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'It's better to be a Muslim living in India'

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Now what kind of a ridiculous talk is this ...

One can either be an Indian or a Muslim.

Be definition a Muslim can not and will never accept paganism OR secularism in any form let alone be subservient to a government which is based on capitalism.
Now what kind of a ridiculous talk is this ...

One can either be an Indian or a Muslim.

Be definition a Muslim can not and will never accept paganism in any form let alone be subservient to a government which is based on capitalism.

So which one are you..Muslim or a Pakistani?..as far Capitalism is concerned ..isn't Pakistan a capitalist too?
Now what kind of a ridiculous talk is this ...

One can either be an Indian or a Muslim.

Be definition a Muslim can not and will never accept paganism OR secularism in any form let alone be subservient to a government which is based on capitalism.

Do you think Pakistan is a communist country by any chance?
Well, Pakistan is based on capitalist ideas at the moment.
We are doing some thing about it.

Thus the constant struggle through Pakistan's history.
There is a group of feudal lords who have kept us enslaved.

We are taking them to task.
Well, Pakistan is based on capitalist ideas at the moment.
We are doing some thing about it.

Thus the constant struggle through Pakistan's history.
There is a group of feudal lords who have kept us enslaved.

We are taking them to task.


Mind I ask what are you doing to rid your country of capitalism ?

Since you are "real Muslim" ..you don't have bank account or have anything to do with Banks(Coz you know why).

Plus you haven't answered the real question ..one which you presented to Indian Muslims...are you a Muslim or Pakistani..coz clearly according to you, you can't be both!! ;)

Mind I ask what are you doing to rid your country of capitalism ?

Since you are "real Muslim" ..you don't have bank account or have anything to do with Banks(Coz you know why).

Plus you haven't answered the real question ..one which you presented to Indian Muslims...are you a Muslim or Pakistani..coz clearly according to you, you can't be both!! ;)

first you say
Since you are "real Muslim" ..

Then you ask
.are you a Muslim or Pakistani.

With logic skills like those, I am not sure if I should debate you.
I dont think egyptians are really living that bad life. And muslims in india are not living that great life( Sacchar Commission report).
We should stop beating our chest.

Muslims in India should realize that they need better life, and demand the same from govt. They should stop using religion as only identity and get ahead in life, as muslims in other countries are doing.

Egyptians are lot less religious than us, and hope once they get democracy, they will prosper fast.
first you say

Then you ask

With logic skills like those, I am not sure if I should debate you.
Yes, I did forget to add a question mark.

But as a matter fact both, of them are rhetorical question..so does not matter if you are unable to answer them but relying on a grammatical error to crawl out of tough spot..ehh?
Army hold most land, why don't they spend to uplift the Army. Why they need money from government for everything.
I have high regard and respect for our Armed forces but the biased and illogical post of yours need to be corrected.

Please learn about waqf first then comment

dude .. whoever u are. Army works under govt, so its duty of GOI to pay for its needs just like any other dept. Waqf Board is an independent body with sole aim to uplift life of ordinary muslims but sadly its also very corrupt and despite having huge amount of land , buildings etc hardly does anything for fellow muslims. many cases of waqf board personells selling land illegaly have came to light. dont take my view as any type of offence against Muslims. its solely aimed towards the corrupt office bearers
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Really? I wonder how much they were paid to say this? I wonder why Kashmiris want to make their own country if india is such a great place to live as a Muslim. :rolleyes:

After all their views differ from this lady's view.

You are surprised?

Because that is called freedom of speech.. no need to pay for that, constitution give such liberty in our country. Nobody will shoot you here.

By applying your logic then, the most rich people might be Arundhati Roy, Hurriyat ppl etc..
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'It's better to be a Muslim living in India' - India News - IBNLive
The ongoing crisis in Egypt is inviting reactions from communities all over the world. Amidst the day-long buzz of protests and violence, CNN-IBN tried to find out the reaction of young Muslims in India to Egypt unrest.Many young Muslim students feel violence is not the solution to the issues in Egypt.“The way to go is to develop your country in such a way that you have things needed for a democratic setup. A prepared-mind, infrastructure etc are certain pre-requisites for a democratic setup. Removal of Mubarak may not be necessarily followed by democracy. There will another ‘Hosni Mubarak’ after him," said Sadia Khan, a student of Islamic studies in Delhi.

When asked if dictatorship is a suitable alternative, a student explained that democracy has emerged from Islam and dictatorship is un-Islamic.

The Muslim youth categorically say it's much better to be a Muslim living in India than to be one living in the other Islamic countries. “India has peace, freedom, education and opportunities. Which Muslim country has all of these together?” said Sadia.

The Urdu media is also brimming with coverage of Egypt unrest. Shahnawaz Siddique, a senior editor in a Delhi-based Urdu daily Rashtra Sahara says his this week’s big focus is Egypt.

“There is a very strong feeling against the western rulers in our reports as they are trying run puppet governments,” said Siddique.

Shahnawaz said his sources of information include the internet and channels like Al Jazeera as they are from there (Middle East) and not so biased.

- - I want you to know one thing. Everything that is happening in Egypt is the choice of its people and no other country has right to criticize it.

As far as India is concerned, you being a democratic state must support whatever is happening in Egypt. Mubarak is in rule for 30 yrs and people want a ruler that is chosen with their consent.
here in PAKISTAN we have got Muslim representation in every thing but not the case in india. AL-KHALID vs arjun , GHAURI vs prithvi so on and on............
Us risk se maut achi
jis risk se aati ho perwaz mien kohtai............:pakistan::pakistan:
For majority it is bitter to be a Muslim living in India.
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