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'It's better to be a Muslim living in India'

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Please elaborate ..do you mean lesser muslim or a muslim against Pakistan..since i've heard both :undecided:

I mean i've heard from people that alot of indian Muslims are jealous of Pakistan, and now i'm starting to see it for myself. :agree:
You say the mistreament of indian Muslims in india is because of the people not the government? What about justice for the Gujarat-Muslim genocide? What about justice for the Sikh genocide? Justice for the Christian genocide?

Why hasn't your government charged the hindu extremists behind these genocides?

Please use your mind. I said constitution not the government. Government involves people some unscrupulous but Constitution is the law of the country. I said Constitution doesn't discriminate against Muslims. After all we are not the ones who have blasphemy laws in our country, are we?

Genocide? Do you know the meaning of that word? They are communal riots not genocide. Genocide is what you did to Bangladeshi Muslims. Anyways enquiry into all those cases are still on. They are being trialled.

But anyone else see the hypocrisy of Pakistanis here. They make few communal riots into a big issue. But can someone explain to me what happened to Hindus in Pakistan who constituted around 12% at independence but are less than 1% now. What happened to all of them? You know what, this might constitute Genocide, just saying.
The defaced grave of Abdus Salam in Rabwah.


how is this 'defaced' i think it seems pretty good, infact better then the sorrounding graves??
Do you seriously think the Indian muslims migrate to gulf to protect their islamic identity? If you didn't know, Indians of all religion go to countries for livelihood and nothing else.

And I didn't understand your last sentence.


why indian muslims even migrate to other muslim countries to seek for their livlihood if they are so cruel and bad, and their bharat is better??, i mean look at bhartis in saudia, they live teir, breed their and become rich and wealthy, and then curse at at the same country???, why bharat doesnt offer them better livlihood, and its not question about muslims or hindus etc, its fact that hindus or no hindus, bharti muslims go their and earn money which bharat cant offer, and their muslim countries are hospitable enough to let them in, if they were not good or better than bharat they should have deported all of them back???

you are breeding on my soil, earning your livlihood and you are living in a heaven as compared to the hell of bharat, and you say my country is bad, how dare you, now leave my country please, and that what a saudi will have to say for this article.. honestly
Nope. I meant Muslims who are treated even lower than Cows. :woot:

Cows are at the top of the bar! ..remember they are holy :lol:

Now that you cannot counter arguments from this end....you guys want to have this thread locked up.

why indian muslims even migrate to other muslim countries to seek for their livlihood if they are so cruel and bad, and their bharat is better??, i mean look at bhartis in saudia, they live teir, breed their and become rich and wealthy, and then curse at at the same country???, why bharat doesnt offer them better livlihood, and its not question about muslims or hindus etc, its fact that hindus or no hindus, bharti muslims go their and earn money which bharat cant offer, and their muslim countries are hospitable enough to let them in, if they were not good or better than bharat they should have deported all of them back???

They go there for economic opportunity. How is it religion related? More Muslims go there because Saudi is Islamic country. They can easily adopt to that country. Its like questioning why Indians go to US and UK. They see economic opportunity there which is better than India.

Why do you think Pakistanis go to Saudi Arabia? How is it any different for Indian Muslims?
'It's better to be a Muslim living in India'

Yeah just ask a Kashmiri living in Hind Occupied Kashmir. They will tell you about the true face of Hind. In fact no need to ask really one can simply research online.

Gujarat 2002 religious cleansing, Bombay 92-93 religious cleansing against Muslims are both recent examples. Look at Hind Occupied Kashmir and the brutal repression for decades. Hind has radical Hinduvata parties like VHP and BJP, and Governors in power like Modhi in Gujarat that have frequently pronounce violence against local Muslims, or are involved in violence against local Muslims.

It's better to be a Muslim living in India

Yeah your right for 1,000 years it was...:lol:
Yeah just ask a Kashmiri living in Hind Occupied Kashmir. They will tell you about the true face of Hind. In fact no need to ask really one can simply research online.

Gujarat 2002 religious cleansing, Bombay 92-93 religious cleansing against Muslims are both recent examples. Look at Hind Occupied Kashmir and the brutal repression for decades. Hind has radical Hinduvata parties like VHP and BJP, and Governors in power like Modhi in Gujarat that have frequently pronounce violence against local Muslims, or are involved in violence against local Muslims.

Yeah your right for 1,000 years it was...:lol:

Yes and ignorance is bliss.
The fact that indian Muslims are discriminated in every field in india proves that the indian fascist state has state inspired discrimination against Muslims and other minorities.
I have meet Muslims Indians. This article is BSing!

How many Indian hindus kills Muslims regularly (i.e train bomb, masjid, etc)??
I have met many indians minorities outside and inside of india, the fact is the one's that are out of india, and have freedom to express their views show surprising hatred for the indian state.

In fact have met Sikh's in Canada and in the US and also the UK who regularly hold protest rallies outside indian embassies and burn the indian flag. :devil:

Many indian Muslims have deep resentment to the indian state. :disagree:
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