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J15 vs MIG29k, Naval Tejas

You can't even argue nor substantiate your own postings using a reliable source, and yet you are here again and have the nerve to comment on my way of postings. LOLOL... you are indeed a loser with no shame!


I never made any post on this thread before that one.. so plz take a note to whom you are replying to next time..

btw, yes !! Yo are indeed a looser cowering behind some other flag ;)
Can you be more specific. I would like to know figures than MORE. But I highly doubt that there is any information about yet in prototype J-15
Frankly speaking, Su-33 is better than Mig-29K, but I am not sure J-15 is as good as Su-33. We have no exact data. Another thing is that J-15 will not meet Indian Mig-29K. The sea border from China to India Ocean is a very long distance. The Chinese Navy has to go a long way, cross many places then reach to India Ocean. No worry about this, J-15 is better or not, Mig-29 is not his objective.
Chinese jets have no experience at war,so no doubt we have advantage in it,...
Chinese jets have no experience at war,so no doubt we have advantage in it,...
i'm sure you are right.indian jets are better.so please do not be afraid of our Air Force.they are really weak.
its highly unlikely that china brings its carrier over to the IOR, see and india will also deploy from andaman . india wont be crazy enough to send a carrier into chinese waters either.
not at all.i "agree" with you whether it is truth or not.I am happy to give alms to beggars other than to kick them.Similarly,i would "agree " with you even if you claim tejas is better than F-35 or F-22.it is not gentle to hurt your self-respect.i don't care if J-15 is better,it's our engineers' business and i trust in them.hope you indians have a team of engineers you can trust in.let's come back to the "truth",the only truth is:We never put India as a evenly matched opponent.
Before comparing aircrafts, lets first look into the following facts:

India has almost six decades of experience of operating a aircraft carrier whereas China has just inducted it's carrier which is not combat ready yet. In addition it will take China a decade or so to master the skills of operating a aircraft carrier and to able to use it in combat scenario.

I mean it's nothing wrong or about inferiority because it also took India around 15 years to master the skills and building a strategy before it is used into war in 1971 that to against a adversary who had no means of threatening a CBG at that point of time.

This fact was even accepted by the senior naval officer of China who said this in his interview and also told that varyag will generally be used for training purpose.


Now talking about J 15, I really don't know much about j 15 as China has not provided any data. The only thing known is that it is a copy of Su 27SK which China acquired from Ukraine and reverse engineered it. The other information as given by defense personnel of China that j 15 will be a large aircraft and it will match payload and range of Su 27. He declared j 15 to be a third generation plus aircraft but said it will able to carry wide variety of ammunition and when fully completed will able to carry both air to ground and A2A missions.

These made the expert feel if it can carry all the mission yet called it to be a third generation plus aircraft may be due to the backdated avionics as of Su 27 and large RCS of 10 m square it has.
Another measuring contest.

Fact: J15 is in development
Fact: Naval Tejas is in development
Mig 29: Already inducted and proven aircraft.

Fact: None of these aircrafts have been at war AGAINST each other. Ever.

Conclusion: Comparing all the aircraft and trying to arrive at a conclusion about which one is "best" is pseudo intellectual BS.
Now comparing Mig 29K with j 15.

I think India made a very good decision to go with Mig 29k, because the only back draw is the payload capacity of mig 29k 5.5 ton as against 8-9 ton of j 15. Rest all stands in favour of Mig 29K.

1. Avionics: Mig 29K is considered 4++ generation fighter because of it's modern avionics which is way superior than j 15 or original Su 27K or Su 33.

2. RCS : Mig 29K has reduced RCS because of the extensive use of composites and slightly change in design. It's maker believe that it's RCS is reduced by 5 times compared to the earlier version of Mig 29 which has RCS in 3.5-4.5 m square range.Thus, it's RCS is in the range of 0.7 - 0.9 m square.

3. RADAR: Radar fitted with Mig 29K can detect an enemy of RCS 5m2 from 150km away and track from 120km away. Considering 10m2 RCS of j 15, it will able to detect it from 200km-240km away and start tracking it from 160km-190km away and can detect naval frigates and destroyers from 300km to 400km away whereas j 15 will able to detect naval ships from very same distance but has the capability of detecting fighter of 1m2 RCS from 90km-100km away and can track it from 80km-85km away.

4. Weapons: Mig 29K can carry all the present modern A2A and A2G missiles and the wide variety of weapons it can is more than that j 15 can carry as j 15 can't carry R 77 missiles and in addition to that Mig 29K will be able to carry smaller version of Brahmos with satellite navigation which has just enter for development.

(Note:- I am not considering the combat radius of Mig 29K(700km-800km) to that of j 15(1000km-1100km) owing to the fact for naval operation fighter goes max to 500km-600km away from their carriers as this is considered sufficient distance. All modern day naval fighters in operation have the similar kind of combat Radius.)

How immature these Chinese are like noodles they are ready for war in two minutes (Idiotic mindset personified) The CCP wants good relation with India and is going extra mile to see to that India does not get into American fold completely
India will never go into American fold dude, rather both India and USA needs one another to suppress the rise of China and more importantly not to let China have a cakewalk against smaller nations of South east Asia as rightly the USA's look east policy state's. As far as India is concern, India will walk with USA but only till it get a little more stronger and until it's modernization programme start's bearing fruit which may take close to a decade.
Now comparing Mig 29K with j 15.

I think India made a very good decision to go with Mig 29k, because the only back draw is the payload capacity of mig 29k 5.5 ton as against 8-9 ton of j 15. Rest all stands in favour of Mig 29K.

1. Avionics: Mig 29K is considered 4++ generation fighter because of it's modern avionics which is way superior than j 15 or original Su 27K or Su 33.

2. RCS : Mig 29K has reduced RCS because of the extensive use of composites and slightly change in design. It's maker believe that it's RCS is reduced by 5 times compared to the earlier version of Mig 29 which has RCS in 3.5-4.5 m square range.Thus, it's RCS is in the range of 0.7 - 0.9 m square.

3. RADAR: Radar fitted with Mig 29K can detect an enemy of RCS 5m2 from 150km away and track from 120km away. Considering 10m2 RCS of j 15, it will able to detect it from 200km-240km away and start tracking it from 160km-190km away and can detect naval frigates and destroyers from 300km to 400km away whereas j 15 will able to detect naval ships from very same distance but has the capability of detecting fighter of 1m2 RCS from 90km-100km away and can track it from 80km-85km away.

4. Weapons: Mig 29K can carry all the present modern A2A and A2G missiles and the wide variety of weapons it can is more than that j 15 can carry as j 15 can't carry R 77 missiles and in addition to that Mig 29K will be able to carry smaller version of Brahmos with satellite navigation which has just enter for development.

(Note:- I am not considering the combat radius of Mig 29K(700km-800km) to that of j 15(1000km-1100km) owing to the fact for naval operation fighter goes max to 500km-600km away from their carriers as this is considered sufficient distance. All modern day naval fighters in operation have the similar kind of combat Radius.)

thats very objective analysis and on the point. The issue with chinese posters is that for them there is only one logic,

their is always better.

Before comparing aircrafts, lets first look into the following facts:

India has almost six decades of experience of operating a aircraft carrier whereas China has just inducted it's carrier which is not combat ready yet. In addition it will take China a decade or so to master the skills of operating a aircraft carrier and to able to use it in combat scenario.

I mean it's nothing wrong or about inferiority because it also took India around 15 years to master the skills and building a strategy before it is used into war in 1971 that to against a adversary who had no means of threatening a CBG at that point of time.

This fact was even accepted by the senior naval officer of China who said this in his interview and also told that varyag will generally be used for training purpose.


Now talking about J 15, I really don't know much about j 15 as China has not provided any data. The only thing known is that it is a copy of Su 27SK which China acquired from Ukraine and reverse engineered it. The other information as given by defense personnel of China that j 15 will be a large aircraft and it will match payload and range of Su 27. He declared j 15 to be a third generation plus aircraft but said it will able to carry wide variety of ammunition and when fully completed will able to carry both air to ground and A2A missions.

These made the expert feel if it can carry all the mission yet called it to be a third generation plus aircraft may be due to the backdated avionics as of Su 27 and large RCS of 10 m square it has.

when you copy a fighter without the help or TOT of the original manufacturer you can safely assume that the copied product will have only 30-40% percent of the capability of the original fighter. That too if you are extremely good with the reverse engineering and you have some luck on your side. You cannot exceed 40% performance on the copied technology.
Naval Tejas would be the best defensive fighter available and Mig29K is better multirole fighter than Chinese counterparts .
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