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It's a misconception that the way women dress attracts abuse: Mehwish Hayat

I think your mind is quite immature about this particular problem..1 look today west is convenient enough ..to discuss about the other crimes..and look into the reasons to minimize it..like why a man becomes a thief/murderer or any other criminal..It took men a lot of time to maturely discuss the reasons of these evils..5 But I think this rape problem is relatively new in the sense most of the rapes weren't even reported back then...so it has come out to be a major problem of present..9 n yes one day all you liberals will sit down and discuss why a man becomes a rapist..6 that is most basic question to address..if we want to tackle this evil...and when we do ask this question you will come to the conclusion i have presented to you 2.

Right now liberals are very easily ignoring all those reasons..and simply blaming everything on mentality..and as you have mentioned that you have failed to predict any possible scenario not only to eradicate but also to reduce this menace....7 That is the point of conflict here..we believe there is no problem which has no remedy...we need to look at rape just as another crime..just like theft/murder...Only then we will be able to solve this issue...unless you don't want to...???? 3

You very conveniently say it's a man's problem....ok.. I agree as the ultimate crime is done by him..you are not willing to look..how this problem initiated in the first place.8

I agree with your point about feminism.

So till you don't want to look for the causes...i would say there is definitely no way to control this evil at any level...and when God forbid another rape will occur you will simply blame it on Men.10

And I know why liberals don't want to address the causes...there is very simple reason..economics....see when you promote women to roam around freely in whatever dress they want to...it has given west many main industries..which are cosmetics,fashion,night clubs/bars, and even **** and prostitute industry. Now just for a moment consider reason/causes i have mentioned and then relate them to these respective industries you will realize if all those limitations are applied...these industries will crumble down.

But I know being a liberal you don't want that to happen..4 so look forward for another tragic news of such nature and have a good day!!!!

Wow, an exercise in How to lose all respect in one reply?

1- Turning to personal attacks? Thanks but that is a troll's
behaviour which you are not as I trust you're sincere. And
it ends the discussion as I'm hereby disqualified by "youth".

2- Figments of my imaginations do not give me orders on
about what & how to think and even humans do so at risk.

3- IRL, that would have gotten you a physical response!

4- You know nothing of the sort and thus are again insulting.
I'm not anywhere near being a liberal on most things and the
implication on my morals shows what I talked about when we
started this discussion, about cultural differences.

Of course, if by liberal you mean that I believe in freedom well
yes LOL OFC ETC, I'm French ... from the land that came forth
with the original of that pesky UN Human Rights Declaration.

Already, we have an essential divide worth ending this convo.

But you went further ...
5- Yeah (sic), an on-going discussion it seems as rape still happens?
6- "We" did and found it was the guy's mindset that's a bit warped!
In a 2013 United Nations-funded survey of more than 10,000 men,
the most common reasons for rape included sexual entitlement,
seeking of entertainment and as a punishment. Masculinity, dominance over women
and participation in gangs were noted as associated factors in the report.

7- I did no such things and the reduced menace bit is a bit rich
when you consider that most nations can't produce truly reliable
statistics on this crime. At least, no rape was ordered by a fake
tribunal of ancients ( read perverts ) for hundreds of years in my country.
8- I'M not willing to look? I'm sorry to say that I now doubt that
you even can look at all no matter how willing you may be!
Rape was initiated by proto-hominids and Australopithecines and
later us as our social structure evolved away from instincts into
the realm of complex gregarious interrelations. It's an atavism ...
... if you believe in free will and in equality of the sexes, that is.

... and then overboard :

9- Utter & complete B.S. Things exist prior to you realizing that
they do and rape prevalence doesn't depend on stats or reports.
This view would lead to say that if rape was not criminalized it
would not happen as there would be no count and women safer.
10- I'll simply blame on the man concerned and no other! Yes.

So, let's agree to disagree as we're moving away from an entente
and avoid scenes and name calling. I've said enough anyway from
an alien perspective and I trust that reading our conversation thus
far should be enough to spark an internal debate in inquisitive minds.

Besides, there are others waiting to continue with you so it's no loss.

All the best to you and yours, Tay.

P.S. That ending :

- "...so look forward for another tragic news of such nature and have a good day!!!!"
was a disgraceful and vicious spin on my usual parting words which are always sincere
and so a total lack of class. If people trying to act nice prompt your sarcasm,
I have to wonder how you view and treat the meek.
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1. Sorry about that, but it was in the reaction to the absurd notion that every man would be a rapist.

2.Kindly quote that ayat please?

3. Let me just clear out a misconception, that I am not a miss, I am Mr, that may just make clear many factors about my "ego" and my "hate" for men.

4. Materialistic things do not say "do not lock us up please" they are inanimate and do not have desires whatsoever so again, the old examples of comparing women with candy, cars, gold is old and useless. Come up with something new please. Going by that logic, we should just lock women up in homes, like we do to our cars and our houses. Put them in a box and store them away, like we do to Gold. We should stop behaving like the superior race, and think that we "own" women like a common commodity, its sick.

5. Going by that logic, because mobile snatching is so common in Karachi, lets get rid of the mobile phones, k? Because the thief is tempted to do it, and he cannot control himself.
1. Sorry about that, but it was in the reaction to the absurd notion that every man would be a rapist.

2.Kindly quote that ayat please?

3. Let me just clear out a misconception, that I am not a miss, I am Mr, that may just make clear many factors about my "ego" and my "hate" for men.

4. Materialistic things do not say "do not lock us up please" they are inanimate and do not have desires whatsoever so again, the old examples of comparing women with candy, cars, gold is old and useless. Come up with something new please. Going by that logic, we should just lock women up in homes, like we do to our cars and our houses. Put them in a box and store them away, like we do to Gold. We should stop behaving like the superior race, and think that we "own" women like a common commodity, its sick.

5. Going by that logic, because mobile snatching is so common in Karachi, lets get rid of the mobile phones, k? Because the thief is tempted to do it, and he cannot control himself.
Man you have a lot of comprehension issues....Judging by your understanding of Parda...i can only assume you have drawn all these conclusions yourself..if you had a proper teacher you wouldn't be such an ignorant. You really need a proper guidance to understand Islam..as Lack of knowledge has driven you mad about Parda..and you have made it equivalent of cage/restriction in a boundary wall...Your all concepts are very wrong at every point.
Let me educate you on the need and purpose of parda
I am going to tell you the purpose and then prove it to you

Parda in islam is a tool to not only empower women but also to minimize the attraction from lustful eyes

1.If it was intended to put women in a boundary wall..where she has no interaction with anyone else and all she has are Mehrams in her home...then there was no need of Parda.women is allowed to not to do parda in company of mehrams. So what's the point then????

The point is Parda was introduced, to allow women to go outside in a world of Na-Mehrams...have a social life and conduct the daily business just like other men...But while enjoying life just like men, it also provides a protection layer against those who might have bad intentions(The points I have already made in the previous posts about men who can be triggered by obscenity and vulgarity).The western system and in this discussion particularly you have failed to provide any such tool against the lustful animals..before the crime has happened in order to avoid it.

2.You have no idea about the history of islam, islam doesn't stop women from working..if you have a little bit idea of the history and culture of islam..you would have known..that women used to run the economy of muslim world...what were the products/exports of muslims??? Rugs,clothes,handicrafts...all were made by women.
In analogy to this.. women of today..also can work from their homes..make designer cloths or bakery items, many of the girls study computer/software engg. they can do freelancing and make more money than men with regular jobs n have their own business.

Now you will say this is like caging women in a boundary..No..there is always need for women to go out of homes..to carry out daily business and do office work...they can do that..while following parda...tell me have you never seen an MBBS doctor, or any female officer with hijab??? I am sure you have seen plenty of them..if they can do their jobs just fine..what's stopping other women???

3.Now coming to your point..that comparing women with materialistic goods is a bad analogy..i don't think so..because thieves are attracted to beautiful cars/big n rich homes/expensive mobiles and jewlery....so bad elements are tempted to these goods..n you know you don't park your cars in the garage all the time..you don't put jewlery in the vault all the time..women wear it and go outside in public gathering..but while doing all these things men and women take precautionary measures against bad element..or don't they???

4.Now coming to your stupid idea that men consider themselves superior to women...Let me give you another example..I hope you are familiar with era of slavery..Some men were masters(considered themselves superior) and others were slaves(considered inferior)...SO if men had considered women inferior..why men want to do all the hard work themselves..and why not simply order women to do everything for them..just like in slavery..but you see..in islam..men don't want women to do hard work..islam has declared women as Queen of Homes...Queen is a superior position..and bound men to do everything for her..to provide her with every need and desire...Just like subjects of a King/Queen serve.So no ..islam has not men superior than women....I know You would refer to Quran where Allah has declared that men are 1 rank superior to women(if you have actually read it...but I am sure you have again drawn the wrong conclusion)..That superiority i about responsibilities on men's shoulders...that are bound to serve the Queens of their homes.

I would suggest you to re-read Quran and this time try understanding it..not from the point of view of your limited mental capabilities...but seek some guidance..who can Impart you proper knowledge.May Allah bless you with Hidayat.

P.S: About that Ayat...Iheard that Ayat while travelling on the Tilawat pak of Quran..on radio show..so i can't provide you the spurce as when i tuned in ..the tilawat had already been started...as i can't tell you any random Surat..that would be wrong.
Man you have a lot of comprehension issues....Judging by your understanding of Parda...i can only assume you have drawn all these conclusions yourself..if you had a proper teacher you wouldn't be such an ignorant. You really need a proper guidance to understand Islam..as Lack of knowledge has driven you mad about Parda..and you have made it equivalent of cage/restriction in a boundary wall...Your all concepts are very wrong at every point.
Let me educate you on the need and purpose of parda
I am going to tell you the purpose and then prove it to you

Parda in islam is a tool to not only empower women but also to minimize the attraction from lustful eyes

1.If it was intended to put women in a boundary wall..where she has no interaction with anyone else and all she has are Mehrams in her home...then there was no need of Parda.women is allowed to not to do parda in company of mehrams. So what's the point then????

The point is Parda was introduced, to allow women to go outside in a world of Na-Mehrams...have a social life and conduct the daily business just like other men...But while enjoying life just like men, it also provides a protection layer against those who might have bad intentions(The points I have already made in the previous posts about men who can be triggered by obscenity and vulgarity).The western system and in this discussion particularly you have failed to provide any such tool against the lustful animals..before the crime has happened in order to avoid it.

2.You have no idea about the history of islam, islam doesn't stop women from working..if you have a little bit idea of the history and culture of islam..you would have known..that women used to run the economy of muslim world...what were the products/exports of muslims??? Rugs,clothes,handicrafts...all were made by women.
In analogy to this.. women of today..also can work from their homes..make designer cloths or bakery items, many of the girls study computer/software engg. they can do freelancing and make more money than men with regular jobs n have their own business.

Now you will say this is like caging women in a boundary..No..there is always need for women to go out of homes..to carry out daily business and do office work...they can do that..while following parda...tell me have you never seen an MBBS doctor, or any female officer with hijab??? I am sure you have seen plenty of them..if they can do their jobs just fine..what's stopping other women???

3.Now coming to your point..that comparing women with materialistic goods is a bad analogy..i don't think so..because thieves are attracted to beautiful cars/big n rich homes/expensive mobiles and jewlery....so bad elements are tempted to these goods..n you know you don't park your cars in the garage all the time..you don't put jewlery in the vault all the time..women wear it and go outside in public gathering..but while doing all these things men and women take precautionary measures against bad element..or don't they???

4.Now coming to your stupid idea that men consider themselves superior to women...Let me give you another example..I hope you are familiar with era of slavery..Some men were masters(considered themselves superior) and others were slaves(considered inferior)...SO if men had considered women inferior..why men want to do all the hard work themselves..and why not simply order women to do everything for them..just like in slavery..but you see..in islam..men don't want women to do hard work..islam has declared women as Queen of Homes...Queen is a superior position..and bound men to do everything for her..to provide her with every need and desire...Just like subjects of a King/Queen serve.So no ..islam has not men superior than women....I know You would refer to Quran where Allah has declared that men are 1 rank superior to women(if you have actually read it...but I am sure you have again drawn the wrong conclusion)..That superiority i about responsibilities on men's shoulders...that are bound to serve the Queens of their homes.

I would suggest you to re-read Quran and this time try understanding it..not from the point of view of your limited mental capabilities...but seek some guidance..who can Impart you proper knowledge.May Allah bless you with Hidayat.

P.S: About that Ayat...Iheard that Ayat while travelling on the Tilawat pak of Quran..on radio show..so i can't provide you the spurce as when i tuned in ..the tilawat had already been started...as i can't tell you any random Surat..that would be wrong.
you have written a really long post, and I agree with 60% of it, but I disagree with the part in which you said that I rejected parda outright. I did not, I am simply rejecting the one which mullahs put forward, I prefer the one which is mandated in the Quran and Sunnah.

Apparently the western system has been more successful in curbing this menace from society, has it not?

My point stands, cars, houses and jewelry are inanimate objects, which are owned and treated as a comodity
there is no analogy between women and expensive things, k?

I in no way presented the "stupid" idea that men are superior to women, I actually advocate against that idea, get it? AGAINST

Again resorting to personal attacks I see? Calling my mental capacity limited will not get you anywhere in this discussion, however I can safely say that I have read, re-read and re-reading Quran about this specific topic, and I am pretty clear and satisfied with what the Quran has to say. The only thing which I say here is that mullahs are stupid, and I dont need them or anyone else to teach me Islam. The Quran and Sunnah are enough for me. And nothing you say will convince me to start listening to mullahs and scholars. Simple is that.

For me the Quran and Sunnah is enough, I do not need anything else
I think it is actually unfair to call her hoe. She is an actress and if she dresses or acts indecently, it should be pointed out but we cannot call her hoe because it has bad meanings unless we know for sure...but I guess people here don't know the meanings, they just think it is cool to use such terms.

But I don't know much about her so may be they are right. I heard that many actresses and models in Pakistan offer certain services and favours to the rich, wealthy and powerful business men, politicians and bureaucrats. I personally don't know about her but may be the others know who follow Pakistani entertainment industry. All I can say is that generally a lot more goes on behind the scenes / screens but still we can't say for a particular person based on this assumption unless and until we have solid evidence.
True. But based on what has been coming out of Hollywood recently where these actresses gave sexual favors to rich Jewish media "moguls" in return for promotion I wouldn't be surprised the same thing is happening in Pakistan film industry behind the scenes. Might perhaps even be worst.

So basically there is a bias and monetary reason behind her statement. That's why I say she should not try to be a philosopher ... because it is hypocritical... so tomorrow a drug (narcotics) seller will say that drugs are okay it is just people who abuse, drug itself does not do anything.
If some women sell themselves like a piece of meat (I'm really sorry to use this term), they will be treated as such. Despite that a criminal abuser should be punished but also such women be punished for the provocation.
Honestly that is exactly what this is. She's not offering anything of intellectual value. She's basically demanding that there be no social consequences to her provocative behavior.

But in real life in any country at any time it does not and has not ever worked like that. This is wishful thinking.
True. But based on what has been coming out of Hollywood recently where these actresses gave sexual favors to rich Jewish media "moguls" in return for promotion I wouldn't be surprised the same thing is happening in Pakistan film industry behind the scenes. Might perhaps even be worst.
I think it may be worse in Lollywood than Hollywood and there is a reason. The vast majority of Pakistani society is very conservative so mostly a "particular" type of women / men enter this industry. Furthermore, there are "families" who rule the entertainment industry in Pakistan. Thus for the desi predators that's the pool to hunt for while in USA society is much more liberal. Furthermore, do not be fooled by the latest trend of apparently more educated women entering the industry, it is just that their parents who started as less educated or less sophisticated rustic people had more means to send their sons and especially daughters to more expensive schools ...so they can speak better English perhaps..
In addition, there are a lot of books and stories that one can read. Most of the model girls have relations with the politicians and they brag about them very openly in their close circles. Ayyan Ali was just one example but there are thousands of girls doing the same...
Honestly that is exactly what this is. She's not offering anything of intellectual value. She's basically demanding that there be no social consequences to her provocative behavior.

But in real life in any country at any time it does not and has not ever worked like that. This is wishful thinking.
These people have an agenda to spread profanity, lewdness and vulgarity in the society since that will benefit them.
luckily there are many developments going on in pakistan working on these problems
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Those are some strong looking females, no burqas either. A few of them are not grooming in the way society expects them to (i.e. Beard). Great, we as a nation have certainly progressed if this is how our women look like now.
I think it may be worse in Lollywood than Hollywood and there is a reason. The vast majority of Pakistani society is very conservative so mostly a "particular" type of women / men enter this industry. Furthermore, there are "families" who rule the entertainment industry in Pakistan. Thus for the desi predators that's the pool to hunt for while in USA society is much more liberal. Furthermore, do not be fooled by the latest trend of apparently more educated women entering the industry, it is just that their parents who started as less educated or less sophisticated rustic people had more means to send their sons and especially daughters to more expensive schools ...so they can speak better English perhaps..
In addition, there are a lot of books and stories that one can read. Most of the model girls have relations with the politicians and they brag about them very openly in their close circles. Ayyan Ali was just one example but there are thousands of girls doing the same...
Interesting, though I'm not the least shocked. The very nature of this industry compells it to be such, as you aptly described the kind of people bound to be attracted to enter into it.

I actually knew someone who at one point in his life worked in Lollywood in the 90's and had some stories to tell about the degeneracy that goes on behind the scenes and it was well hidden which was why not many people knew about it.
Furthermore, do not be fooled by the latest trend of apparently more educated women entering the industry, it is just that their parents who started as less educated or less sophisticated rustic people had more means to send their sons and especially daughters to more expensive schools
And this new image of the "stylish" "modern" and "educated" Pakistani actresses and actors that's being marketed to young impressionable minds of Pakistani youth is a very deadly mental poisoning. Who will they're role models be?

These people have an agenda to spread profanity, lewdness and vulgarity in the society since that will benefit them.
The whole industry can only be summed up in these words because.
In addition, there are a lot of books and stories that one can read.
Do you have any links or books that I can look into?
And this new image of the "stylish" "modern" and "educated" Pakistani actresses and actors that's being marketed to young impressionable minds of Pakistani youth is a very deadly mental poisoning. Who will they're role models be?

I'm all for a strong entertainment / media industry and I was really happy to hear about the so called revival of Pakistani film industry but the little I have seen so far and learned from my friends who are avid cine-goers it is nothing but an imitation of indian culture but the only difference is that now some local people have started to make money which was perhaps not the case previously and people watched indian movies only. Though some said that another advantage is that there are no hindu rituals.

I have watched quite a few Persian movies and those are really strong in content and production quality and they don't cross the limits. I wish that our industry followed in their foot steps and made a distinct niche for itself. Furthermore, govt needs to ban all indian movies whatsoever even if all the cinemas go bankrupt because it is negligible as compared to the cost we have to bare due to moral bankruptcy as consequence of the vulgar and indecent Gangadeshi culture that has turned Gangadesh into a shit hole of rape and sexual harassments.
I'm all for a strong entertainment / media industry and I was really happy to hear about the so called revival of Pakistani film industry but the little I have seen so far and learned from my friends who are avid cine-goers it is nothing but an imitation of indian culture but the only difference is that now some local people have started to make money which was perhaps not the case previously and people watched indian movies only. Though some said that another advantage is that there are no hindu rituals.

I have watched quite a few Persian movies and those are really strong in content and production quality and they don't cross the limits. I wish that our industry followed in their foot steps and made a distinct niche for itself. Furthermore, govt needs to ban all indian movies whatsoever even if all the cinemas go bankrupt because it is negligible as compared to the cost we have to bare due to moral bankruptcy as consequence of the vulgar and indecent Gangadeshi culture that has turned Gangadesh into a shit hole of rape and sexual harassments.
I'm all for supporting Pakistani film industry but not in its current form which, as you said is just an imitation of Bollywood which itself is just an imitation of Hollywood. Only thing that differentiates Lollywood from Bollywood is the lack of Hindu rituals. But in terms of vulgarity Lollywood is not that far behind.

Also you mentioned there are books and links where one can look into this subject further. Would appreciate it if you could point me towards where I can find these.

I'm all for supporting Pakistani film industry but not in its current form which, as you said is just an imitation of Bollywood which itself is just an imitation of Hollywood. Only thing that differentiates Lollywood from Bollywood is the lack of Hindu rituals. But in terms of vulgarity Lollywood is not that far behind.

Also you mentioned there are books and links where one can look into this subject further. Would appreciate it if you could point me towards where I can find these.

Yes one good book is "Parliament se Bazaar e Husn tak"
you have written a really long post, and I agree with 60% of it, but I disagree with the part in which you said that I rejected parda outright. I did not, I am simply rejecting the one which mullahs put forward, I prefer the one which is mandated in the Quran and Sunnah.

Apparently the western system has been more successful in curbing this menace from society, has it not?

My point stands, cars, houses and jewelry are inanimate objects, which are owned and treated as a comodity
there is no analogy between women and expensive things, k?

I in no way presented the "stupid" idea that men are superior to women, I actually advocate against that idea, get it? AGAINST

Again resorting to personal attacks I see? Calling my mental capacity limited will not get you anywhere in this discussion, however I can safely say that I have read, re-read and re-reading Quran about this specific topic, and I am pretty clear and satisfied with what the Quran has to say. The only thing which I say here is that mullahs are stupid, and I dont need them or anyone else to teach me Islam. The Quran and Sunnah are enough for me. And nothing you say will convince me to start listening to mullahs and scholars. Simple is that.

For me the Quran and Sunnah is enough, I do not need anything else
Well I am glad that we agreed to atleast 60%.

1.Well, that comment was about your previous posts where you mentioned a woman should be allowed to wear whatever she wants..irrespective of how revealing that dress is.

2.You need to read your post again where you said and I quote" We should stop behaving like the superior race"..so my point about superiority was response to this comment

3.Well sorry for personal attacks..that was wrong on my part..but your views in the last post were so out of line of boundaries set by Islam..so..but i admit it was still a wrong thing to do on my part

4.I believe Mullahs have caused most damage to muslims and Pakistan.there are many things Mullahs do which are against islam but they portray it as a part of islam...there are many issues with them..but still generalizing about them isn't right..there are still some of them who understand and propagate islam in it's true sense..But to know,which is doing so..you need to listen to many of them..and finally you will find atleast 1 of them whom you can put in a good Mullah category :P

But I also believe that liberals of our society are as extremist as some of the religious leaders....and it is time we start recognizing that...in order to get to a moderate society we need to exterminate both religious and liberal extremism and find a balancing point

5.I don't agree with the notion..that west has successfully tackled this problem of rape...well i hope you are aware of #MeToo campaign in hollywood...it's just 1 example....The point is there are many things which west has introduced in the name of Consensual Sex...and it has many categories..one night stand,live in relationship,prostitution and **** industries are legal there...But islam forbids from all such activities...for islam only possible way to have a sexual relationship is to get married there is no alternative..If you take out all these alternatives out of western society you will come to know the real rate of rapes there...even today in wet many countries have quite high rape rate with all these alternatives present..So the parameters in islam and western society are different....islam considers consensual sex as consensual rape

Having said that,it might have sounded that west has proposed a better solution than islam...but that's wrong impression...Islam has provided the best solution to get married at an appropriate age..not like the western concept of marrying in late 20's or in 30's...while satisfying your sexual desires by all the alternatives i mentioned above....All these alternatives come at great cost...e.g school going girls getting pregnant is a huge issue in west....I mean western hypocrisy is evident here..they are alright with young girls getting pregnant..but not ok with them getting married(to clarify according to modern era's needs minimum age should be 18 to get married..even in islam)...and i think you are capable enough to understand the demerits which come along with remaining of these alternatives.

6.One thing I would want a final clarification...you said now..that you are in favor of parda according to Quran n Sunnah..i would like to know what type of dressing you would qualify as parda according to Quran and Sunnah???That will clear things out between us...and hopefully this debate will end in a really good note
Well I am glad that we agreed to atleast 60%.

1.Well, that comment was about your previous posts where you mentioned a woman should be allowed to wear whatever she wants..irrespective of how revealing that dress is.

2.You need to read your post again where you said and I quote" We should stop behaving like the superior race"..so my point about superiority was response to this comment

3.Well sorry for personal attacks..that was wrong on my part..but your views in the last post were so out of line of boundaries set by Islam..so..but i admit it was still a wrong thing to do on my part

4.I believe Mullahs have caused most damage to muslims and Pakistan.there are many things Mullahs do which are against islam but they portray it as a part of islam...there are many issues with them..but still generalizing about them isn't right..there are still some of them who understand and propagate islam in it's true sense..But to know,which is doing so..you need to listen to many of them..and finally you will find atleast 1 of them whom you can put in a good Mullah category :P

But I also believe that liberals of our society are as extremist as some of the religious leaders....and it is time we start recognizing that...in order to get to a moderate society we need to exterminate both religious and liberal extremism and find a balancing point

5.I don't agree with the notion..that west has successfully tackled this problem of rape...well i hope you are aware of #MeToo campaign in hollywood...it's just 1 example....The point is there are many things which west has introduced in the name of Consensual Sex...and it has many categories..one night stand,live in relationship,prostitution and **** industries are legal there...But islam forbids from all such activities...for islam only possible way to have a sexual relationship is to get married there is no alternative..If you take out all these alternatives out of western society you will come to know the real rate of rapes there...even today in wet many countries have quite high rape rate with all these alternatives present..So the parameters in islam and western society are different....islam considers consensual sex as consensual rape

Having said that,it might have sounded that west has proposed a better solution than islam...but that's wrong impression...Islam has provided the best solution to get married at an appropriate age..not like the western concept of marrying in late 20's or in 30's...while satisfying your sexual desires by all the alternatives i mentioned above....All these alternatives come at great cost...e.g school going girls getting pregnant is a huge issue in west....I mean western hypocrisy is evident here..they are alright with young girls getting pregnant..but not ok with them getting married(to clarify according to modern era's needs minimum age should be 18 to get married..even in islam)...and i think you are capable enough to understand the demerits which come along with remaining of these alternatives.

6.One thing I would want a final clarification...you said now..that you are in favor of parda according to Quran n Sunnah..i would like to know what type of dressing you would qualify as parda according to Quran and Sunnah???That will clear things out between us...and hopefully this debate will end in a really good note
Firstly lets clear one thing out, In all of my above discussions, I am nowhere disagreeing with Islam, for me Islam is above all. My "superior race" statement was meant as a sarcastic comment aimed at our society, and not in any way connected to Islam.
If any of my posts were outside the boundaries of Islam, then sorry for that.
Obviously Mullahs and liberals both need to be gotten rid of, in order to establish balance again, the liberals support the terrorists in the garb of "human rights" as much as the mullahs support the terrorists.
My point was that, in the west, rape is atleast reported in more numbers as compared to here, where the victim is blamed and silenced.
Agreed, Islam has provided the best solution.
And as far as my interpretation of "Parda" is concerned, it is that covering the hair or head is not mandatory.
Agreed that avoiding proactive dress on the streets protects women from unwanted attention and stares.
But do u agree with the fact that an abuser, a harasser doesn't need the requisite of an ' organised dress ' to harrass the women ? The problem is still with those men in the video who feels the right to pass sexual comments on an known woman just cause she's wearing what she wanted .

Does wearing proactive dress entitle men to harrass or rape her ? It's a shame how our soceity is still backward in thinking when it comes to such topic . It's a shame how in our soceity people still find a way to justify such ill intentioned men and justify the crime as veil as rape . As long as the blame game on women oscillates in our soceity , we're stuck . Men who claim that wearing proactive dress are the cause of our 'hawas ' and ' ill acts ' are horribly illiterate .
They thinking pointing on women and criticising them for their dressing way is a religious obligation , but they're ignorant , uneducated and ' jahaala at the core because the islam I know preserves human rights before all things .

What we really have to fight is this sadistic thinking , cruel and unequal behaviour absorbed in our soceity since ages then change will come .

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