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It was an utter chaos: An Indian blogger reflects on Operation Swift Retort


Son--that is what a competent air force does---. Stop justifying the incompetence and indecision of the Paf brass---" Hum Tiyyar nahin thay ".

Prepared in advance for all actions---if a decision needs to be made---the engagements rules have already been decided---

I am not your son. Instead of acting like a grumpy old man, learn how to defend your argument without relying on insults. You are a failed car salesman with the attitude of some gift to mankind. Let the professionals run the Air Force. You stick to cars.
Was it than Abul Hafiz sheikh call shots on 27th February?


What posters are writing brainlessly about 'economics' etc etc etc---are conveniently forgetting the order did come to take out the enemy aircraft but only a few seconds too late---.

Are these kids living in fools paradise---. The issue here is the timing of the authorization---and not the economic condition of pakistan or the result of all out war---.
if it was,as,utter chaos as you imply why did, 12 f16 fail.to take down one of only 4 su30mki or mirage2000 in this battle .

why did the f16 miss their targets x 6 missles used.

that kill ratio or lack of is alarming shows poor training or poor radar and missle.

taking out vintage mig21 in your airspace does not cover up the poor bvr performance of your ace pilots in f16 .

and where was the thunders,

True Indians had the most kills that day in the form of 1 helicopter.
ffs guys you guys celebrated swift resort like a miracle victory

you shot down one 70 year old mig21 in your airspace.

shame on India for still flying vintage planes . India has no excuses,of not enough money like Pakistan.

but be realistic it was,no bekaa valley victory where Israel beat the Arabs 80 to 2 in one day..

you had the 4 mki at your mercy outnumbering them 3 to 1 by virtue of 12 f16 . chance for glory .
your ace pilots,failed miserably

just like the night before your air defense did not pick up 12 mirage2000 crossing line of control.

in a full.scale war how long will your resources last .

how many amraams will.be needed to score one mki kill . six missed
so how many needed to take our 260 plus mki .
you only have 500 in total.i think may be less
you had the 4 mki at your mercy outnumbering them 3 to 1 by virtue of 12 f16 . chance for glory .
your ace pilots,failed miserably

just like the night before your air defense did not pick up 12 mirage2000 crossing line of control.

in a full.scale war how long will your resources last .

how many amraams will.be needed to score one mki kill . six missed
so how many needed to take our 260 plus mki .
you only have 500 in total.i think may be less
according to you, Indian should have some tea and lay back on the chair instead of panicking and shooting down your own heli.
you are not suitable to discussed anything tactical, you should go back to make your wish list of future "game changer".
according to you, Indian should have some tea and lay back on the chair instead of panicking and shooting down your own heli.
you are not suitable to discussed anything tactical, you should go back to make your wish list of future "game changer".

my questions are sobering for you flag wavers,.
and you have no suitable reply I notice
ffs guys you guys celebrated swift resort like a miracle victory

you shot down one 70 year old mig21 in your airspace.

shame on India for still flying vintage planes . India has no excuses,of not enough money like Pakistan.

but be realistic it was,no bekaa valley victory where Israel beat the Arabs 80 to 2 in one day..

you had the 4 mki at your mercy outnumbering them 3 to 1 by virtue of 12 f16 . chance for glory .
your ace pilots,failed miserably

just like the night before your air defense did not pick up 12 mirage2000 crossing line of control.

in a full.scale war how long will your resources last .

how many amraams will.be needed to score one mki kill . six missed
so how many needed to take our 260 plus mki .
you only have 500 in total.i think may be less
Well it was Indian pilots with his panties on his face and not Pakistan
Well it was Indian pilots with his panties on his face and not Pakistan
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like I.said you celebrated like you scored 80.to 2 kill.ratio

you missed the big wins ie su30mki and mirage 2000
you could not get near them.even.with f16 outnumbering them 3 to 1
all your bvr missle shots missed
ruining usa equipment credibility with lack of awareness or training how to fight bvr.
wait for bleeber fool
get in no escape zone
don't panic cause you see su30mki
the assessment by indian air Force you pilots lackes coolness of mind to wait for high kill probability your guys fired out of range of close to max 90 km range of amraams
poor poor tactic mki pilots did not fire or waste bvr remained calm and went hi 'lo to evade your shots
rubbish tactic by your f16 pilots
like I.said you celebrated like you scored 80.to 2 kill.ratio

you missed the big wins ie su30mki and mirage 2000
you could not get near them.even.with f16 outnumbering them 3 to 1
all your bvr missle shots missed
ruining usa equipment credibility with lack of awareness or training how to fight bvr.
wait for bleeber fool
get in no escape zone
don't panic cause you see su30mki
the assessment by indian air Force you pilots lackes coolness of mind to wait for high kill probability your guys fired out of range of close to max 90 km range of amraams
poor poor tactic mki pilots did not fire or waste bvr remained calm and went hi 'lo to evade your shots
rubbish tactic by your f16 pilots
Your mki failed to protect your mug because they were scared to get shot down
And in your panic you guys shot down your own helicopter with 17 soldiers, but I guess Indian lives are cheaper than missiles
No idea who that is and but the shot callers are the military. You should know that
Please check what i quoted, before replying with a U turn statement.

You said economy of country was considered while holding back on 27th February air battle. That's most definitely not the job of armed forces.

Infact, Airforce Chief is on record, stating that he was ordered by some one above him. PAF pilots said that, PAF ground staff said it. There's no doubt, who is that new god of Pakistan.
ffs guys you guys celebrated swift resort like a miracle victory

you shot down one 70 year old mig21 in your airspace.

shame on India for still flying vintage planes . India has no excuses,of not enough money like Pakistan.

but be realistic it was,no bekaa valley victory where Israel beat the Arabs 80 to 2 in one day..

you had the 4 mki at your mercy outnumbering them 3 to 1 by virtue of 12 f16 . chance for glory .
your ace pilots,failed miserably

just like the night before your air defense did not pick up 12 mirage2000 crossing line of control.

in a full.scale war how long will your resources last .

how many amraams will.be needed to score one mki kill . six missed
so how many needed to take our 260 plus mki .
you only have 500 in total.i think may be less
Truth be told, celebration for it is relative. Some fanboys would overdo it. But nonetheless, Pakistan's confidence especially as a people was boosted up. Just the day before it was getting ridiculed for a very mediocre attempt by the Indian Air Force's sortie for a planned attempt to instigate instability in the region. Operation Swift Retort was their way of telling the Indian government to not to use them as a playground for a supposed terrorist ploy.

And whether it was a MiG-21 kill or an Su-30 MKI claim, to them a splash is a splash. Hypothetical example can also be like a transport aircraft carrying IAF senior command shot down would have even have been an easier kill for any fighter jet in firing range. Remove this thought where you think an aircraft of a certain generation would qualify to be shot down for greater glory. If I were a fighter pilot, having a MiG-21 or Mirage 2000 or Su-30MKI kills or claims would be always a source of pride in my career and profession.

2 AMRAAMs were launched, and understand this...whether it is a C5 or D version, they are not designed to be missed.

The air defence did pick up the Mirage 2000s, that's why they dropped their payload from across the border. Expected more out of the IAF in general, then again PAF does not underestimate them. The war on terror has sharpened them in many areas.

On a lighter note...."The Maverick"....did your mother not like you or something....
Please check what i quoted, before replying with a U turn statement.

You said economy of country was considered while holding back on 27th February air battle. That's most definitely not the job of armed forces.

Infact, Airforce Chief is on record, stating that he was ordered by some one above him. PAF pilots said that, PAF ground staff said it. There's no doubt, who is that new god of Pakistan.
That's how any responsible country's air force would function. The commander in chief has the final call, depending on the alert state.

What posters are writing brainlessly about 'economics' etc etc etc---are conveniently forgetting the order did come to take out the enemy aircraft but only a few seconds too late---.

Are these kids living in fools paradise---. The issue here is the timing of the authorization---and not the economic condition of pakistan or the result of all out war---.

Yes this newly launched economic dimension is absurd from various dimensions, but i must admit, i wasn't aware of this authorization you mentioned and this permission protocol for fighter pilots seems very idiotic.
I did heard some one saying that Hassan Siddique went on firing his weapon contrary to the orders from ground,
That's how any responsible country's air force would function. The commander in chief has the final call, depending on the alert state.

Again, you are not reading properly what i wrote... in subject case commander in chief was being commanded from out side official command structure... and don't tell me commander in chief is Imran Khan.
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Well it was Indian pilots with his panties on his face and not Pakistan
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This is publics position... which as usual is in 180° opposite to what ruling clergy is being dictated from Dehli via Qom.
Bottom line changed immediately, when Imran Khan started passing dictations to general Bajwa.
Question remains, how did Modi knew that his marksman will be returned with protocol, without foreign press getting hint of it.
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This is publics position... which as usual is in 180° opposite to what ruling clergy is being dictated from Dehli via Qom.
Bottom line changed immediately, when Imran Khan started passing dictations to general Bajwa.
Question remains, how did Modi knew that his marksman will be returned with protocol, without foreign presence getting hint of it.
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Too much American pressure ... Pak-India war is not favorable for US policy against China in the region. US want to neutralized the situation quickly as possible. Plus some of your GCC friends also pressure IK for the release, because any type of standoff situation there business could get hurt ....air and shipping routes shutdown by Pakistan.

Enjoy ....

Did Pakistan release Abhinandan on Saudi Arabia pressure?

KARACHI: It is still an unanswered question whether Pakistan released Indian Air Force pilot, Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, on Saudi Arabia’s pressure last year, on March 1, 2019.
According to foreign media, when Tanvi Marwah, wife of Abhinandan, received a call on her mobile telephone from Pakistan routed through Saudi Arabia and heard her husband on the other side of the phone. She later told the media she knew that Pakistan’s intelligence agency was making it possible.
Meanwhile, India heaved a sigh of relief when Prime Minister Imran Khan announced in the National Assembly that Abhinandan would be sent back as a “peace gesture”. However, the foreign media said the move was made possible due to immense international pressure, especially Saudi Arabia to pull both countries back from the brink.
The media reported that Saudi Arabia, the US, and the United Arab Emirates played key role in safe release of the Indian pilot. President Donald Trump had told the world media from Hanoi that “reasonably attractive news was coming from India and Pakistan”.
He told journalists, who had gathered for his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, “We’ve been involved in trying to have them stop and we have some reasonably decent news. I think, hopefully, that’s going to be coming to an end. It has been going on for a long time”.
UAE Crown Prince, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, meanwhile tweeted that he had made “telephone calls to the Indian and Pakistani Prime Ministers”, stressing the “importance of dealing wisely with recent developments and giving priority to dialogue and communication”.
However, according to the foreign media, Saudi Arabia played most crucial role in release of Abhinandan. Saudi Minister of State for Foreign affairs, Adel al Jubeir, flew to Islamabad with an “important message from the Crown Prince, MBS”. Ultimately, the Indian pilot was released in just 60 hours of captivity in Pakistan.
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