone else.

If you are trying to lie to yourself, that is even worse. Not a strong foundation at all for anything

Subjective - no mayhem at all - it was inevitable that Islam would have a great influence in the region, whether 1,000 years ago, or 40 years ago.

There was nothing inevitable about it. Just a series of mistakes on the part of the actors involved.

Sanatan dharma is here to stay. Thousands of ideologies have come and gone and will come and go.

Salafite Channels hardly represent all Muslims Channels,
My Imam says it is, and most people in Pakistan are Barelvi they seem to think it is to.

The same people who also overwhelmingly support stoning by death of adulterers and alcoholics? ;)

There is no ambiguity, no allowance for "work in progress", no maffee for adultery or alcohol. It is clear, no obscurity about one to one relationship. It is decided by the community and it is brutal.

It is a simple fact that Sufi conquered the people of Pakistan and bought them over to Islam, you as an ideological worker of the Sang will never except that.

My friend has answered it.

I dont get it, Sufi conquered the people of Pakistan and bought them over to Islam, While every one from ghauri to timur is celebrated with vigor.

Because they are confused. They want to play both sides without recognizing the absurdity.
On and on we go on the magic roundabout - and where shall we stop - why is vinod2070, who is clearly a member of the sang or one of their fellow extreme organizations - so interested in Islam - could it be that he is thinking of joining us.

Sanatan dharma you are welcome to it, we don't want it or need it - good luck with it.
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