Mea culpa - club bore? Very droll - to young vinod of the Sangh Parivar, the Pakistani people are indeed the enemy.
I sincerely believe that isn't true. I think you should speak up at this point, Vinod.
[He appears to be elsewhere. I am sure he will confirm that he is nothing of the sort.]
OK, not the club bore. That's extreme. Let's try on some other hat for you.
How about the village, errm, YOU know, guy who slopes around with a perpetual grin fixed on his face, and is looked after by all the village folk?
No. Pakistanis are not my enemies. There is no reason for me to hate individual Pakistanis or their country. I just wish for normality in relations and then see where we can go from there.
At this point, as a country they are not friends either. But that can change very soon and I will welcome if that happens.
Individually, I have Pakistani friends and I have worked with some of them as well in North America. I found them very similar to Indians in many respects in terms of work culture and it was easy to make friends. Of course, we didn't discuss politics or religion. There was no reason to.
I personally believe life is too short to spend hating. All differences are man made and can be brushed aside as easily as they came.
The topics here may sometimes bring strong feelings to the front. It is actually a small part of our lives. We have more in common than differences. That is something that I feel even when I happen to meet an Eritrean or Somalian taxi driver in the USA.
Rafi is an interesting person. Sometimes, I think he gets too much into hyperbole and pet rhetoric but that is fine.
He is stage 2 and that is better than stage 1.
How can you praise Indian success when you have over 400 million Indians living below poverty line. Shining India advocate eh?
You are right, I am sure we have a lot of work to do.
We can be proud of where we have come from 1947. We know there is a long way to go, given the statistics you pointed out.
Our work is not finished till the last Indian has the opportunity to be what he can be.