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It was an utter chaos: An Indian blogger reflects on Operation Swift Retort


The bottom line here is that the PAF FAILED in the end---. It had the IAF being served on a platter---totally in disarray---and just like the pakistani cricket team---the PAF also crumbled in a critical moment---.

The men amongst men---had cold feet and shaky knees---no one had the courage to take charge and smash the enemy image to a pulp and plaster it all over the kashmit skies---.

The tragic part is that it gave away all its operational secrets for no gain at all---but a few bragging rights of shooting down an obsolete indian aircraft---.

That is self agrandizement---the israelis would have smashed the enemy to a pulp.
There is a Time and place for everything............would it be better if PAF had taken the fight to the next level? -YES, PAF was ready, Pilots were ready, ground crew were ready. If PAF would have gone the extra mile and shot down every aircraft targeted that would have meant full scale war. It is my assessment that one of the armed forces institution was not ready and perhaps willing to fight at the command level.......you can guess who them is.

You are right but Incredibly wrong.

I never stated it as a pilot failure---. My comments have been directed at the command level.

Israel had Gen Ariel Sharon pakistan had AVM Haseeb Piracha in the arena---. Results are obvious.

If there was a fear of all out war---then it means that teh PAF was no ready for a fight---even though the nation had given it enough funds to procure the much needed aircraft in a timely manner---and yet it failed---.

The air force got new uniforms---there was no need for it---the air force generals got all their benefits---for themselves and their families---yet pakistan did not get the much needed aircraft---.

The "lowly yehuidis" the jews as they are known---even with the most capable scientists of the world amongst them---did not decide to build their own machines---but rather chose to buy weapons from a trusted source---. Till they reached a plateau of suffiency in self defence and attack---and then they build up on their own---.

See over here over $5 billion were donated to charity---even when the disputes with the enemy were not resolved---.

I think you are confused as in your last post you stated:
" What this act shows is that the pilots were NOT PREPARED FOR COMBAT ahead of time ie---the what if scenario---neither the general in-charge in the air nor the ground commanders were ready for what had happened---. "

It was not the command issue, but rather than thinking at the highest echelons, who is AVM reporting to? CAS and who is he answerable to? PM. He has categorically said that WE (maybe cabinet or NSC) decided that after analyzing the situation we went for limited response.

There can be two possible answers to this, first they (cabinet or NSC) were not briefed as per the actual situation of India/Kashmir (intel failure) or second they were unable to comprehend and unable to grasp the opportunity (leadership failure).
I think you are confused as in your last post you stated:
" What this act shows is that the pilots were NOT PREPARED FOR COMBAT ahead of time ie---the what if scenario---neither the general in-charge in the air nor the ground commanders were ready for what had happened---. "

It was not the command issue, but rather than thinking at the highest echelons, who is AVM reporting to? CAS and who is he answerable to? PM. He has categorically said that WE (maybe cabinet or NSC) decided that after analyzing the situation we went for limited response.

There can be two possible answers to this, first they (cabinet or NSC) were not briefed as per the actual situation of India/Kashmir (intel failure) or second they were unable to comprehend and unable to grasp the opportunity (leadership failure).


Suddenly---all of you kids have taken the " stupid pill "---. The order to engage did come but seconds too late---. Which meant the fear of war was no there in the control room by the leaders.

So stop your stupidity on that subject.

As for the preparedness---do I need to explain or pakistani kids are getting less and less intelligent---. Before every mission the pilots are briefed and prepared to take all kinds of actions under all different scenarios so that they do not have to call back and waste precious time---where results are gained thru milliseconds of reaction.

Find MM Alam's interview on youtube on this subject matter---.

There is a Time and place for everything............would it be better if PAF had taken the fight to the next level? -YES, PAF was ready, Pilots were ready, ground crew were ready. If PAF would have gone the extra mile and shot down every aircraft targeted that would have meant full scale war. It is my assessment that one of the armed forces institution was not ready and perhaps willing to fight at the command level.......you can guess who them is.

You are right but Incredibly wrong.


Suddenly you too are becoming less intelligent---.

There was no fear of escalation---.

The orders to shoot came a few seconds too late---by that time all the indian aircraft had run away---.

You want to argue with me and yet you don't even know that part---.

Suddenly---all of you kids have taken the " stupid pill "---. The order to engage did come but seconds too late---. Which meant the fear of war was no there in the control room by the leaders.

So stop your stupidity on that subject.

As for the preparedness---do I need to explain or pakistani kids are getting less and less intelligent---. Before every mission the pilots are briefed and prepared to take all kinds of actions under all different scenarios so that they do not have to call back and waste precious time---where results are gained thru milliseconds of reaction.

Find MM Alam's interview on youtube on this subject matter---.


Suddenly you too are becoming less intelligent---.

There was no fear of escalation---.

The orders to shoot came a few seconds too late---by that time all the indian aircraft had run away---.

You want to argue with me and yet you don't even know that part---.

I think you need to first clear up on who you want to point things towards before changing the goalpost and stop being self righteous.

I never stated it as a pilot failure---. My comments have been directed at the command level.

Israel had Gen Ariel Sharon pakistan had AVM Haseeb Piracha in the arena---. Results are obvious.

If there was a fear of all out war---then it means that teh PAF was no ready for a fight---even though the nation had given it enough funds to procure the much needed aircraft in a timely manner---and yet it failed---.

The air force got new uniforms---there was no need for it---the air force generals got all their benefits---for themselves and their families---yet pakistan did not get the much needed aircraft---.

The "lowly yehuidis" the jews as they are known---even with the most capable scientists of the world amongst them---did not decide to build their own machines---but rather chose to buy weapons from a trusted source---. Till they reached a plateau of suffiency in self defence and attack---and then they build up on their own---.

See over here over $5 billion were donated to charity---even when the disputes with the enemy were not resolved---.

You would have been against PAF regardless, because you have a personal bone to grind with them.You were advocating for PAF to retaliate the minute the Indians did their bodged attack. You then started attacking PAF for retaliating. What did you expect PAF to do? PAF executed its mission professionally & delivered a loud and clear message publicly in a broad daylight. This notion of “attack without attacking” only happens in video games. Not in real life. In the real world, you either attack or you don’t.

With people like you, it’s always damned if you do, damned if you don’t. You will criticize PAF regardless. Just be honest about your motives.
if it was,as,utter chaos as you imply why did, 12 f16 fail.to take down one of only 4 su30mki or mirage2000 in this battle .

why did the f16 miss their targets x 6 missles used.

that kill ratio or lack of is alarming shows poor training or poor radar and missle.

taking out vintage mig21 in your airspace does not cover up the poor bvr performance of your ace pilots in f16 .

and where was the thunders,
You would have been against PAF regardless, because you have a personal bone to grind with them.You were advocating for PAF to retaliate the minute the Indians did their bodged attack. You then started attacking PAF for retaliating. What did you expect PAF to do? PAF executed its mission professionally & delivered a loud and clear message publicly in a broad daylight. This notion of “attack without attacking” only happens in video games. Not in real life. In the real world, you either attack or you don’t.

With people like you, it’s always damned if you do, damned if you don’t. You will criticize PAF regardless. Just be honest about your motives.


Son--that is what a competent air force does---. Stop justifying the incompetence and indecision of the Paf brass---" Hum Tiyyar nahin thay ".

Prepared in advance for all actions---if a decision needs to be made---the engagements rules have already been decided---
if it was,as,utter chaos as you imply why did, 12 f16 fail.to take down one of only 4 su30mki or mirage2000 in this battle .

why did the f16 miss their targets x 6 missles used.

that kill ratio or lack of is alarming shows poor training or poor radar and missle.

taking out vintage mig21 in your airspace does not cover up the poor bvr performance of your ace pilots in f16 .

and where was the thunders,
Your Indian figures aside, how you didn't mentioned the panic on your side and thus shooting down own heli is just lol.
calling your front line jet vintage only shamed your air force when they are the one sending in the so called vintage.
How could you still twists this when your force shoot down one of your own heli, have some shame at least.
If PAF would have gone the extra mile and shot down every aircraft targeted that would have meant full scale war.
Hi, On 27th February, Indian radars and data communications were jammed. I guess @MastanKhan can tell you better, what does this means in a battle field.

If PAF had fired only 9BVR missiles. PAF would had the air superiority. again ask @MastanKhan what does it translate to in a battle field.

If PAF had accurately hit Indian brigade HQ with H4 bomb, all of Indian generals would be dead before ordering any mobilization.
Coming form horse mouth:

On ground Kashmiris were cheering for Pakistan. Morale of Indian army was 7 feet under and there was no chance of any bollywood style individual heroics... in case Imran Khan had aides were brain washed by over doze of cable tv.

Last but not least, Imran Khan had no authority to release PoW. The hand over was in violation of UN rules and regulations but before handover a referendum should have held. Considering the matter was of national level not PTI level.
Pakistan was made to suffer by Indians, using their expertise in terrorism, for more than a decade... only the utter idiots or sold outs could do such a favor to Modi.
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The biggest victor in this skirmish is Mr Modi, he won the elections due to this event.
I will not be surprised if Pakistan is used again for political gains by BJP in the next elections.
And the biggest loser was India. Hope Modi stays in power and keeps ripping apart the so called pluralism in India day by day.
if it was,as,utter chaos as you imply why did, 12 f16 fail.to take down one of only 4 su30mki or mirage2000 in this battle .

why did the f16 miss their targets x 6 missles used.

that kill ratio or lack of is alarming shows poor training or poor radar and missle.

taking out vintage mig21 in your airspace does not cover up the poor bvr performance of your ace pilots in f16 .

and where was the thunders,
Thanks to Indian version of that incident and world wont believe it, according to PAF they only 2 AMRAAMs were fired and both hit their targets

and thunder was along with strike package escorting Mirages
People love to talk about what if scenarios all the time. Fact is, even if PAF was ready for an all out war, and even the Army and Navy was, Pakistan as a country was not and is still not ready. Broke nations can't sustain or win wars. So whatever the decision made on Feb 26th, it was in keeping with the economic reality of the country.
PS, no need for false equivalence to Israel and what they would have done. Not only are they that much ahead technologically and economically, they have unmitigated support of the USA. Victory thus is assured for them through a superpower.
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