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J&K assembly polls: Voters defy militants, over 70% turnout recorded so far

Higher turnout proves that the public of J&K believe in democracy. Why would we go for plebiscite? Our land, our people, our rules.

Wonderful news - if the Indian argument is that the alleged turnout indicates support for India, then India should have no issues with allowing the UN to hold an impartial plebiscite in disputed J&K.
Wonderful news - if the Indian argument is that the alleged turnout indicates support for India, then India should have no issues with allowing the UN to hold an impartial plebiscite in disputed J&K.
I am sure the voting percentage was as high in Islamabad in last Pakistani elections. Why dont you go and hold a plebiscite there as well :)
Here is my thought of Kashmir high election turn out..

1- No one in this world is ideal..Every one is looking for their own benifit..So do the people of Kashmir...why not avail something when it is being offered to you...That is their approach to avail the democratic process.

2- Should Indian feel happy that high turn our means Kashmir loves Indian people?...No...absolutely not....People of Kashmir valley are Islamist to the core...For them their aspiration of independence is nothing to do with Kashmiriyaat but it is all to do with being a Muslim majority region, they would like to be separate.

3- Kashmir valley people are most politically opportunistic people. They can come and shout anti India slogan one day and next day they can shout for Pakistan too....Off late, they are not fascinated about Pakistan as they are in 1990 because, for Pakistan is not in good shape internally and the image of Pakistan is not so good as it was earlier in the world stage..

4- Every Indian state has a share of development since last 15 year...They compete withe each other for development...Good amount of Kashmir youth are going outside and experiencing the growth in other state which is a dream to happen in Kashmir valley..Because for them, shouting anti Indian slogal is more important than talking about growth...So those guys are also started aspiring if Kashmir can be a developed city like Bangalore of Hyderabad rather than Quetta or Wazirstan...It is their choice to make...If they would like to make Kashmir valley as Bangalore, then they have to particpate in democratic process and select a good Gov....

5- Kashmir valley does not like Hindu people...And this is quite typical of them...Nothing unexpected..So the advent of BJP just spurred them to action to select lesser evil NC or PDP rather than BJP...

So the bottom line is the high voter turnout may be a slap on the Hurriyat face, but it is not absolutely a win for India...But one thing for sure which we should cheer about...In Kashmir, India should not quite expect to win...but any loss of face of Pakistan or its proxies should be celebrated ...And that is what is exacly we are celebrating here today...Although I do not win...But my enemey is loosing the game...So it is fun to watch it...
Here is my thought of Kashmir high election turn out..

1- No one in this world is ideal..Every one is looking for their own benifit..So do the people of Kashmir...why not avail something when it is being offered to you...That is their approach to avail the democratic process.

2- Should Indian feel happy that high turn our means Kashmir loves Indian people?...No...absolutely not....People of Kashmir valley are Islamist to the core...For them their aspiration of independence is nothing to do with Kashmiriyaat but it is all to do with being a Muslim majority region, they would like to be separate.

3- Kashmir valley people are most politically opportunistic people. They can come and shout anti India slogan one day and next day they can shout for Pakistan too....Off late, they are not fascinated about Pakistan as they are in 1990 because, for Pakistan is not in good shape internally and the image of Pakistan is not so good as it was earlier in the world stage..

4- Every Indian state has a share of development since last 15 year...They compete withe each other for development...Good amount of Kashmir youth are going outside and experiencing the growth in other state which is a dream to happen in Kashmir valley..Because for them, shouting anti Indian slogal is more important than talking about growth...So those guys are also started aspiring if Kashmir can be a developed city like Bangalore of Hyderabad rather than Quetta or Wazirstan...It is their choice to make...If they would like to make Kashmir valley as Bangalore, then they have to particpate in democratic process and select a good Gov....

5- Kashmir valley does not like Hindu people...And this is quite typical of them...Nothing unexpected..So the advent of BJP just spurred them to action to select lesser evil NC or PDP rather than BJP...

So the bottom line is the high voter turnout may be a slap on the Hurriyat face, but it is not absolutely a win for India...But one thing for sure which we should cheer about...In Kashmir, India should not quite expect to win...but any loss of face of Pakistan or its proxies should be celebrated ...And that is what is exacly we are celebrating here today...Although I do not win...But my enemey is loosing the game...So it is fun to watch it...

ooh please... it's a clear slap on face of separatists and a clear win for the Indian Democracy..

Celebrations to banta hai bhai :) :)

Can you imagine BD people coming out to vote for Pak in 1971 by 70% population.

People who want freedom DON'T VOTE in the election process of the govt. from which they want freedom.

what this 70% points out, is that the MAJORITY of Kashmiri people are HAPPYILY LIVING under INDIAN CONSTITUTION.

it's only the across the border and few misguided/brainwashed scums who are against the India rule of law.
ooh please... it's a clear slap on face of separatists and a clear win for the Indian Democracy..

Celebrations to banta hai bhai :) :)

Of course...It is a slap on separatist...but that does not mean people love Indian people...There is long way to go...and of course we will achieve one day..
Of course...It is a slap on separatist...but that does not mean people love Indian people...There is long way to go...and of course we will achieve one day..

Not love.. people in Bengal dont vote coz they love Punjabis.

what it means is that Majority of KASHMIRI peeople are HAPPILY LIVING under INDIAN CONSTITUTION.

it means that the MAJORITY of people have nothing - absolutely nothing to do with any separatist mindset.

it proves that there is ZERO SUPPORT for separatist tendency in MAJORITY population.

it proves that the internal separatists are an ENDANGERED species in Kashmir and can be counted on fingers. Most of the militants come from across the border. The Kashmiri people have shown their full faith and support for the Deomcratic process of India.

The MAJORITY of KASHMIR people vehemently reject any talk of Separatist movement by an emphatic vote in favour of Indian Democracy, and the IA has done a great job in eliminating the few outside militants who manage to come from across thr border.

The majority has spoken silently but spoken strongly in favour of Indian Democracy.
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Of course...It is a slap on separatist...but that does not mean people love Indian people...There is long way to go...and of course we will achieve one day..

And that detective, is the right question. What has happened over the last ten years is the Kashmiri youth has gotten tired of both the Indian military and the militants. They want to have their right, but they are confident that they will achieve their goals within the Indian system itself. A lot in part thanks to the age of internet and social media.

At this point, technically it is a victory for India in the sense that the militants no longer have the support of the majority of the Muslim population as they did say as recently as the early 2000s. A humbling point for the Indian state however(and very much understood by the current PM) is that the Kashmiri youth also want their jobs, and they want to govern themselves. They dont want a major from Patna or Inspector from Kerala on their heads. They want Kashmiris doing these jobs, and the Indian government better get onto it or protests will erupt the same. This time however, there will be no media blackout of the events..as the Tahrir square is evidence that information technology has changed the game.
what it means is that Majority of KASHMIRI peeople are HAPPILY LIVING under INDIAN CONSTITUTION.

That would be a folly to assume. The Indian Kashmiri are living within the indian state system.. but they do want more things out of it to be finally happy.
And that detective, is the right question. What has happened over the last ten years is the Kashmiri youth has gotten tired of both the Indian military and the militants. They want to have their right, but they are confident that they will achieve their goals within the Indian system itself. A lot in part thanks to the age of internet and social media.

At this point, technically it is a victory for India in the sense that the militants no longer have the support of the majority of the Muslim population as they did say as recently as the early 2000s. A humbling point for the Indian state however(and very much understood by the current PM) is that the Kashmiri youth also want their jobs, and they want to govern themselves. They dont want a major from Patna or Inspector from Kerala on their heads. They want Kashmiris doing these jobs, and the Indian government better get onto it or protests will erupt the same. This time however, there will be no media blackout of the events..as the Tahrir square is evidence that information technology has changed the game.

And of course...India does not have any problem with any of the aspiration of our Indian states withing Indian system itself...And that is what India is expected...Although Narendra Modi is not the welcome figure in Kashmir valley, but he is one of the few Indian politican in India who can make a change to Kashmir...Because he is a risk taker and strong with his will power..He will not averse to take risks with respect to Kashmir...And being from Gujurati background, He understands the importance of money, trade, development and investment...

And that is what Indian Gov is saying to the people of Kashmir...Because...these PDP and NC...they are turn coat and oppertunistic political party...People of Kashmir now understands that Indian Central Gov invests heavily for the people of Kashmir to come under Indian system...But these crook political parties like NC and PDP...they just siphon off all the money and notning reach to the ordinary people...So that is why they have started asserting themselves through election process...My only hope is that Kashmir need new set of political leader like Chandrababu Naidu of Andhra Pradesh or Jaylaitha of Tamilnadu or Narendra Modi what he has done in Gujurat....Kasmir need to find our a strong smart leader who can turn Kashmir valley to another switzerland....
That would be a folly to assume. The Indian Kashmiri are living within the indian state system.. but they do want more things out of it to be finally happy.

Of course...It depends on them about how to extract maximum advantage our of indian system..And for that to happen, they have t to part of the system..They can not continiously out of the sysyem and expect something to happen good for them..
That would be a folly to assume. The Indian Kashmiri are living within the indian state system.. but they do want more things out of it to be finally happy.

It's not a folly to assume. if I was a separatist I would NEVER EVER vote for a govt. which is supported by GOI.

Do you think the Naxals go out and vote for GOI??

Those who vote are not separatists, and separatists never repose faith in GOI and don't vote. This 70% turnout means that 70% at least have no contribution or belief in being separated from GOI. They are simple normal citizens who just want growth, good education and good governance. The MAJORITY has shown faith in the GOI.

Now its just upto IA as to how soon they could completely shut off any infiltration from across the border. As soon as infiltration drops to Zero, full peace will prevail in Kashmir just like in Punjab. I must say the onus is on GOI/IA in being able to stop it completely (Even if our neighbour is not willing to stop sending them. Though I hope one day our relations improve and IA no longer needs to work on infiltration measures).

But as soon as IA succeeds in complete stop to infiltration, that will take out the last few remaining breaths of life from militancy/separatism in Kashmir.
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It's not a folly to assume. if I was a separatist I would NEVER EVER vote for a govt. which is supported by GOI.

Do you think the Naxals go out and vote for GOI??

Those who vote are not separatists, and separatists never repose faith in GOI and don't vote. This 70% turnout means that 70% at least have no contribution or belief in being separated from GOI. They are simple normal citizens who just want growth, good education and good governance. The MAJORITY has shown faith in the GOI.

You are looking at it from the wrong angle. It is NOT about whether you are a separatist if you vote. Think about it, when the Indian Congress looked to throw the British out but still took part in elections. So the idea that Kashmir for Kashmiris is still very much alive even if you dont pick up arms for it.
You are looking at it from the wrong angle. It is NOT about whether you are a separatist if you vote. Think about it, when the Indian Congress looked to throw the British out but still took part in elections. So the idea that Kashmir for Kashmiris is still very much alive even if you dont pick up arms for it.

Kashmir for Kashmiris, Punjab for Punjabis, Bengal for Bengalis, Haryana for Haryanvis. I think that's pretty much true for any state for India. But all under a govt. sponsored by GOI. So if you participate in elections means you repose faith in GOI for growth, governance and a good future.

Repose faith in GOI - I think that's all that is expected by GOI from any state in india, be it Punjab or Kashmir or Varanasi. 70% people's support/belief in GOI for growth is impressive.

I trust now Modi will deliver the growth the people of India expect from him.
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Kashmir for Kashmiris, Punjab for Punjabis, Bengal for Bengalis, Haryana for Haryanvis. I think that's pretty much true for any state for India. But all under a govt. sponsored by GOI. So if you participate in elections means you repose faith in GOI for growth, governance and a good future.

Repose faith in GOI - I think that's all that is expected by GOI from any state in india, be it Pujnab or Kashmir or Varanasi.

I trust now Modi will deliver the growth the people of India expect from him.

Another way of looking at it is that you are putting faith in a free and fair election system that you believe will allow you to change your fate how you want it. This does NOT mean you have faith in the GoI as much as you do in the Indian electoral process.

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