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J&K assembly polls: Voters defy militants, over 70% turnout recorded so far

Defiance by our people and its reactions from across perfectly reflected in this thread.

One guy with Indian flag and other one with old pics..with point to prove.

The purpose of the thread and the purpose of the election executed with accuracy.

Congrats to my people from our state of Jammu and Kashmir, its your victory we are with you.

Enjoy the rest of the thread reactions which will be funny and weird.

Happy election day to all.
Pakistan should intervene if article 370 is to be removed or hindu become CM of our occupied land.
Seem like hindutva Modi have forgotten about article 370, now next best option is hindu CM in Pakistani land.

Cant pass freedom fighters from other side now a days,forget about an intervention. :sarcastic:
If hindu become CM of IoK then i warn hindus in foreign countries to be prepared for backclash. I my self will beat 4-5 hindus who live near me.

Lol :lol: :rofl:

Their hands will go for plucking mangos if you try to harm them.:sarcastic:
Should create a thread in PDF if you are well treated :sarcastic:
The biggest enemies of Kashmiri Independence have been the Mullahs sitting across the border who introduced sectarianism and fanaticism in what was a purely national struggle. These stupid antics have sent even the most staunchly independent minded Kashmiri to abandon the increasingly religious flavour of liberation struggle.

Half of my family is Kashmiri, we don't want to get rid of the rule of India just to be ruled by the Mullah tyrants. Mullahs from Pakistan should get lost and look after their own affairs.
Here is what happened finally

J&K assembly election: Kashmiris reject poll boycott calls with record 71% turnout
SRINAGAR: In a strong rebuff to separatists, Kashmiris and residents of Jammu lined up in thousands outside polling booths, declaring their support for democracy and posting the highest turnout in the 15 seats that polled on Tuesday since the last delimitation in 1995.

The turnout of 71.3% was much higher than in 2008 when the same seats had polled 65%. The seats had registered 52.6% voting in the Lok Sabha polls earlier this year. Some seats in the valley recorded more votes than Jammu and Ladakh . A heavy 75% turnout was recorded in three Bandipora constituencies in north Kashmir.

Describing the elections as "flawless", deputy election commissioner Vinod Zutshi said there wasn't a single "vitiating" incident save minor clashes. He attributed the turnout to "the combined efforts of everyone".

Hailing successful polling in 15 seats of Jammu & Kashmir, deputy election commissioner Vinod Zutshi said there were no untoward incidents. "There were a few incidents of bursting of fire crackers in Bandipora, nothing else," he said.

Zutshi attributed the high turnout to "the combined efforts of everyone, along with good security and voter awareness efforts of the Election Commission". There were at least 43 chopper sorties to airlift personnel and security to remote areas, Zutshi said. Voter enthusiasm was best showcased when a centenarian, Noor Bin, voted in Ramban, he said.

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Voters wait in a long queue during first phase of assembly elections at a polling station at Sumbal in Bandipora district on Tuesday. (PTI photo)

Independent sources, however, said an explosive went off minutes after voting began at a polling station in Bandipora. Another blast was reported at Naidkhi in Sonawari, north Kashmir, with eyewitnesses saying it was a petrol bomb thrown by miscreants to scare away voters. But that did not deter them, they said.

The sense in some quarters that the Omar government would get washed away in the elections because of mishandling of September floods gained traction as the turnout rose through the day.

Kashmiri separatists said the turnout was a result of large security presence but political analysts believed they were soft on election boycott given BJP's presence, particularly in the Valley. Rejecting this, hardliner Syed Ali Geelani said, "The government conducted these elections on the strength of security forces," adding that the police had said they would crush anybody trying to disrupt polling and they proved it.

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A youth carries his grandmother after casting vote for assembly elections at a polling station in Bandipora district. (PTI photo)

However, 88-year-old Sanaullah Dar of Theru village in Ganderbal said, "We consciously chose to remain with India in 1947. Voting is our right and I voted for my candidate and so did my family."

There was perceptible anti-incumbency mood with many voters angry about the floods and the general drift in the Omar Abdullah government which, voters said, also failed to generate employment and growth.

Twenty-year-old Altaf Ahmed of Kangan said, "I am not scared of militants or separatists. I am not bothered by their boycott calls. I am disgusted with joblessness and I voted for employment."

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Women queue up to cast their votes at a polling station in Kargil. (PTI photo)

Saying she was satisfied with a peaceful first round, PDP president Mehbooba Mufti said the trends showed an overwhelming desire for change with PDP emerging as the favourite across Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. "The people are participating in this election to write a new script in the state's political history and the trends show they are enthusiastically voting for change," Mehbooba told an election rally in Langate.

"I also appreciate the EC and the administration for the smooth conduct of the first phase," Mehbooba said, adding that such turnout would not only vote out the "anarchist NC-Congress coalition" but also keep divisive forces at bay. "On behalf of the party leadership, I assure the people that we won't let them down and do justice with their mandate," Mehbooba said, adding that the voting pattern also showed that new age voters voted for real issues.

J&K assembly election: Kashmiris reject poll boycott calls with record 71% turnout - The Times of India

Look at their faces.They like this freedom.A decade ago people have so much fear to vote let alone about a Photo click.Now they dont have to fear anything. :tup:
A Return of Paradise.
2 possible outcomes

People r turning up in mass numbers to stop bjp from coming into power

People r showing middle finger to the likes of geelani and some delusional neighbors....good days eh :D
can i call it "Mass Voting" ?
Abey dhakkan! Almost every state of India has got its own language. In Kerala, his slogan would be in Malayalam, Bengali in W. Bengal, Marathi in Maharashtra.

Teri samajh nahi aayega. Dimaag pe zor mat lagaa.

In which of your ''state'' Modi had to run ads in urdu? Kashmiris refuse to learn hindi, urdu is only language they know. Urdu is alien language for hindus because its muslim language invented by muslim invaders.
Why? Wasn't the point behind you tagging me to highlight the fact that the alleged election turnout indicates a significant degree of support for India? If so, then why the fear over a plebiscite?

Is there a point in putting something on stake when you already have it?

Yes, we are all for plebiscite in pak occupied Kashmir. How about that?

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