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Jack Jacob: The general who saved India from more war.

I dont get it, Sufi conquered the people of Pakistan and bought them over to Islam, While every one from ghauri to timur is celebrated with vigor.

Why do modern Brits and French celebrate Julius Caesar -

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, it seems to me most strange that men should fear;
Seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come". (Act II, Scene II).

"Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings". - (Act I, Scene II). - we all know about the literary efforts made.

He was a military genius - who bought Roman civilization to the people of Gaul (France & other parts of western Europe) and Britain - was he brutal = of course he was, he was a man of his time. The same with Ghauri and Babur and co, they were men of their times.

From jigging veins of rhyming mother wits,
And such conceits as clownage keeps in pay,
We'll lead you to the stately tent of war,

Where you shall hear the Scythian Tamburlaine
Threat'ning the world with high astounding terms
And scourging kingdoms with his conquering sword.

View but his picture in this tragic glass,
And then applaud his fortunes as you please. ~ C M

And look at him anew - Timur was but a man, no more vicious or cruel than others, just in his strength and ambition.
On and on we go on the magic roundabout - and where shall we stop - why is vinod2070, who is clearly a member of the sang or one of their fellow extreme organizations - so interested in Islam - could it be that he is thinking of joining us.

Sanatan dharma you are welcome to it, we don't want it or need it - good luck with it.

"We" should stop here. The thread is about Jake Jacob, not about your spiritual journey. Religion is banned in discussions, so take a cold shower and cool down.
"We" should stop here. The thread is about Jake Jacob, not about your spiritual journey. Religion is banned in discussions, so take a cold shower and cool down.

Your friend and compatriot vinod bought religion into this thread - and you and your fellow mob members - are the ones who tried to gang up on me. Take the cold shower yourself old man.

As I said Jake Jacob was a worthy adversary - but we neither forgive or forget. -
Your friend and compatriot vinod bought religion into this thread - and you and your fellow mob members - are the ones who tried to gang up on me. Take the cold shower yourself old man.

As I said Jake Jacob was a worthy adversary - but we neither forgive or forget. -

Oh no, here we go again, with the old "I didn't do it, that guy over there made me do it, honest" routine. Can't you do anything by yourselves?

What if Vinod jumps into a well, will you follow him in?

Hmmm, now wait a minute.......Oh, Vinoooooood, just come and look at this well, will you?
Oh no, here we go again, with the old "I didn't do it, that guy over there made me do it, honest" routine. Can't you do anything by yourselves?

What if Vinod jumps into a well, will you follow him in?

Hmmm, now wait a minute.......Oh, Vinoooooood, just come and look at this well, will you?

Very funny - actually hilarious - vinooood would gladly give his life, to help his people - against the enemy. LoL
Very funny - actually hilarious - vinooood would gladly give his life, to help his people - against the enemy. LoL

To be perfectly honest, the club bore was more the thought in mind, not something heavy duty like enemy. Would we treat you like an enemy?
We dont want to be hindus, we worship the ONE TRUE GOD, we follow the only path to salvation Islam

What dont you get, islam is our choice

I am kashmiri, my own 'brathery' is RAJPUT

Yet I hate india and hindus, you are a risk to my country and must be opposed and destroyed

You mad bro?
To be perfectly honest, the club bore was more the thought in mind, not something heavy duty like enemy. Would we treat you like an enemy?

Mea culpa - club bore? Very droll - to young vinod of the Sangh Parivar, the Pakistani people are indeed the enemy.
Mea culpa - club bore? Very droll - to young vinod of the Sangh Parivar, the Pakistani people are indeed the enemy.

I sincerely believe that isn't true. I think you should speak up at this point, Vinod.

[He appears to be elsewhere. I am sure he will confirm that he is nothing of the sort.]

OK, not the club bore. That's extreme. Let's try on some other hat for you.

How about the village, errm, YOU know, guy who slopes around with a perpetual grin fixed on his face, and is looked after by all the village folk?
I sincerely believe that isn't true. I think you should speak up at this point, Vinod.

[He appears to be elsewhere. I am sure he will confirm that he is nothing of the sort.]

OK, not the club bore. That's extreme. Let's try on some other hat for you.

How about the village, errm, YOU know, guy who slopes around with a perpetual grin fixed on his face, and is looked after by all the village folk?

Me thinks - you speak of personal experience. ;)
He's just indulging in the troll within that's in all of us.

The more the merrier in that case.

Everyone loves the spunky outnumbered underdog right? :)

He ain't alone and outnumbered tinker-head, he is backed up by thousands of years of history behind him, the same history which you wrongfully perceive is only your domain. You can only look in anguish because you don't own the land which he belongs to which nurtured people like him for thousands of years. He is the scion of Indus and Muslim civilization, combined together as Pakistan.

Keep looking westwards with anguish and make-believing dreams and pity yourself. I can only say .......

Hasrat un ghunchon pe hai jo bin khulay murjha gaye

I note that the women, being in burqa, presumably, are carefully omitted from your allusion.

The allusion of burqa clad women in Pakistan.

Some do still wear burqa because they want to, some because they have to.

Most don't because they have the freedom.

Your perceptions at times are foggy.

Dheere se.

Varna Jinxed Singh aa jayega.

Tamil matrons ki photu lekar.

Why don't you add Paan Singhi Ji as well.

Hostiles? Old man? Getting cheeky, are we?

Here I agree with you. You are not old, you just follow the Victorians unsheathed.

So as per you Gays dont have a life :) ??? I am sure your Pathan friends will be very disappointed ;)

And they say that gays don't have rights in Pakistan. :)

Could it be because out here there are lots of Hindu men and not so there?

oh oh ....... Religiously inclined Hindu male chauvinism! Did not encounter this form before, unless you belong to that tinge who vote for Jay Lalita because she is fairer than the Dravidian brown tanned black.

We agree that he was right on one thing and wrong on one.

Just a teeny weeny difference of opinion on which one is which. ;)

PS: The success of India as a nation is there for all to see. The final and perfect claims, well.... ;)

How can you praise Indian success when you have over 400 million Indians living below poverty line. Shining India advocate eh?
Hold on. That came across very bitter, and a gibe directed at you personally.

It wasn't directed at you personally; it was bitter. I accept that you are trying to reconcile your own style and inclusive way of looking at faith with versions that spring to the attention of jaundiced observers, and make you part of a band of die-hard fanatics and cruel bigots. You should accept that people understand and are making allowances for your own humane point of view (bar the teeth-clenching flippancy) while pointing out, sometimes with a certain degree of spiteful humour, the aberrations of the fringe elements of the faith you profess.

If you dish it out, you have to take it.

hmmmmm ..... late evening tea.

Poor Rafi takes the blame.
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