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It was an utter chaos: An Indian blogger reflects on Operation Swift Retort

F 16 or Su 30 MKI shootdown claims are all big farts without any evidence by either of the airforces .. what PAF had to its credit is MIG 21 downing .. feel happy about it
You shot down your own helicopter and killing 6 or so crew members and didn't strike back after PAF strikes .
. Your Pilot was paraded to the whole world and these are on the record details .
You shot down your own helicopter and killing 6 or so crew members and didn't strike back after PAF strikes .
. Your Pilot was paraded to the whole world and these are on the record details .
stating facts .. aur kuch ?
Pak motto: you’ll never be able to “surprise” us, we will “surprise” you......

As per the KITAP/Sunnet, the Ehl-i Iman never get surprised - be it any event in this Dunya or Ahiret.....

As per the Pak PM, they were aware of the Indian plans 48 hours prior to the ops! Hence, the IAF jets were intercepted on 02/26, and GPS signals were jammed so that SPICE bombs missed the targets....
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If u beleive the post written by anonymous ppl on quora...

u shud believe the whole damn sh#t haha...

this blogger has no idea abt special mission aircrafts on IAF disposal...

While your point is correct about bloggers being white noise there are serious questions about IAF abilities under pressure. How can you explain shotdown of your own heli? How can ministers make statements that they lost no planes when a pilot is missing?
While your point is correct about bloggers being white noise there are serious questions about IAF abilities under pressure. How can you explain shotdown of your own heli? How can ministers make statements that they lost no planes when a pilot is missing?

you know funny thing about emergency... you can train all you can but real situation teaches about you much more than a training...

did IAF performed perfect on 27 Feb.... Nope
did Air Defense unit perform well on 27 Feb... Hell No...

now tell me about Paf...

did PAF performed well on 26 Feb.... Hell No
did Pakistani Air Defense unit performed on 26 Feb... Nope

At the end... IAF did hit her intended targets deep inside Pakistan(well pakistan is not that wide still it was KPK north western pakistani state)

PAF was not able to hit its target mere dozen or so kms from inside its own borders... And IAF did challenge PAF, on 26th Feb... despite Indian non upgraded Mirages went inside LOC but no PAF fighters were thr...

Indian Air Defense Unit did take down our own brave men, but do tell me if you were officer in charge would you risk a drone(Mi-17 was thought as an enemy drone,, flying low .. speeding low with IFF turned off) hitting Srinagar air base...
you know funny thing about emergency... you can train all you can but real situation teaches about you much more than a training...

did IAF performed perfect on 27 Feb.... Nope
did Air Defense unit perform well on 27 Feb... Hell No...

now tell me about Paf...

did PAF performed well on 26 Feb.... Hell No
did Pakistani Air Defense unit performed on 26 Feb... Nope

Please let's get serious here first. PAF performed as well as can be expected for a 30-40km incursion with supersonic aircraft. There is also no clue as to when IAF will make their move unlike Feb 27 when IAF should've been even more prepared.

At the end... IAF did hit her intended targets deep inside Pakistan(well pakistan is not that wide still it was KPK north western pakistani state)

PAF was not able to hit its target mere dozen or so kms from inside its own borders... And IAF did challenge PAF, on 26th Feb... despite Indian non upgraded Mirages went inside LOC but no PAF fighters were thr...

Now continuing with seirousness where is the evidence of IAF hitting "her intended targets" wherever they were. PAF has presented evidence in the form of Abhinandan. There is no comparison in the results.

Indian Air Defense Unit did take down our own brave men, but do tell me if you were officer in charge would you risk a drone(Mi-17 was thought as an enemy drone,, flying low .. speeding low with IFF turned off) hitting Srinagar air base...

If I was the officer incharge I would use the tools available to distinguish between a friendly and enemy. Simple as. I'm actually surprised you're defending the shotdown of the heli.
No doubt there, but what is still a mystery.... why and who told PAF to disengage?

Even worst, PAF pilots were told to stay in hostile air, until they undo already fired missiles!

As well quite contrary, on pdf they were telling India is preparing to retaliate... this blogger should have shed some light on that as well.
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If I was the officer incharge I would use the tools available to distinguish between a friendly and enemy. Simple as. I'm actually surprised you're defending the shotdown of the heli.

Whatever be the perception mine or yours, from Feb 2019 scenario one thing is clear both the airforces has the intended capabilities to chose the time and place for some FUN.. and unless it doesn’t turns into total war I wont mind few more of these skirmishes every other year or so... :D..

regarding the officer on whom the decision was rested he did not have luxury of time as in Air Warfare both Passive Air Defense(Sam units) and Active Air Defense(fighters)...
you are trained to take decisions in a split second because even a split second delay in action can be the reason you will dine with your friends by the end of the day or not...
Whatever be the perception mine or yours, from Feb 2019 scenario one thing is clear both the airforces has the intended capabilities to chose the time and place for some FUN.. and unless it doesn’t turns into total war I wont mind few more of these skirmishes every other year or so... :D..

regarding the officer on whom the decision was rested he did not have luxury of time as in Air Warfare both Passive Air Defense(Sam units) and Active Air Defense(fighters)...
you are trained to take decisions in a split second because even a split second delay in action can be the reason you will dine with your friends by the end of the day or not...

This will be true if the IAF actually succeeded in its mission. It was intercepted & forced to run away in order to save its skin.

PAF’s strikes on Indian military installations are on YouTube, if you would bother to check the facts.

PAF owned both Feb 26/27. No questions about that. This is the consensus of every independent expert.
At the end... IAF did hit her intended targets deep inside Pakistan(well pakistan is not that wide still it was KPK north western pakistani state)

PAF was not able to hit its target mere dozen or so kms from inside its own borders... And IAF did challenge PAF, on 26th Feb... despite Indian non upgraded Mirages went inside LOC but no PAF fighters were thr...
Then show us the proofs of it, Your claims of hitting 300 so called terrorists launch pad, the world deny your claims, lot international satellite expert say you miss the target

If Christian Fair - the self-declared crusader against the Pak Ordu - can't take their lies regarding 02/26 & 02/27, no Christians or Jews, who have an iota of fairness in them, can accept these Hindutva/RSS/BJP lies.......
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What they claim doesn't make any sense to anyone in the world except the Indians.

On one side, they are saying that the Jammers were too powerful, awacs knew that the Migs are coming, flankers were completely blind, and still, they put forward this absurd claim of shooting something for which the mig was a sitting duck.

It's just like saying that a baby sheep has killed a mighty lion by grabbing him from his neck.
They need a sliver of bs pride to sooth their false ego
Pak motto: you’ll never be able to “surprise” us, we will “surprise” you......

As per the KITAP/Sunnet, the Ehl-i Iman never get surprised - be it any event in this Dunya or Ahiret.....

As per the Pak PM, they were aware of the Indian plans 48 hours prior to the ops! Hence, the IAF jets were intercepted on 02/26, and GPS signals were jammed so that SPICE bombs missed the targets....
Don't spice use image ID

The bottom line here is that the PAF FAILED in the end---. It had the IAF being served on a platter---totally in disarray---and just like the pakistani cricket team---the PAF also crumbled in a critical moment---.

The men amongst men---had cold feet and shaky knees---no one had the courage to take charge and smash the enemy image to a pulp and plaster it all over the kashmit skies---.

The tragic part is that it gave away all its operational secrets for no gain at all---but a few bragging rights of shooting down an obsolete indian aircraft---.
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