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It's a misconception that the way women dress attracts abuse: Mehwish Hayat

I'm not a feminist neither I know what is feminism never studied feminism .... but I'll point out every thing I find going against my mentality . Meri marzi me jo kehu , Jo karna ha kr lo .
haha...that's the basic flaw in the modern argument of Meri marzi jo marzi karu...if this logic is applied in real world then every sort of crime will be justified...and criminal will say Meri marzi jo marzi karu
Our problem remains (including me) that we look at the person first and then look at his / her argument.

What Mehwish Hayat said is like ........ taking an extreme and assuming that no matter what my dress is, every man on the street she will come across is going to prey on her, he will judge her, harass her ....... that is an extreme and grave exaggeration and misunderstanding ..... stereotyping.

You very well know that some of us do get distracted by the attire ...... its natural. So her logic fails. She is a media personality and it may not matter to her but for any ordinary girl trying to wear tight revealing clothes is not a sane decision .......... and believe me its not Pakistani men only ,,,,,,, I have seen men from most open society acting more weird than us.
The problem is people blaming the attire over the harraser being distracted and harrasing are two different things
Hamza has a strong educational background...He was a css officer..who has of course studied many things related to social and religious parameters or atleast he has better understanding of such matters than his collegues.

These people in media industry..u will see most of them are very poor regarding educational background...who have never read/understood history,culture,social and religious values and all u can hear from them are the means to promote obscenity in society.

Yesterday a liberal wrote an article about the dance show of 10-year old girls on item numbers on Sahir lodhi's show..n according to that writer..there's nothing wrong with it...n one who think's it's wrong is actually a pervert.I mean this is the level of our so called liberals. Tomorrow they will say if a girl walks around completely naked..nothing is wrong with it..the person who thinks it's wrong is actually at mistake.

According to modernism..nothing is vulgar anymore..every thing is justified by being cool or personal choice..and the best part is no one should have the right to judge anyone at all. Tomorrow these liberals will even favor, having an incest relationship with any of the family member..under following golden rules
freedom to do anything/it's none of your business
personal choice
two involved adults giving consent for such an activity

And the best part still will be...if u think it's wrong..NO..actually it's YOU who is wrong!!!

People who think that dressing has nothing to do with rape cases...actually want that

Women should have complete freedom to wander around naked but men must be bound to lower their gaze n if by mistake someone has looked at a women..he should be arrested for Harassment/Rape allegations

Miss, no doubt rape is a heinous crime, but it's not a very simple one..it has multiple causes

Exertion of Power

It's really funny when women blame rapist for only the last cause and simply ignore the above 2 very important reasons..Both desperation and lust is promoted by mainly media and it has a very strong relation with the dressing of a women...when u glamorize a women wearing shorts/backless dresses and present her as a perfect women to get...what do u expect from people to go after???

Media continuously promotes that the purpose of one's life is to get into a relationship...You can see whatever product is advertised by media..main theme is unless guy doesn't has that product..girls ignore him n the moment he get's the product model becomes his gf..that's the 1st purpose which spreads desperation.

2ndly..all movies initially show the first purpose i.e to get a girl/boy....and the main aim is to consummate the relationship.And u will never see a women in burka being glamorized as a heroin, a desirable woman..it's always some girl wearing revealing dresses.
Both of these main points are related to lust and desperation.

As far as exerting power is concerned, well tell me when a man hits a women(also a wrong act)...he exerts power in this case too...how would u compare hitting a woman or raping a woman?? i mean which is worse and why???
As humans, Allah has given us complete control over our bodies, however if we as men cannot control our lusts then we are simply animals
so yes it is the fault of the man if he rapes, even if the woman is walking around in revealing clothes
get it?
no amount of victim blaming will ever justify rape.
The problem is people blaming the attire over the harraser being distracted and harrasing are two different things

A habitual harasser won't bother much about a woman's attire .......... not all men are harassers. On the other hand if for example I take your favorite GIF in which Mehwish Hayat is performing a seductive dance move ..... what do you think is the message? And the attire she is wearing ..... would it be possible for her to perform such moves, suppose after covering her full body with a modest dress and would it still convey the same message?
It's a misconception that the way women dress attracts abuse: Mehwish Hayat
By Entertainment Desk
Published: January 23, 2018


Pakistani starlet Mehwish Hayat recently shared her two cents on how a woman dresses has nothing to do with the way she’s treated.

Taking to Instagram, the Punjab Nahi Jaungi actor shared a clip from her blockbuster Actor in Law which also starred Fahad Mustafa. She captioned it, “There is a misconception that the way a woman dresses is what attracts abuse.”

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Hayat added, “This is something that we dealt with in my film Actor in Law. When a woman wearing a ‘burkha’ also attracted vilification. The way that a woman dresses has no bearing on the way she is treated. This is simply down to the mentality of some of the misogynistic elements in our society.”

This is not the first time Hayat has been vocal about Times Up campaign that took Hollywood by storm. Sharing her thoughts previously, the Jawani Phir Nahi Ani starlet posted a picture on Instagram in which she was sporting an all-black outfit and captioned it, “It is time for women of the world to stand up for their rights. Today, I wear black in solidarity with my industry colleagues in US and push this message to the women of my own homeland, Pakistan. We are no less than men by virtue of our gender. Harassment of any form is totally unacceptable and we will not tolerate it.”

Hayat made her silver screen debut with the popular item number, Billi in Na Maloom Afraad’s first installment. As much as her spins and twirls were admired (and rightfully so, as she stole everyone’s thunder), she was also severely denounced for pioneering a departed trend that is more often than not, looked down upon.

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“I think criticism comes with appreciation. Again, that very situation in Na Maloom Afraad was a goons’ after-party. Billi was a character – she represented the lust of a certain class and none of it was forced,” she justified.

“Look at yesteryear cinema in our country, they even had mujras. It’s not that we’ve been inspired by India or we’ve started something new; it’s been a part of our cinema for ages. Then again, it shouldn’t be vulgar, it should appear sensual and appealing, but there’s a fine line between the two,” she stated.

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Haha this video again :D

She is just copying the theory typically paddled by the feminists in the USA, not sure what they say about it in Europe.
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As humans, Allah has given us complete control over our bodies, however if we as men cannot control our lusts then we are simply animals
so yes it is the fault of the man if he rapes, even if the woman is walking around in revealing clothes
get it?
no amount of victim blaming will ever justify rape.
who has said men aren't responsible for this crime?? Point is does that justifies promoting causes of that lust???
tell me 1 thing do u believe every man is a rapist?? i don't ..There are many men who control these lusts everyday...but their are some who can't...It's natural thing..every society has good and bad elements..society's aim must be not only to punish those bad elements but also to eliminate the causes of such cases

Since you brought religion in it..Tell me hasn't Allah asked women to do parda and men to lower their gaze???Now why Allah has put limits on both.. or do u believe that's a nonsense???what u are saying is..i have already said that liberals want..women to wander around naked..and men to control their lusts...now tell me a problem which involves 2 persons..how can it be solved by holding responsible for everything, just 1 of them???and applying boundaries only for 1 of them???
It's not about blaming victims..it's about minimizing causes/opportunities for the bad elements
.now tell me a problem which involves 2 persons..how can it be solved by holding responsible for everything, just 1 of them???and applying boundaries only for 1 of them???

Actually, this is as you may know the situation today
inb America and a couple other anglo-saxon lands &
the solution is appearing in the statistics :
Men are now opting out and away from marriage!

Search for it on the W3b, you'll see that women are
beginning to complain themselves about it.

Then again, who'd want to go in a contract that does
the exact opposite of golden parachutes for CEOs and
guarantees that you'll lose and ensures no recognition?

It's simple : either logic wins over the folly you describe
or that folly will win over the traditional set-up with ...
unforeseen and hardly foreseeable results.

Good day to you, Tay.
Actually, this is as you may know the situation today
inb America and a couple other anglo-saxon lands &
the solution is appearing in the statistics :
Men are now opting out and away from marriage!

Search for it on the W3b, you'll see that women are
beginning to complain themselves about it.

Then again, who'd want to go in a contract that does
the exact opposite of golden parachutes for CEOs and
guarantees that you'll lose and ensures no recognition?

It's simple : either logic wins over the folly you describe
or that folly will win over the traditional set-up with ...
unforeseen and hardly foreseeable results.

Good day to you, Tay.
hey ..frankly i didn't get your point...what solution are u suggesting..don't get married or what????plz elaborate...really want to understand your logic
what a world we live in actresses who sell their skin are teaching us lessons of morality!!

"akhri zamanay may nachnay wallian mohzib hojaye ge" Nabi (SAW)
I wasn't talking personally above but yes the
idea is that men have begun to refuse marriage.

I am suggesting nothing; it's happening right now.

What I am saying is that if the pendulum/sword 's
swing doesn't reverse or better yet stop altogether
there will be a new model to re-invent as far as
couples and families go.

It could end as ants and bees with males solely kept
as sperm provider which was Nicolas Tesla's opinion
or without males altogether and medical reproduction
or in the great mishmash of sexual "orientations" we
are witnessing or possibly still be reverted. IDK!

Since the 1960s, in the West if more in some places,
men's suicide rates have risen, less men than ever
enter and compete for the job market and less of them
every year enter marriage.

Do check it and draw your own conclusions and if you
want, maybe open a thread as not to ruin this one.

I'll come and talk with you, Tay.
I wasn't talking personally above but yes the
idea is that men have begun to refuse marriage.

I am suggesting nothing; it's happening right now.

What I am saying is that if the pendulum/sword 's
swing doesn't reverse or better yet stop altogether
there will be a new model to re-invent as far as
couples and families go.

It could end as ants and bees with males solely kept
as sperm provider which was Nicolas Tesla's opinion
or without males altogether and medical reproduction
or in the great mishmash of sexual "orientations" we
are witnessing or possibly still be reverted. IDK!

Since the 1960s, in the West if more in some places,
men's suicide rates have risen, less men than ever
enter and compete for the job market and less of them
every year enter marriage.

Do check it and draw your own conclusions and if you
want, maybe open a thread as not to ruin this one.

I'll come and talk with you, Tay.

feast upon the magnificent platter of TRUTH

Marriage is Evil

Its a feminist conspiracy to control men.

Save yourself !!
Its a feminist conspiracy to control men.

TBH, it used to be a chauvinist conspiracy to control women.

I'm personally yearning for an even playing field for that but
cannot ascertain now that we will get to that equilibrium point.

Oh and I am a rare percentage point that was a single dad BTW!

Oh, well, again let's let the thread keep its course.

Peace out for now, Tay.
CJP quoted a famous Winston Churchill speech. This is not objectifying a woman. Its a very interesting quote. But philosopher and thinkers like Mehwish Hayat and Freiha Altaf, wont understand this.

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