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It's a misconception that the way women dress attracts abuse: Mehwish Hayat

That’s what I don’t get.

One guy earlier in this discussion was arguing that ‘men in their teens and early twenties’ can’t control their hormones and therefore should not be blamed.

How is it that a majority of men in the West, surrounded by women in revealing clothing or no clothing can control themselves?
:cheesy: Rastafarians I tell you :lol:
Let me also give you some non-violent, decent solutions that are more in line with Islam and Pakistan’s laws.

You could call the police, that a woman is walking naked in the streets. Maybe she’s mentally challenged, maybe she’s breaking the law because of some weird protest. Whatever the reason, let law enforcement do what they are supposed to and come to her Defence if she is being harassed or assaulted until law enforcement arrives.

That’s what I don’t get.

One guy earlier in this discussion was arguing that ‘men in their teens and early twenties’ can’t control their hormones and therefore should not be blamed.

How is it that a majority of men in the West, surrounded by women in revealing clothing or no clothing can control themselves?

Dont talk about the Western culture. 1 out 5 women get raped in their lifetime.

PorRn culture is so wild.

Immorality causing alot of divorces. Cheating is rampant.

I could go on, please if you want western culture Ill give you my passport and you can come here but leave my mother land Pak as its supposed to be.
You are putting rape accusations on me like your liberal friends. I dont rape, please, raping is for animals, Im a Man. A being Allah created with His own Two Hands. Ill slap a naked ho to put some sense into them and if you try to stop me Ill put sense in you too.
I need your opinion on something. I'm alone at home, should I wear clothes?
I need your opinion on something. I'm alone at home, should I wear clothes?

I dont care what you do at home. Thats your privacy, for all I care, run around naked all you want.

I personally wouldnt recommend it because death can reach anyone at anytime and you dont want to die while alone and naked in your house.
I dont care what you do at home. Thats your privacy, for all I care, run around naked all you want.

I personally wouldnt recommend it because death can reach anyone at anytime and you dont want to die while alone and naked in your house.
If I die naked, or clothed, will I really care after I am dead? Wont it be the problem of the guy looking at me?
If I die naked, or clothed, will I really care after I am dead?

Maybe not you but your sister might look at your exposed body parts when she comes home or maybe your mom, what if youre a women and your dad finds you naked.

I havent been to the other side yet obviously, so I dont know whats going to happen, I can just go off on the Quran and the Prophet(PBUH) so I dont know how you will react
You are putting rape accusations on me like your liberal friends. I dont rape, please, raping is for animals, Im a Man. A being Allah created with His own Two Hands. Ill slap a naked ho to put some sense into them and if you try to stop me Ill put sense in you too.

Bhai Ji, you are the one who said "they get what is coming to them". Do you understand why that attitude is a problem?

1. It is the duty of the state to enforce the law. There could be a justification for civiliian intervention if human life is in danger, but moral policing is not.

2. It portrays a sense of entitlement that you have sone ownership of the individual committing haram. You gave an extreme example of a woman naked, but for others that red line is jeans, or no dupatta, or no hijab, or no niqab, or just being on the street unaccompanied. If you are allowed to take matters into your own hands based on your red line, what is stopping extremist gundas attacking fully clothed women by following Taliban standards?

3. The people who rape women use the same terminology to justify thier actions. They will claim that thier sheer presence, or the fit of a garment acted as an invite for them - the equivalent of asking for it.

The problem is not ideology but the position you take on how to implement it in society.

Be honest with yourself, how many times in your life have you seen men doing poondi in Pakistan? Staring lustfully at passing women, making remarks even. Have you ever intervened? How many times have you seen an uncouth man scratch or re-arrange his testicles under his kameez in public? Have you said anything?

Why do we have a double standard for women? Our wives and sisters cannot travel freely even in our villages as our local harami sit in the bazaar all day unchallenged.

I need your opinion on something. I'm alone at home, should I wear clothes?

Don't sit naked on the furniture. That is disgusting.
Bhai Ji, you are the one who said "they get what is coming to them". Do you understand why that attitude is a problem?

1. It is the duty of the state to enforce the law. There could be a justification for civiliian intervention if human life is in danger, but moral policing is not.

2. It portrays a sense of entitlement that you have sone ownership of the individual committing haram. You gave an extreme example of a woman naked, but for others that red line is jeans, or no dupatta, or no hijab, or no niqab, or just being on the street unaccompanied. If you are allowed to take matters into your own hands based on your red line, what is stopping extremist gundas attacking fully clothed women by following Taliban standards?

3. The people who rape women use the same terminology to justify thier actions. They will claim that thier sheer presence, or the fit of a garment acted as an invite for them - the equivalent of asking for it.

The problem is not ideology but the position you take on how to implement it in society.

Be honest with yourself, how many times in your life have you seen men doing poondi in Pakistan? Staring lustfully at passing women, making remarks even. Have you ever intervened? How many times have you seen an uncouth man scratch or re-arrange his testicles under his kameez in public? Have you said anything?

Why do we have a double standard for women? Our wives and sisters cannot travel freely even in our villages as our local harami sit in the bazaar all day unchallenged.

Don't sit naked on the furniture. That is disgusting.

I walk with the females and im always starting at these tharkis, Alhamdulillah, Allah has graced his blessing on me that no man dares to question my staring and put their head down.

I guess, now youre going to say, women should be outdoors amongst hyenas by themselves.
Therein lies your solution. If you want Islamic society, implement shariah and Islamic governance. Slut shaming won't fix anything.

I think you go from one extreme , their Grave their Answers to another extreme as Slut Shaming , now of course one might argue I can't tell someone what to wear but the Had ( Limit ) has to implemented by the State, its one of the duty of Caliphs, to whom we are told by Quran as subjects we can't go against . Now As Pakistan does not have a Country wide accepted Khalifa hence the rules can't be applied but like Mehwish and other's who ask people not to judged them over their clothing is also absurd , If someone can judge me by the influence of Religion has over my life ( Conservative or Liberal ) than under certain circumstances with respectful language I can without turning myself into GOD can judge a person who wear exposing clothes or do something that goes against the direct Order of Allah . There are things which are not directly mention in Quran or Sunnah for that you can go for Consensus etc but that does not mean people cannot argue over someone's decision when they are in position of influence in the society , The very reason I criticize Mullah so harshly because they are the influencers in our society and hence their actions makes people judge the Islam so if women like Mehwish and their logic that we can not judge them, than we can not judge those Gay Imam's in the world, Muslims who are openly Homosexual's and Muslims at the same time, we than can not Judge the Ahmadi Who took Mirza Gulam as a Prophet etc .
I walk with the females and im always starting at these tharkis, Alhamdulillah, Allah has graced his blessing on me that no man dares to question my staring and put their head down.

I guess, now youre going to say, women should be outdoors amongst hyenas by themselves.

It's a shame Pakistani cities are full of jungli animals like hyenas rather than momin.

You've lived abroad I assume? I can tell you it's not as bad in the UK. The goray are total harami, just as tarki as anyone but they are not as brazen (well not unless its Friday and Saturday night and its in the areas with the bars).
I walk with the females and im always starting at these tharkis, Alhamdulillah, Allah has graced his blessing on me that no man dares to question my staring and put their head down.
So you like tharkis? Do you know it's also haram to like boys or men?
I need your opinion on something. I'm alone at home, should I wear clothes?

I think yes, because Allah did not just create Humans, to which you can guard yourself by walls and roof , but there are other Creations like Djinn and Angels who are invincible to our eyes but they are there to harm or protect us, now as a Muslim at least you have believe that on both of your shoulders you have 2 Angels that write your Deeds from good to bad, and there are Jinns ( Good and bad ) that you might not see but you have to keep guard yourself from them, That is why even having sex in Islam is described very precisely and detailed, to guard the modesty of not just your body but the body of your Wife . You Run around naked in a empty house, but if you know that Allah is All knowing and ever Watching and if you are a True believer you will from within will feel a bit shame to put on some clothes .Rest is up to you, you can run around naked but make sure you don't have creepy neighbors :)
So you like tharkis? Do you know it's also haram to like boys or men?

Is it? G, goosh man, Ive been lost all of my life.

I like Men, not faggies. I have many Men cousins and brothers, uncles, relatives, etc.. and I absolutely love them.

I also love my kids, my nephews and kids in general. I like boys too, my little brother does most of the chore work, so I kinda of like that going where I dont have to serve the guests and let the little man take care of that department.

Now go dream about your haram fantasies.

I gave you a serious message of Haq and you replied starting with a laugh...

"And if you invite them to guidance, they hear not; and thou seest them looking towards thee, yet they see not. Hold fast to forgiveness and enjoin goodness and turn away from the ignorant." (7:198-199).

Jazak Allah..

Maybe if the one preaching Guidance wouldve been acting on it as well, I wouldve taken your suggestion more seriously.

Maybe its not me who needs guidance, look at yourseld in the mirror and ask yourself why do you promote nudeness when you dont want that culture in your own home.

May Allah guide you to a straight path.
I think yes, because Allah did not just create Humans, to which you can guard yourself by walls and roof , but there are other Creations like Djinn and Angels who are invincible to our eyes but they are there to harm or protect us, now as a Muslim at least you have believe that on both of your shoulders you have 2 Angels that write your Deeds from good to bad, and there are Jinns ( Good and bad ) that you might not see but you have to keep guard yourself from them, That is why even having sex in Islam is described very precisely and detailed, to guard the modesty of not just your body but the body of your Wife . You Run around naked in a empty house, but if you know that Allah is All knowing and ever Watching and if you are a True believer you will from within will feel a bit shame to put on some clothes .Rest is up to you, you can run around naked but make sure you don't have creepy neighbors :)


Also think about the poor uber eats delivery guy. And the hygiene situation when pizza toppings fall off or burger sauce leaks.

Also leather sofas and human skin in the summer don't mix. In the winter it presents a different problem.

Also in this lockdown ka dor, everyone is video calling.
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