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J-10 Will Come With T O (P) T

what ever tot or without tot we r getting these atleaset we count on chinese better than USA they wont betray us as USA did in 80s era
I THINK J-10 suits PLAAF's requirements....economically wise j-10 will be far difficult for us to manufacture......JF-17 meets our demands very much
i think PAF should need to work day in day out for the launch of an another
block version of thunder which should match a particular 4.5.generation fighter charactarstics
I think India will crash about 20~40 MKIs before that, since many of them will be assembled in India, which is known for quality problems, so I will put the number at 260. Given their lack of maintenance expertise, I would say less than half would be combat ready, so the number would be further reduced to about 100~130. Then, 80% of them will be stationed on the Chinese border, so Pakistan only has to worried about 20 or so MKIs. I think 52 will be quite sufficient... Don't worry about the Chinese front. In the past few months the MKIs have been harrassing the borders and they got locked dead on by our HQ-9 every time! They will be fried if they tried anything stupid.

good you have estimated right:yahoo:
I THINK J-10 suits PLAAF's requirements....economically wise j-10 will be far difficult for us to manufacture......JF-17 meets our demands very much
i think PAF should need to work day in day out for the launch of an another
block version of thunder which should match a particular 4.5.generation fighter charactarstics

what do you think they would be doing right now? sitting with their hands on the back of their heads? One more thing, it would be wise that we do a joint development of a Medium/Heavy Aircraft like FC-20 with an experienced campaigner like China. It would be very risky if we tried to do it on our own so getting FC-20 or Flanker B .Tech and production line will certainly add a wast experience to our Coffers
what do you think they would be doing right now? sitting with their hands on the back of their heads? One more thing, it would be wise that we do a joint development of a Medium/Heavy Aircraft like FC-20 with an experienced campaigner like China. It would be very risky if we tried to do it on our own so getting FC-20 or Flanker B .Tech and production line will certainly add a wast experience to our Coffers

it is all number game bro ....because it is better to produce JF-17 blockII in numbers rather than to rely on highly expensive J-10b
it is all number game bro ....because it is better to produce JF-17 blockII in numbers rather than to rely on highly expensive J-10b

Bro, if it was merely to do with numbers, we could go on purchasing hundreds of F-7s, closing the technology gap is also the order of the day, hence the old proverb, quality rather than quantity.
what do you think they would be doing right now? sitting with their hands on the back of their heads? One more thing, it would be wise that we do a joint development of a Medium/Heavy Aircraft like FC-20 with an experienced campaigner like China. It would be very risky if we tried to do it on our own so getting FC-20 or Flanker B .Tech and production line will certainly add a wast experience to our Coffers

Spot on. It's vital that Pakistan is involved in projects like the FC-20 and the fifth gen J-XX if that isn't already the case. Joint ventures for ToT must be in place in order to guarantee the progress and development of the home-grown manufacturing. Not only will this be beneficial for the domestic aviation industry, but also be extremely helpful for creating a knowledge base for future upgrades for the Thunder. Pakistan has achieved an unbelievable milestone by setting up one of the largest production facilities in the world at Kamra. It's extremely critical to fully exploit the potential.
J-10 TOT for local production.

I must say that is very generous of china.

Not even the US offers such deals for its f-16 for such small orders.

Although i can see How this is a huge advantage to Pakistan.

What is China getting out of this transaction ?

Fighter jet technology isn't generally put in the charity box.
SO i am assuming China is getting something from Pakistan so what is it.
The order is certainly to go up. If we take that into perspective the ToT is just a formality. Therefore, terms like generosity and charity are totally misplaced.
J-10 TOT for local production.

I must say that is very generous of china.

Not even the US offers such deals for its f-16 for such small orders.

Although i can see How this is a huge advantage to Pakistan.

What is China getting out of this transaction ?

Fighter jet technology isn't generally put in the charity box.
SO i am assuming China is getting something from Pakistan so what is it.

friends always help each other Pakistan planning to buy 150 of them not 36 firstly i think Paf have plan to buy 36 to evaluate them then they will go for TOT
currently i think most of the negotiation will be on term of finance pakistan dont have billions to spent so some kind financing deal might be going on as we have for JF 17
Our friend always gave us loan and provide thing cheaply and on time on the other hand
Indian friend promise to deliver things in millions and suddenly jumps to billions a good friend indeed?
Pakistan planning to buy 150 of them not 36

Please provide a source as it is something new to me.

gogbot said:
J-10 TOT for local production.

I must say that is very generous of china.

Not even the US offers such deals for its f-16 for such small orders.

Although i can see How this is a huge advantage to Pakistan.

What is China getting out of this transaction ?

Fighter jet technology isn't generally put in the charity box.
SO i am assuming China is getting something from Pakistan so what is it.

A stronger ally against a common enemy. How hard is that to understand?

J-10 TOT for local production.

I must say that is very generous of china.

Not even the US offers such deals for its f-16 for such small orders.

Although i can see How this is a huge advantage to Pakistan.

What is China getting out of this transaction ?

Fighter jet technology isn't generally put in the charity box.
SO i am assuming China is getting something from Pakistan so what is it.

Dude either you cant read or you are just ignorant to except sino-indus relations?Its nor russia-india cash=product or no money no honey>??
About US the country which sanctioned us and didnt return our money or the jets?Who gives a crap.
About 36 FC 20s.
Isnt it obvious you go for MRCA we go for FC20s with TOT to counter you and about initial 36 jets that was many years ago when J10Bwas in development and indians hadnt put mrca tender.
Things Change.
Free Kashmir:pakistan:
I'm trying to understand what exactly is being tranferred. The engine is Russian - no TOT there, most of the avionics are to be European origin, with some Chinese ( no TOT there either). Perhaps assembly line manufacture of airframe perhaps?
I'm trying to understand what exactly is being tranferred. The engine is Russian - no TOT there, most of the avionics are to be European origin, with some Chinese ( no TOT there either). Perhaps assembly line manufacture of airframe perhaps?


My pak friends have a fetish with the word TOT---except for some fabrication work there is not much technology that we can absorb---we can assemble stuff---maintain and overhaul it very well---be a part of design of structure. Other than that, I can't say what they mean.

I think we take great liberties with the term TOT and use it extremely loosely when we want to.
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