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It's a misconception that the way women dress attracts abuse: Mehwish Hayat

Calling me anti-Pakistan and evil does not change the basic foundation I have the courage to point out upon which the far right demands acceptance of its radical views to be enforced by law.
You like repeating the obvious, ad nauseam. My posts were pretty clear that the constitutional process should be followed. So unless you consider the Objectives Resolution as not being part of the constitution, I'm not sure what the point of bringing it up in this thread was.

An how about we just let the Pakistani courts make a determination on the laws passed by the legislature.

Considering their current trajectory, anything is possible out of them.
You see brother,

Sometimes, I grab people directly by the ....

So that is why I didn’t receive any reply from anyone, Because,
All this feminism, Liberal shit, Secularism, LGBT, Women power, Gender issues, All these issues come under the category of mental illness and non intellectual talks.

There is never a valid reasoning, Instead cherry picking issues to generalize a minority into a whole...

The world is sexually oriented since at least half a century or even more.

People have become used to the sexual orientation, Such that they don’t even realize how much in a deep pit they are...

And I see all these wannabe liberal celebrities bragging about lowering gaze, I want them to first make a video in which when they put oil on burning coal,

If the oil causes the fire to go off, I will agree with their petty reasoning...

On this thread we are having 2 different arguements at the same time.

The first arguement is about what dress code is appropriate and morally correct in our society.
The second arguement is about whether the way someone dresses attracts sexual abuse.

Unfortunately for over 38 pages we've failed to ring-fence these conversations. I partly blame the actress quoted in the OP, she made the same mistake. Look at her original quote.

There is a misconception that the way a woman dresses is what attracts abuse.” Hayat added, “This is something that we dealt with in my film Actor in Law. When a woman wearing a ‘burkha’ also attracted vilification. The way that a woman dresses has no bearing on the way she is treated. This is simply down to the mentality of some of the misogynistic elements in our society.”

The blue part is about sexual abuse. In my opinion she is correct in what she says here. Abusers claim that the way a woman dresses impacts them, but women wearing all sorts of clothes have been raped, including those in Niqab. Look at this exhibit - https://www.forestry.oregonstate.edu/wwyw/stories it's the clothes women were wearing the day they were raped. Rape is not about sexual attraction, it's about abuse and control. Sexual abuse that women recieve on the street is down to the mentality of the abuser, it's about a lack of respect for women and no fear of consequences. There are millions of examples.

The red part is what i disagree with. The way we dress does impact how we are treated. Dress in dirty salwar kameez with plastic chapal and try getting entry into an expensive restaurant, let alone service. Dress in a suit and tie in the gym and see the odd looks you get. Similarly women dressed in a more sexually attractive manner, will get treated differently than those dressed in a more modest manner. What that different treatment is, will differ upon who they interact with and what setting the interaction is in. The definition of what is alluring and what is modest has to be by what the majority of society consider modest/alluring/odd in the setting you are in.

Where I draw the line is where that differential treatment leads to harm or disrimination against a woman. A woman can't wear a burqah on the beach in France, a woman cannot wear a Bikini on a beach in Pakistan (I assume). People can argue whether it is fair or not, but if the reaction of someone to either of those scenarios is to cause harm or to negatively discriminate against an individual because of their attire - that is wrong.
Body is showable in his case :lol:

Men with good muscle I notice like to show off their body, many of them wear tight cloth :disagree:

That man is Ade Rai, three time world champion for natural body builder


Oh man, his underwear is showing and he is not bothered.

And that hijabi seems to be enjoying the display. :lol: Is she a special guest ?

That is the event sponsored by our state owned health care company (BPJS) to promote healthy lifestyle to community leader in some region. The lady may be one of the community leader.

Most of men body part according to Islam is not part of the aurat that should be covered though. The women that you mentioned I believe will not get sexually satisfied as like what men do when seeing women body part, but they indeed look like admiring seeing the body. :D


Not yet. She didn't reply with yes but she also didn't reply with no.

I have anyway asked her for two years. This was some months ago.

I suggest to let her go bro, two years is too long, she should have said yes instantly.
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This is where you are wrong :)

Few things about me: I grew up in Pak during teen years but then I did my highschool from a small town in US (Montana)....afterwards moved to college and did my Masters too (in bigger states, not in Montana).

So I grew up 'as an American' of sorts. I lived, studied, became friends with all sorts of people. Even white boys from beach town---with liberal moms/sisters---always noticed women sexually more when they wore more revealing clothes. Not even necessarily in a bad way---but to imagine women's bodies become 'normal' to men just because they grow up in that environment is very naive from women.

Infact, the way my American friends talked about women were in many ways more disgusting than how Pakistanis talked about women. Americans were more explicit since they were more sexual experienced. Khair, anyways....I just hope young Pakistani girls stop being naive for their own good lol.

Pakistanis will react way more to women wearing shorts in Pakistan because that's culturally inappropriate and kind of surprising. But just because American men grow up with women wearing shorts, it doesn't mean women in shorts stop arousing sexual attention of men here.

Great post and exactly why Islam has dress codes. Quran is very explicit.

Now if people like this actress try to normalize these kinds of clothes, it will fail in Pakistan due to the Islamic basis of the country. It will just widen the liberal media and conservative population divide which exists.

We will keep watching Ertugrul, they will have less money for saas bahu and rape/abuse dramey.


Kia scene hai ? :-)

Well, there's a Catholic Christian girl I have been pursuing since we were colleagues in a company we worked in some years ago. At that time I had declared my liking to her but she said she can't reciprocate since we are of different religions. But some months ago I proposed marriage to her. I have asked her two years for me to build myself to be a man of certain influence so that her parents won't be able to refuse my proposal. She hasn't said yes but she also hasn't said no.

That is the event sponsored by our state owned health care company (BPJS) to promote healthy lifestyle to community leader in some region. The lady may be one of the community leader.


Most of men body part according to Islam is not part of the aurat that should be covered though. The women that you mentioned I believe will not get sexually satisfied as like what men do when seeing women body part, but they indeed look like admiring seeing the body. :D

Yes, you make a valid point.

His body is too much. It is not practical to maintain such a body without dedicating lot of time.

I would like to have a body like Edward Fox in his film The Day of the Jackal. Practical :


Look how nicely his shirt fits :


I suggest to let her go bro, two years is too long, she should have said yes instantly.

She does not have a reserved personality but she also is a bit conservative so that is why she did not say yes instantly.

And two years is not that long. :-)
Well, there's a Catholic Christian girl I have been pursuing since we were colleagues in a company we worked in some years ago. At that time I had declared my liking to her but she said she can't reciprocate since we are of different religions. But some months ago I proposed marriage to her. I have asked her two years for me to build myself to be a man of certain influence so that her parents won't be able to refuse my proposal. She hasn't said yes but she also hasn't said no.

Yaar, tu ki chakkar nal parhe hegge janab. Aramse musalman kuree nal shadi karla, moulvian aur moulviana peyda karlo. Shayd tannu vi thori fursat mele tuaddi communism marxism flaa ism de chakkara vichan. :D

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