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It's a misconception that the way women dress attracts abuse: Mehwish Hayat

Anybody who is media person, he will defend this argument.....
It's a misconception that the way women dress attracts abuse
Fashion means whatever you dress it is not for you it is for others to look at.....and what kind of dress you are wearing that will attract the opposite gender or even same gender...
And this is proven many times even in Europe with social experiments that women having head scarf and proper dress on their body were given more respect than other women...
That is the reason just see in neighboring country India.. become No. 1 country in Rapes in whole world, the reason is Bollywood (95% their movies don't get business if they don't have sex scenes) so what they are feeding in their society.....even now in India girls before reaching to 17 or 18 loosing their virginity.....just check in the YouTube, Indian Social experiments or pranks on YouTube.
who has said men aren't responsible for this crime?? Point is does that justifies promoting causes of that lust???
tell me 1 thing do u believe every man is a rapist?? i don't ..There are many men who control these lusts everyday...but their are some who can't...It's natural thing..every society has good and bad elements..society's aim must be not only to punish those bad elements but also to eliminate the causes of such cases

Since you brought religion in it..Tell me hasn't Allah asked women to do parda and men to lower their gaze???Now why Allah has put limits on both.. or do u believe that's a nonsense???what u are saying is..i have already said that liberals want..women to wander around naked..and men to control their lusts...now tell me a problem which involves 2 persons..how can it be solved by holding responsible for everything, just 1 of them???and applying boundaries only for 1 of them???
It's not about blaming victims..it's about minimizing causes/opportunities for the bad elements
If you cant control your lust, you should be shot
And I dont really care what west wants, but currently our situations is something like this:

woman wander around in parda....and men DO NOT control their lusts

we are not following the two way street
and I dont even want to get into the argument that weather Islam mandates parda or not
If you cant control your lust, you should be shot
And I dont really care what west wants, but currently our situations is something like this:

woman wander around in parda....and men DO NOT control their lusts

we are not following the two way street
and I dont even want to get into the argument that weather Islam mandates parda or not
No man..men control their lust everyday and every moment when they are outside...if it were the case you believe in..trust me (I apologize for saying this in advance..that's not a nice thing to say but your flawed logic demands it)..every girl would have been raped every time she stepped out of her house...So there are hell lot of men who control their lusts at every moment of their lives..so don't give me that bullshit

And regarding parda..Quran have clearly mentioned in Surat Ahzab..care to read it..just for fun...yeah unless u want to refute Quran..no one can help you
Some of the comments on this thread are truly cringe worthy.

There is a reason why parents around the world are uniformly horrified at the thought of their daughters marrying into a Muslim family.

Even an upper crust educated so called liberal one.

Pot of honey ....

Cover her jewels ....


Cheers, Doc
She is quite right some way, rapist don't need attraction to rape his victim.
Agree the argument that men cant control themselves and women need to cover uo to avoid assault is sexist to both men and women

TBH, it used to be a chauvinist conspiracy to control women.

I'm personally yearning for an even playing field for that but
cannot ascertain now that we will get to that equilibrium point.

Oh and I am a rare percentage point that was a single dad BTW!

Oh, well, again let's let the thread keep its course.

Peace out for now, Tay.
Oh how the tables have turned, tay alif taa :D
@ ZeeeeeB Yup! ( sic ) *sigh*

Word to all about rape : in the psyche of the rapist
the main motivation is hatred of women not sex.

That is important to understand. A normal man is
not supposed to stay "excited" when his partner
is crying/wailing, tensed with repulsion or catatonic
due to shock and so on.

To guys : Would you continue having intercourse if
your wife was bruised, bloodied and yelling in pain
because of say a piece of furniture falling on her
face due to overzealous activity in the bedroom?

The only thing that I can see that favours rape is
then a culture where despising women is normal.
I'm not pointing out religion alone but culture as
well. A man raised to consider women as less
valuable than himself might not see forcing them
to have sex as such a big thing.

I never had an erecti0n on a battlefield or in a
fighting situation. Love making is something you
do after having secured the peace, isn't it?
It's a joyous thing, isn't it? Heavenly, isn't it?

How does that fit with rape?

Have you ever used violence at a friend or family
member and regretted it? You know that remorse!
How does that fit with rape?

It's the same mechanism : for a moment, YOU,
you committed the most basic sin in denying another
part of their humanity. Rage, hurt or helplessness
got you to react as the endangered animal inside.

Rape is punishment more than it is sex.

And when the main motive is sex itself, you're an animal!

Na insaan, na naram dil.


Me, I might be too proud : if I think a woman is
worth less than the average good human person,
then in MCHammer's immortal words :
. . . she can't touch this!

N.B. I've long shied from certain topics like this one
in order not to offend local sensibility and in that spirit
I would welcome corrections if some of my words above
were to be found improper so that I may correct my post.

Friends and staff opinions welcome
and also on the feeble attempt at urdu.
Good day ZBig and all, Tay.
@ ZeeeeeB Yup! ( sic ) *sigh*

Word to all about rape : in the psyche of the rapist
the main motivation is hatred of women not sex.

That is important to understand. A normal man is
not supposed to stay "excited" when his partner
is crying/wailing, tensed with repulsion or catatonic
due to shock and so on.

To guys : Would you continue having intercourse if
your wife was bruised, bloodied and yelling in pain
because of say a piece of furniture falling on her
face due to overzealous activity in the bedroom?

The only thing that I can see that favours rape is
then a culture where despising women is normal.
I'm not pointing out religion alone but culture as
well. A man raised to consider women as less
valuable than himself might not see forcing them
to have sex as such a big thing.

I never had an erecti0n on a battlefield or in a
fighting situation. Love making is something you
do after having secured the peace, isn't it?
It's a joyous thing, isn't it? Heavenly, isn't it?

How does that fit with rape?

Have you ever used violence at a friend or family
member and regretted it? You know that remorse!
How does that fit with rape?

It's the same mechanism : for a moment, YOU,
you committed the most basic sin in denying another
part of their humanity. Rage, hurt or helplessness
got you to react as the endangered animal inside.

Rape is punishment more than it is sex.

And when the main motive is sex itself, you're an animal!

Na insaan, na naram dil.

View attachment 450029

Me, I might be too proud : if I think a woman is
worth less than the average good human person,
then in MCHammer's immortal words :
. . . she can't touch this!

N.B. I've long shied from certain topics like this one
in order not to offend local sensibility and in that spirit
I would welcome corrections if some of my words above
were to be found improper so that I may correct my post.

Friends and staff opinions welcome
and also on the feeble attempt at urdu.
Good day ZBig and all, Tay.

@ ZeeeeeB Yup! ( sic ) *sigh*

Word to all about rape : in the psyche of the rapist
the main motivation is hatred of women not sex.

That is important to understand. A normal man is
not supposed to stay "excited" when his partner
is crying/wailing, tensed with repulsion or catatonic
due to shock and so on.

To guys : Would you continue having intercourse if
your wife was bruised, bloodied and yelling in pain
because of say a piece of furniture falling on her
face due to overzealous activity in the bedroom?

The only thing that I can see that favours rape is
then a culture where despising women is normal.
I'm not pointing out religion alone but culture as
well. A man raised to consider women as less
valuable than himself might not see forcing them
to have sex as such a big thing.

I never had an erecti0n on a battlefield or in a
fighting situation. Love making is something you
do after having secured the peace, isn't it?
It's a joyous thing, isn't it? Heavenly, isn't it?

How does that fit with rape?

Have you ever used violence at a friend or family
member and regretted it? You know that remorse!
How does that fit with rape?

It's the same mechanism : for a moment, YOU,
you committed the most basic sin in denying another
part of their humanity. Rage, hurt or helplessness
got you to react as the endangered animal inside.

Rape is punishment more than it is sex.

And when the main motive is sex itself, you're an animal!

Na insaan, na naram dil.

View attachment 450029

Me, I might be too proud : if I think a woman is
worth less than the average good human person,
then in MCHammer's immortal words :
. . . she can't touch this!

N.B. I've long shied from certain topics like this one
in order not to offend local sensibility and in that spirit
I would welcome corrections if some of my words above
were to be found improper so that I may correct my post.

Friends and staff opinions welcome
and also on the feeble attempt at urdu.
Good day ZBig and all, Tay.
Sir, I have already mentioned the 3 causes and 1 of them was this exertion of power. As far as...you said that a normal man doesn't say excited while partner is crying ..i agree...Point is..he got excited because of two other reasons in the first place i.e. desperation/lust . Those things must be addressed to minimize such incidents. Now come to the second part..where he still remains excited..that is bcoz of his poor upbringing which has resulted in such an abnormal behavior.

So if we want to seriously eliminate this problem..we need to address all three of the reasons simultaneously ..you can't ignore 1 at the cost of other.

Moreover..liberals here think..we are tying to blame victim here..NO.. not at all...we are asking them to take precautionary measures..to minimize such horrific anecdotes.

Let's ask me a question..when you park a car at any public place, you lock it right???why do u do that..isn't it the responsibility of others not to damage/steal it..why do u have to lock the car???You take a precautionary measure..although it is entirely possible that even after your car is locked it is stolen by some skilled thief..but you still lock your car...why??bcoz you are minimizing the probability of getting it stolen.....So in the same way..when religion asks to apply parda/hijab..it is trying to minimize the probability..even a girl in burka can be raped..but still it's always better to have some precautionary measures...just like your car....i think liberals should give more value to the women than their cars
when i was in UK, a woman wearing mini skirt walked passed and i observed whistles in an area populated by university students, meaning highly educated western community. this didnt happen to the full clothed woman

to say wearing mini skirts or short clothes has no bearing and only attracts misogynistic elements in our society is nothing but feminazi statement.
Hamza has a strong educational background...He was a css officer..who has of course studied many things related to social and religious parameters or atleast he has better understanding of such matters than his collegues.

These people in media industry..u will see most of them are very poor regarding educational background...who have never read/understood history,culture,social and religious values and all u can hear from them are the means to promote obscenity in society.

Yesterday a liberal wrote an article about the dance show of 10-year old girls on item numbers on Sahir lodhi's show..n according to that writer..there's nothing wrong with it...n one who think's it's wrong is actually a pervert.I mean this is the level of our so called liberals. Tomorrow they will say if a girl walks around completely naked..nothing is wrong with it..the person who thinks it's wrong is actually at mistake.

According to modernism..nothing is vulgar anymore..every thing is justified by being cool or personal choice..and the best part is no one should have the right to judge anyone at all. Tomorrow these liberals will even favor, having an incest relationship with any of the family member..under following golden rules
freedom to do anything/it's none of your business
personal choice
two involved adults giving consent for such an activity

And the best part still will be...if u think it's wrong..NO..actually it's YOU who is wrong!!!

People who think that dressing has nothing to do with rape cases...actually want that

Women should have complete freedom to wander around naked but men must be bound to lower their gaze n if by mistake someone has looked at a women..he should be arrested for Harassment/Rape allegations

Miss, no doubt rape is a heinous crime, but it's not a very simple one..it has multiple causes

Exertion of Power

It's really funny when women blame rapist for only the last cause and simply ignore the above 2 very important reasons..Both desperation and lust is promoted by mainly media and it has a very strong relation with the dressing of a women...when u glamorize a women wearing shorts/backless dresses and present her as a perfect women to get...what do u expect from people to go after???

Media continuously promotes that the purpose of one's life is to get into a relationship...You can see whatever product is advertised by media..main theme is unless guy doesn't has that product..girls ignore him n the moment he get's the product model becomes his gf..that's the 1st purpose which spreads desperation.

2ndly..all movies initially show the first purpose i.e to get a girl/boy....and the main aim is to consummate the relationship.And u will never see a women in burka being glamorized as a heroin, a desirable woman..it's always some girl wearing revealing dresses.
Both of these main points are related to lust and desperation.

As far as exerting power is concerned, well tell me when a man hits a women(also a wrong act)...he exerts power in this case too...how would u compare hitting a woman or raping a woman?? i mean which is worse and why???
Excellent post!!
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