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J15 vs MIG29k, Naval Tejas

You retard why not read the post and then comment ???
All are different links and with a mention what to read in that. If you don't understand these simple things you need your brain fu@ked Chinki :rofl:

You better make some sense "Hakka noodles" or stop quoting me for your brain farts

No RELIABLE source huh! the usual curry-muncher BS!
Most retarded deduction ever on pdf. :rofl:

First, Tejas has been built, performed trials and achieved IOC i.e initial operational clearance.

Yeah, initiial indeed, so where is the final one. LOLOL... at the same old stores i.e."tomorow after tomorrow, and tomorrow will never come".

Second, relating Tejas development "to merely studying on our SAF f16 aircraft" is retardation of epic proportions :lol:

Its as idiotic as saying Since Israel has failed in the Lavi project what can be substantial gain by observing say MIG-29s.

Yeah, its defintely even more idiotic that one can be so stupid to believe that his own DODO or SOSO scientists/IAF coffin flyers will come even close to the same level of competency like of that of the Israelis when realities speak MUCH otherwise.
Most retarded deduction ever on pdf. :rofl:
The purpose of observing F-16s of SLAF for IAF is to observe and study the capabilities of F-16 aircraft, which PAF too posses.
Sure doctrines of SLAF and PAF when it comes to deploying F-16s may differ but capabilities will be same at the end of the day.

In other words, Its something for our pilots of Air Force Commanders to observe not our DRDO engineers.

Don't flatter your own scientists and pilots too much, their capabilities are limiited and the whole world knew that. So these sort of assumptions that you have just made are just likely another usual BS tales of yours. LOLOL...

And LOLOL... SAF stands for Singapore Air Force. FYI and so to let you drive it deep into your tiny puny brain.
Skip you meant?

Why get so furious about such trivial matter,is it because it is too complicated for your puny brain to compute the hidden meaning? LOLOL.
My dear retard friend where did you get that I was or am furious ??? It's actually a typo "ship" but you got that right though :D
Your puny brain is good at atleast that - I give that to your retardness :rofl:
You lost what you are talking. Now come up with something logical then will reply you. Don't just make random statements. Prove something if you can or willing to. Or as in first post you are welcome to fi@k off :D with love :D

No RELIABLE source huh! the usual curry-muncher BS!

Did you read any of link ??? And if you mean reliable means Chinese :rofl: No there isn't RELIBLE link :rofl:
J-15 is better IMo. In Radar system and flight manovarbility, Avonics, Carrier capability and role like deep strike.
J-15 is better IMo. In Radar system and flight manovarbility, Avonics, Carrier capability and role like deep strike.

Can you be more specific. I would like to know figures than MORE. But I highly doubt that there is any information about yet in prototype J-15
Yeah, initiial indeed, so where is the final one. LOLOL... at the same old stores i.e."tomorow after tomorrow, and tomorrow will never come".

Comprehension fail! :lol:

Yeah, its defintely even more idiotic that one can be so stupid to believe that his own DODO or SOSO scientists/IAF coffin flyers will come even close to the same level of competency like of that of the Israelis when realities speak MUCH otherwise.

More comprehension fail.
Where did i remotely even hint at DRDO's capabilities being near Israel's ? :laugh:
Don't flatter your own scientists and pilots too much, their capabilities are limiited and the whole world knew that. So these sort of assumptions that you have just made are just likely another usual BS tales of yours. LOLOL...

I guess the information i provided was too complicated for your comprehension.

And LOLOL... SAF stands for Singapore Air Force. FYI and so to let you drive it deep into your tiny puny brain.

Ah! something correct in your post.

Besides why 2 replies to my post, trying to increase post count :lol:

Also, be chance are you related to to the poster Determined_tiger, same quality of posts, same level of retardation,
Why comparing a tin plane J-15 with the real ones like Tejas/Mig29K.

your indian delusion is way beyond reasoning````took 30 years (still on going) to develop a 3rd gen-upgrade fighter which the airframe is copied from French```can you joke people be more real?
^ why don't u post your retarded arguments in a consolidated form in a single post.. or have u lost that also ;)

You can't even argue nor substantiate your own postings using a reliable source, and yet you are here again and have the nerve to comment on my way of postings. LOLOL... you are indeed a loser with no shame!
I guess the information i provided was too complicated for your comprehension.
Ah! something correct in your post.
Besides why 2 replies to my post, trying to increase post count :lol:
Also, be chance are you related to to the poster Determined_tiger, same quality of posts, same level of retardation,

So by any chance, you are related to the xxyyy.rifles guy? LOLOL... both of them are actually belonged to the same catalogy i.e born loser club.
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